[twsocket] Proposal to implement NTLM v2 in HttpCli

2011-10-27 Thread Bjørnar Nielsen
Hello, ICS HttpCli-component does currently have support for authenticating against proxy with NTLM, but not with NTLM v2. I have a customer that needs this and I'm willing to pay for someone here to implement this. I also whish this feature to be a part of ICS after the work is done. Is

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli fail to resolve URLs that start with //

2011-10-27 Thread Arno Garrels
RTT wrote: The bellow provided example isn't producing anymore the relocation with such begin with // address, but this don't invalidate the fact that the THTTPCli cant resolve a url such as: //www.google.com nor handle a relocation with the location field set to equal URL I haven't

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli fail to resolve URLs that start with //

2011-10-27 Thread Francois PIETTE
According to the rfc1808.txt, an URL can start with // The ParseURL function will fail in such cases. Also, during a relocation, the THTTPCli fail to parse a location field with such URLs. Here is an example, that result in a relocation with these characteristics

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli fail to resolve URLs that start with //

2011-10-27 Thread RTT
On 27-10-2011 19:28, Francois PIETTE wrote: If I'm wrong, please point me to the exact text in the /HTTP/ standard (RFC2616). From RFC2396, that merge RFC1808 with two others, and that is referenced in the RFC2616.

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli fail to resolve URLs that start with //

2011-10-27 Thread RTT
On 27-10-2011 18:33, Arno Garrels wrote: I'd be happy to see more contributions from the ICS users in general. 1st change In unit OverbyteIcsUrl, procedure ParseURL(..., replace if (url[1] = '/') then begin

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli fail to resolve URLs that start with //

2011-10-27 Thread Francois PIETTE
RFC2616 references RFC2396 as a source of information about URI in the description of a general syntax (Chapter 3.2.1). Then the next chapter (3.2.2) specifies the http URL which /must/ start with the http: scheme. In my opinion, a HTTP client should not handle URL not starting with the HTTP

Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli fail to resolve URLs that start with //

2011-10-27 Thread Francois PIETTE
This kind of change would be interesting if implemented in a way that a derived class can implement his own parser. The base class in ICS would then parse the URL as currently and the developer would be able to create a derived class (component) which override the standard behaviour with