Hi, Christian.
I found in Ressources/Private/Language/locallang_controller.xlf this part:
The form has been sent successfully by mail
plugin.tx_form_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.default.tx_form_view_mail.success = text
plugin.tx_form._LOCAL_LANG.default.tx_form_view_mail.success = text
Hi, Alexander
I solved it this way:
Ah, yes, that makes sence.
Thank you for a hint!
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Paolo.
You better switch to powermail for your task, since following is not
possible with default TYPO3 form.
TYPO3-english mailing list
> I've had a similar issue and I found the reason. In my case my root page
> was defined as "root" (globe icon in page-tree), it was a shortcut to
> first subpage, which contained a rootlevel TS template - this was
> blocking TS configuration to be read and that's why nothing appeared in
> FCE dro
Hi, Oliver.
I usually create a "Storage Folder" and set root page to use it is storage
page. Later I put my BE layouts into that folder and then they are available
everywhere ;)
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Mark.
I've had a similar issue and I found the reason. In my case my root page was
defined as "root" (globe icon in page-tree), it was a shortcut to first
subpage, which contained a rootlevel TS template - this was blocking TS
configuration to be read and that's why nothing appeared in FCE
> Is it possible to set up hmenus to show link to different domains based
> on the L var?
You may use RealURL for this purpose. Check it's manual about '_DOMAINS'
Sorry, I didn't see your answer, that you're not using RealURL.
Hi, Stephen.
Is it possible to set up hmenus to show link to different domains based on
the L var?
You may use RealURL for this purpose. Check it's manual about '_DOMAINS'
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Vincent.
Nice to hear, that I was helpful :)
it's better but there are still two problems :(
1./ the typolink are not good
2./ there are not categories titles between and
Yes, that's a bit tricky part. These 'field' things tells the core, that it
should take value from field, called, i
Hi, Ahmed.
The problem I have is that after I have created the skelton structure of
the extension using kick starter and I have added a few records in the
backend the uid of the record is always on the left, and any other fields
from the database table I select to show are always on the right, I
Hi, Jigal.
The best tutorial for getting indexed_search running is:
Wow! Really great tutorial. I didn't even know, that it is possible to index
database records, which are not cached!
Thank you for a link.
Hi, Matthew.
Where else might I look to undo no cache options Site Crawler may have
Take a look at at EM -> indexed_search -> configuration ->
disbaleFrontedIndexing option. It must be unset.
Since, you say, that titles are getting to index, then your pages are
cached, just not indexed
Hi, Vincent.
plugin.tt_news {
displayCatMenu {
catmenu_stdWrap.wrap = |
catmenuHeader_stdWrap.wrap = select a category
catmenuItem_ACT_stdWrap.wrap = |
catmenuLevel1_stdWrap.wrap = |
I don't understand how to replace the first pipe (the first wrap) with the
good link t
Hi, Matthew.
Thanks for your reply. It seems that it is *sort of* working. I discovered
that you can do a search on the title of any page and get a result, but it
doesn't seem any of the page contents are being indexed. I > have tried to
add flags around the
content, but that doesn't seem to
Hi, Matthew.
TS Setup:
page.config.index_enable = 1
page.config.index_externals = 1
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.search.rootPidList = 0
I'm not pretty sure about last line. Can you set it to id of your root page
(probably, 1), clear cache and try to search for something?
Please help somebody to solve my problem.
I created one back end module through extension builder. I want to
the data and wrap to the particular div using typo script. Is it possible
access the created table data directly through typo script or need to
new front end pl
Hi, tom
Can you give me a link of the introduction(documentation) for the one you
You can check this website: http://fedext.net/ - it is about FED framework,
which uses 'gridelements' as well.
But first you should learn some basics about FLUIDTEMPLATE:
I am currently running typo3 4.5.3 version. My script merger version is
As far, as I remember, there was such an issue in early 4.5 releases, so
just update to the latest minor version of 4.5 brunch.
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Lamb.
finishers.1.class = Finisher_Mail
finishers.1.config {
admin {
templateFile = TEXT
templateFile.value = fileadmin/template/main/html_forms/email.html
to_email = myem...@mydomain.com
sender_email = email
subject = subject
Hi, Jost.
a good alternative might be datamints_feuser. Its quite easy to set up
and should have the features you need in most cases.
I agree, really nice extension. The only big disadvantage - HTML code is
hardcoded in PHP, so it is a nightmare for HTML/CSS people to make it look
Hi, Riccardo.
This configuration works fine everywhere, except... the home page, where
the language menu:
Still has this behavior: when I am in italian (L=0):
http://pt.mysite.dev.com//";>Português brasileiro
When I switch to english:
Is it possible to change adding order of new items in select box with
Insted to add on bottom - add them on top.
Or it is only possible with ItemsProcFunc?
I'm not sure about your case, but, probably, you're using:
someObject.value := addToList(4,5)
You may try to use:
Hi, list.
Recently I run into a problem: extension has a flexform, where user selects
a category (db record), which should be operated at FE. I'm using
type="group" with internal_type="db". No MM relations here is set, since I
need only one category selected at FF. Website has 5 languages and
If I'm right, it was some core issue of old releases. Try to update your
TYPO3 core to the latest version in the branch.
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, List.
Today I played a little with new TYPO3 4.7 feature of caching via stdWrap.
Quite nice and tasty feature, but after a while I realized, that it's not so
useful, as I thought.
My first intention was to implement it for HMENUs on the website, but later
I found, that TYPO3 already stor
Hi, Stewart.
My homepage is a shortcut going from id=1 to id=6 and I don’t understand
what to do below:
If your home page is a shortcut, TYPO3 will automatically load Google
sitemap in the context of the shortcut destination. Typically it results
a trucated sitemap (only pages below the sh
Hi, Mohamed.
there is all what´s new in typo3 4.7.0
Really nice article.
But I'm missing one thing: page 44 shows, that it's possible to add cache
tags to a page. However, I can’t see such a field in my page properties at
Hi, Jigal.
If you need caching in your extension enetcache [1] can be useful for you.
It makes the caching framework available for extensions.
[1] http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/enetcache
Thank you for the link. I read the manual, and it seems to be a really great
tool for exte
Hi, list.
I've faced a problem, when I need to reuse results of resource-eating
processing multiple times with multiple page-loads.
Since I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, I decided to try caching framework
Hi, Jan.
You may do that a bit different:
1.NO.stdWrap.override.cObject = COA
1.NO.stdWrap.override.cObject {
10 = IMAGE
10 {
params = class="fst"
file.import = uploads/media/
file.import.field = media
file.import.listNum = 0
file.height = 252
But the thing is: When get the "keyword", it never be an array, so
is_array($this->piVars['keyword']) always returns false.
Use t3lib_div::trimExplode(' ', $this->piVars['keyword']);
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Robert.
Well... really simple ... probably for an experienced EXT developer, but
not for a newbie. EG: where is one expected to put that code snippet of
When I put it in my pi1-class, I get an error about some undefined class.
But pagebrowse is installed, and - if I
Hi, Robert.
Can anybody please point me to a step-by-step tutorial of how to implement
Dmitiris pagebrowse - or even the TYPO3-regular one from the piBase? I
really don't know how to search anymore...
Simply use code of method 'getListGetPageBrowser()' from manual and pass
number of pages as
Hi, Stefan.
> As 4.7 release notes says, there is now a possibility to use new'n'cool
> HTML 5 file uploader at BE.
> Maybe, I'm too stupid, but I can't find, where I can use it... I checked
> "Filelist" module as well, as TCE forms upload fields. Tried in latest
> FF and Chrome. Activated and d
Hi, List.
As 4.7 release notes says, there is now a possibility to use new'n'cool HTML
5 file uploader at BE.
Maybe, I'm too stupid, but I can't find, where I can use it... I checked
"Filelist" module as well, as TCE forms upload fields. Tried in latest FF
and Chrome. Activated and de-actibate
you should open a report here:
Here it is: http://forge.typo3.org/issues/36660
Added more detailed description, so it will be easy to catch the issue.
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Kay.
> Maybe, I'm wrong, but some older releases (4.2.x) were not allowing
> switch type, unless required fields were not filled up. Is it correct?
No they just told about unsaved changes and asked the user to save
before switch ;)
Yeah, you're right!
So, there is no way to switch the ty
Is there any way to tell the core do not allow user switch the type, until
he has filled required fields? Or disallow core to save record, when type
is switched?
Forgot to mention: TYPO3 4.7.0
Maybe, I'm wrong, but some older releases (4.2.x) were not allowing switch
type, unless required fie
Hi, list.
I'm using a TCE type-feature, when some table contains so called type-field,
which defines different views of same record at BE and in FE as well. When
such a type field is changed, whole form is reloaded and record saved, but
here comes a problem: record is saved on form reload, eve
Hi, Toni.
What i want is when i add new content in BE below existing one to see that
new content in ANOTHER
Let’s assume, that you're adding content via subparts, like this:
page.10.subarts.CONTENT < styles.content.get
Then you can wrap each element in your div by adding this line:
Hi, Peter.
My configuration:
page.40 = TEXT
page.40 {
value = Author: {page:author}
lang.nl = Auteur: {page:author}
insertData =1
typolink.parameter.field = author_email
Is this because there is no getText function possible with the lang
property? Do I have to break the language depe
Hi, Jeppe.
This is what I get out of tt_news.
single-news is the page title. I would like to hide as much as posible.
I would like to do something likes this:
You can't exclu
Hi, Chris.
it seems to be a bug. I reported a similar issue some days ago with
Yes, your issue seems to be related to mine.
Here is the one, I've created:
Hi, list.
Once again I have a question about fluid.
Is it possible to use .xlf files in FLUIDTEMPLATE f:translate viewHelper?
If so, what filepath should I specify for multilanguage website?
I.e., I have two xlf files:
date="2012-04-06T11:48:07Z" product-name="fluid"
Hi, Steffen.
Thank you for an answer. Nice to know, that problem is known and will be
solved :)
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, list.
I have a couple of questions, related to relaunch of typo3.org and new
extension repository.
1. Usually I start my day with checking of newly released or updated
extensions, but ER doesn't show any since 2nd of April. Is it a bug?
2. Old ER was really nice, because it showed last
Hi, Sören
You have to pass the variables as arguments to the partial:
See: http://wiki.typo3.org/Fluid#f:render
Ah! That was the missing brick in my Fluid knowledge's wall. Thank you so
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Kay.
you may pass TS Objects to fluid with
Thank you for the answer!
I recently found the reason of an issue - it is in my previous comment.
I know about custom viewHelpers, but I want to achieve such a thing: develop
a website without any line of php code for trivial tasks.
That's why I'
> Tried to make it this way:
> variables {
>ccId = TEXT
>ccId.value = 272
> }
> but this code doesn't work.
So, as I understand, it is not possible to pass TS objects to fluid?
Well, after two days of fighting I found, what was the reason: variables are
NOT visible in partials. If I
Tried to make it this way:
variables {
ccId = TEXT
ccId.value = 272
but this code doesn't work.
So, as I understand, it is not possible to pass TS objects to fluid?
TYPO3-english mailing list
if i visit www.domain.com/de/myPage/ everything woks fine - also the
links in my menues and all the links inserted by editors via RTE link to
pages like www.domain.com/de/anotherPage/. so there the language prevar
does not get lost.
any clues, why my language switcher doesn't work like i expec
Hi, lsit.
I'm developing a website with FLUIDTEMPLATE and would like to pass some
data, that comes from TS.
I have following setup:
lib.single_content = RECORDS
lib.single_content.tables = tt_content
lib.single_content.source.current = 1
With such a line in my template content element is
Is it possible to deactivate default FCEs ("Display: Geocoded Address and
Map", "Layout: Columns", etc.) and activate custom ones instead in "New
Content Element" wizard?
Found related issue: http://forge.typo3.org/issues/34538
For those, who might need this feature, you can see temporary worka
Hi, list.
I continue my experiments with fed and flux, and I love it more and more :)
The only question I have now: Is it possible to deactivate default FCEs
("Display: Geocoded Address and Map", "Layout: Columns", etc.) and activate
custom ones instead in "New Content Element" wizard?
Now I
Hi, List.
I've started using flux + fed extensions as alternative to TV FCE. It going
slowly, but I like it much! :)
The only problem I have so far is image preview generation in BE.
The code:
Output is:
And this is not correct, because server tries to find following image by
Hi, Kay
use f:translate viewhelper inline.
Didn't knew about inline usage. Thank you for pointing me up!
Actually, more useful website for me became today fedex.net, since wiki
doesn't have description of all attributes and usage cases.
And for those, who might looking
Hi, list.
I'm building website using FLUIDTEMPLATE. And I want to create a homepage
link by using f:link.page viewHelper:
The question is: how can I make title="Home Page" be translatable?
Thank you in advance.
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, List.
I'm looking for an obvious thing, but can't understand, is it my fault or
missing core feature. I have an extension, which consists of couple of
tables, which are linked to each other via MM and not-MM relations. TCA:
'system_category_id' => array (
'exclude' => 0,
Hi, Morten.
I have a menu that extends 3 levels, but for a page on level 3 (ID: 166) I
want the menu to be extended with that page's subitems so it will extend
to level 4.
Sounds, like you should use 'alwaysActivePIDlist' property of HMENU object.
Hi, Colin.
It appears that the extension 'redirection' for redirecting a login page
is no longer available.
How do I handle login re-direction now ?
All the redirection handlers are now inside of system login extension
(starting from TYPO3 4.3, I guess).
Hi, Axel.
to fetch this as a content element from an
other page (this page contains a content element with this extension in
an configured form)like this:
20 {
table = tt_content
select {
# where = pid=288 AND uid=603
Default value of 'pidInList' property of
Sorry, I've read your post more careful and got the real problem.
I con see only one way: run MySQL UPDATE on 'pages', where you'll set
backend_layout field accordingly to layout field. Something, like this:
UPDATE pages SET backend_layout=1 WHERE layout=1 (surely you need to use
correct ids her
Hi, Graham.
Our pages use 3 layouts selectable by individual editors. Under 4.5
editors currently see both front-end and back-end selector boxes. I would
like to remove this duplication and just show the back-end selectors. I
would then refer to the back-end selector when rendering the page.
Hi, David.
Thank you Xavier but where can I find this documentation related to that
feature? Is it in RTE documentation or in TYPO3 one?
Googling for "typo3 rte markers" gave me this:
It is in German, but code is
Hi, Steffen.
baseURL and absRefPrefix aren't the same options with distinct names ;)
absRefPrefix is independent of your host name, so it's / in case your
TYPO3 installation is in your document root, /foo/bar/ in case if it's
reachable through http://example.org/foo/bar/ etc.
Thank you for
Hi, list.
I'm using TYPO3 4.6.3 and due to changes at RealURL manual, I've exchanged
config.baseURL = http://{$BaseUrl}/ with config.absRefPrefix =
So far so good, but after some time I've found, that default CSS and JS
isn't inside merged and minifed css and js files (I hav
Here is my TypoScript:
page.headerData.10 = TEXT
page.headerData.10 {
field = ###PRODUCT_TITLE###
noTrimWrap = |||
stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
I'm sure, there is no field ###PRODUCT_TITLE### in current cObject. You
should fetch the title from tt_products table yourself with f
Hi, Jigal.
For practical reasons I used a somewhat odd solution: the list view stored
a list of record uids (max. 500 in this case) in the TYPO3 session data
together with the page id. This page id was also transferred to the single
The next/prev links could easily use this list of recor
Hi, List.
I've started using a new 'news' extension to see all it's features,
comparing to old (but not bad ;) ) 'tt_news'. And one thing, I'm missing
here is previous-next navigation in detailed view. Can it be done with
existing 'paginate' widget or it's completely new feature?
I've tried to
Hi, Philipp.
Yes, this message is partly wrong.
Can you open an issue on
Here is the issue, opened:
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Markus.
What is the exact message shown by the report?
The message is shown in "Security" section:
"Backend user password hashes" - "Insecure"
During the configuration check of saltedpasswords the following issues have
been found:
Warnings about your configuration
SaltedPasswords might
Hi, List.
I just started using TYPO3 4.6, where 'rsaauth' and 'saltedpasswords'
extensions are installed from very beginning. That's nice and good for
security. But I can't understand, why system report claims, that website is
insecure, when I set "BE.forceSalted" and unset "BE.updatePasswd"?
Hi, Sören.
Simplified xml file (for formhandler):
Language labels for plugin tx_formhandler
Is it misspell in the mail or you really have two "en" sections in your
locallang.xml file? Maybe this causes a problem?
Hi, Marieke.
Just a general question: are you using '_DEFAULT' configuration? If so, it
may be your problem.
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Jigal.
If you want to store data about a logged in user you can use
setKey('user', $name, $data). This will even survive between logins.
Yes, I also was looking into this, but I don't need so long life of data, so
I rejected this way and made it a bit different: $name variable contains ui
Hi, list.
I wonder, if there is a way to instruct the core to remove session data of
current FE user, when he logs of?
I'm intensively using at one of the webs:
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->setKey('ses', $name, $data); and that data stays
in a session even, if user logs out. So, if another user
Hi, Celso.
The problem seems to be in Typo3 as a general. I have just tested using
the Typo3 built-in Form system and still get the double encoded message...
Not sure, that this is the reason, but try to play with 'transport' settings
in install tool - maybe change to sendmail or smtp.
Hi, Jan.
is there a working extension that would allow users to login via Facebook
and it would create fe_user records?
Looked at today's TER updates and found 'dix_easylogin' - I think, it may be
good for you ;)
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Morten.
Can I by mistake have made a setup that have removed it, either in TS or
in my gallery plugin?
I have set;
var $pi_checkCHash = true;
and my backlink is being generated with
$this->conf["cats."]["pid_cats"], '', array('&tx_projgaller
Hi, Kay.
Can someone lead me to the "front door" for this task in version 4.0.15
of mailformplus and 4.5.3 of TYPO3?
Well, you better switch to 'fromhandler' extension, which is a successor of
'mailformplus'. And it contains 'Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_Mail' class, where
you can set up needed s
Hi, Felix.
I hope my screenshot clears it up for you:
Try to play with config.sys_language_mode and config.sys_language_overlay
In most cases my setup uses this:
config.sys_language_mode = content_fallback
Hi, Morten.
It should be USER. Is there a simple way to check it?
You can have a look at TSOB in "Template" menu - there you'll see, how your
plugin is defined.
Also for USER objects you should have:
$this->pi_checkCHash = true;
in your PHP code.
Can it be that I hadn't set
Hi, Morten.
But it look like that will run every time I click an image for a large
view and that takes a very long time.
Are you running your plugin as USER or USER_INT object? I see, that you
generate cHash in your links, but may be your plugin is accidentally defined
as USER_INT and theref
Hi, Colin.
I am wanting to use DAM in a situation that needs good security. IF DAM
doesn't allow me to set
File access on each file per user, then I'll have to write an extension.
Have a look at dam_frontend extension - it should fit your needs.
Hi, Tomasz.
From TS syntax in-depth study I know that I can parse my TS and add
custom conditions like [TYPO3 IS GREAT]. The problem is that I don't
know how to tell TYPO3 about my class. Such conditions looks more
interesting to me than userFunc.
Can you help me?
As far, as I understood thi
For those, who will find this thread and have same issue.
I've meet it too. And in my case problem was in 'wfqbe' extension, which is
inserted on every page and displays only last 5 records from external db.
But table, that 'wfqbe' uses from that external db is really huge, so
extension genera
Hi, Leen.
At this time I can not get the value of from the file upload field to be
Just a suggestion: do you have enctype="multipart/form-data" in your
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, Oliver.
Have a look at your realurl configuration (typically,
typo3conf/realurl_conf.php) and change the old domain name to a new one.
TYPO3-english mailing list
Hi, list.
I've started re-reading of TS manuals - want to improve the way, I'm using
it :)
And I'm stuck with "current" value - I don't get, how can I use it? I found
this article [1] of Dmitry, that explains a meaning of this value and how to
manipulate it, but I still can't see an advantage
Hi, Robert.
Check any tagging extension, like 'tagpack' or 'vge_tagcloud'. It should fit
your needs ;)
TYPO3-english mailing list
thanks for your help. The span class is inside, but I dont get it managed,
to include microdata, they get filtered out. Is there a way to disable
this, or can I add the microdata keywords into the rte?
Ah, now I 've got, what you need. Sorry, didn't understand from the very
beginning. Actually
Hi, Marco.
So what is the difference between SYS_LASTCHANGED and tstamp. When will
those fields update?
I also was interesting in this and found a method in class.tslib_content.php
called: function lastChanged($tstamp).
Here are lines from it's description:
* Sets the SYS_LASTCHANGED timesta
Hi, Tony.
We need to implement a very long form -- 50 fields -- and would like the
user to be able to return at a later date, or from a different computer,
to complete the form.
I've had similar project and solved it with combination of powermail +
powermail_frontend. Needs extra coding: but
Fatal error: Class 'tx_templavoila_div' not found in
/my/path/to/typo3conf/temp_CACHED_psc27a_ext_tables.php on line 1647
Thry to kill manually all temp_CACHED_* files in your typo3conf dir.
TYPO3-english mailing list
I want to use the htmlarea to insert predefined textstyle tags for the
insert of microdata in my RTE. I created the class = "micro" which is
selectable through the RTE but how can I wrap the microdata inside the
Here is the way:
First, create some rte.css:
span.blue {
Hi, Stephen.
My preffered way is:
# Different MaxW for different columns
tt_content.image.20 {
maxW >
maxW.cObject = CASE
maxW.cObject {
key.field = colPos
0 = TEXT
0.value = {$styles.con
Hi, Colin.
How do I make every page go to the 'login' page if a user hasn't logged in
You may allow access for every page (except one with login form) only for
some FE usergroup, and use config.typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages TS
option. See more in TSref [1]
Hi, Louis.
As far, as I understood, these part of queries are generated by
enableFields() of tslib_cObj class, which comes from core, and, I believe,
core members know, what they are doing.
Most I'm scared about "AND tt_news.pid IN(835,2905,...)" - there is really
large number of pids. You bet
Thank you so much. I'll re do my page with templa volia, add a login and
then give myself admin rights in both fe & be.
Hopefully, it will all come alive. :)
You don't need to be logged in at FE to see the frontend editing options.
You just need to be logged in at BE from same domain and use sa
Hi, Rod.
Possible solutions:
1. Read the manual of realurl.
2. Use some pre-configuration, like cbrealurl extension.
3. Take this basic configuration and extend it to your needs by reading the
manuel anyway ;)
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array (
'domain.tld' => array (
1 - 100 of 300 matches
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