[Bug 1214482] Re: Not-grouping dependent packages in Phased Updates changes propability distribution for entire group of dependent packages.

2014-06-01 Thread Marek Wrzosek
Extending this Linux packages example. What if some proprietary device driver called X? This driver is not from Linux source package, but every update of Linux will cause the need of rebuilding X's deb packages. Sources are independent but deb packages of X depends on Linux's deb packages. If

[Bug 1214482] Re: Not-grouping dependent packages in Phased Updates changes propability distribution for entire group of dependent packages.

2014-06-01 Thread Marek Wrzosek
After some consideration - maybe real life scenario will be better. Regard Linux, Nvidia, ATI and some DVB-T dongle without driver in current kernel. There will be 6 groups of users: a) only Linux, (i=1) b) Linux and Nvidia, (i=2) c) Linux and ATI, (i=2) d) Linux and DVB-T dongle, (i=2) e)

[Bug 1214482] Re: Not-grouping dependent packages in Phased Updates changes propability distribution for entire group of dependent packages.

2014-05-28 Thread Michael Vogt
Thanks for your bugreport and sorry for the late reply. Your analysis is correct, the probability changed for dependent packages. However because of the way we seed the random number generator its less of a issue in a lot of the practical cases. We use the (source package name, update version,

[Bug 1214482] Re: Not-grouping dependent packages in Phased Updates changes propability distribution for entire group of dependent packages.

2014-05-28 Thread Marek Wrzosek
Yeah, I forgot about this report. If (Pseudo)Random Number Generator is seeded that way, then in most cases this will be fine, only in bad-luck cases (when source packages are different but debs depends on each other) my analysis will apply. The good news is that, even if this situation occurs,

[Bug 1214482] Re: Not-grouping dependent packages in Phased Updates changes propability distribution for entire group of dependent packages.

2013-09-09 Thread Marek Wrzosek
The real probability distribution will be a sum of separate distributions and will depend of fractions of user who installed i of n packages. Below I pasted formula from LibO Math: P(x)= sum from {i=1} to {n} a_i P_i(x) newline 0= a_i = 1 newline a_i - a fraction of users who installed i packages

[Bug 1214482] Re: Not-grouping dependent packages in Phased Updates changes propability distribution for entire group of dependent packages.

2013-08-20 Thread Marek Wrzosek
For normalized histograms: figure(1) hist(rand(1,10),10,1) for i = 2:10 figure(i) hist(max(rand(i,10)),10,1) endfor If we're upgrading kernel, than packages are: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-libc-dev linux-headers-version