Well. I stop the analysis. I am not able to constantly reproduce the
The situation is that when I am changing something on squezzelite
setting screen and press "save", it happens that there is either a
message "[ ERROR ] Squeezelite not running" or everything green with
"squezzelite runn
hi schiff1108,
Can you detail your issue?
The Squeezelite Settings page is years old, if it was misbehaving I'd
expect lots of feed back over the years.
piCorePlayer is running in RAM. The config files are in RAM. The [Save]
button writes to the config file in RAM and does a backup to the SD
Thanks Paul.
Yes. I tried to make a joke w/ refernce to another thread.
You are right. I do see some unexpected behaviour when I make changes to
Squeezelite settings.
Actually, I am doing further analysis looking at various scenarios:
* just pressing the save button
* Restarting Squeeelite on Ma
Greg Erskine wrote:
> pCP does not have a "feature for 100% power saving" :confused:
> (Except for the power on/off switch :))
I think that was his joke (a reference to a recent similar comment by
someone in pCP team).
He is saying that after saving some settings and powering down pCP he
pCP does not have a "feature for 100% power saving" :confused:
Greg Erskine's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7403
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109916
When I use the feature for 100% power saving :cool: and power afterwards
RPi again, the squeezelite settings are kind of lost.
The entries "Max sample rate" and "Upsample setting" are still filled as
expected, but there is no music playing.
I need to press the SAVE button. Only then music is pl