Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread JackOfAll
albertone74 wrote: Anything else I can do?:) KERNEL-WAND-3.0.35-CM39+.FC18 Another loose end, that dates back to the PBWPN image. alsactl store on the spdif device, as part of the shutdown process, caused the shutdown/reboot to hang. 'ENGR00234501 ASoC: spdif: fix Ubuntu reboot hang issue'

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Chunkywizard
Hi Clive Just did the above and a couple of comments. In the alsa-store the line wasn't commented, but I did remove the zero. Also at the end of the updates I tried the cpupower command (just to see what the output would look like) and it didn't recognise the command CW

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread JackOfAll
Chunkywizard wrote: Just did the above and a couple of comments. In the alsa-store the line wasn't commented, but I did remove the zero. Maybe I didn't make it clear. The commented line is what would have been there before editing, the uncommented line, what you need to end up with, after

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Chunkywizard
Hi Clive Thanks for the clarification. I did miss the cpupower post so I'll update and run the test for the rest of the weekend. Cheers CW Chunkywizard's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: After doing the above, if you could avoid rebooting for the rest of the weekend, just use device as you normally would, and then on Monday run cpupower frequency-info again and post the last line of output. What we are interested to see is the stats, showing how much time

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
dsdreamer wrote: What does Code: iwconfig wlan0 return? Also, what does Code: sudo nmcli dev wifi list show? Here is the info, hope it helps (my network is also listed). Since I simply

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread dsdreamer
Squeezemenicely wrote: Here is the info, hope it helps (my network is also listed). Since I simply cannot connect via wifi: You clearly have plenty of WiFi signal strength and no hardware issues. So, I am thinking it must be a configuration issue. Try Code: cat

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
So here is all the info, seems to be a driver issue - as stated below. Code: login as: fedora fedora@'s password: Last login: Sat May 11 15:49:50 2013 from [fedora@wandboard ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread dsdreamer
Squeezemenicely wrote: So here is all the info, seems to be a driver issue - as stated below. If your WiFi password is correct (including capitalization) then I can't see why it doesn't work. Even though the error message says, Association request to the driver failed this is the same error

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
dsdreamer wrote: If your WiFi password is correct (including capitalization) then I can't see why it doesn't work. One last debugging suggestion you could try is to temporarily set a very simple password on your router and then update the Wandboard with the same simple password. I had

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Chunkywizard
Has your router assigned an ip address and is it active? I had problems with the wifi which I was think was down to my router. Try deleting the Wandboard association with the router and rebooting (both router and Wandboard). By the way, this is just a guess ;-D CW

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
Thanks Chunkywizard, also did that. Deleted the wandboard and restarted both router and wandboard - nothing. One thing is strange, I just retried with my guest wifi network which I called ALDI and when I did the log commands, vene though the Aldi network showed as active in the webinterface,

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Julf
Squeezemenicely wrote: My password is only numbers and they are copied and pasted from my router web page - so no typos. Are you sure one device isn't using the password as a string, and the other thinking it is hex-encoded? How many characters is it? Not 10 or 26 by any chance?

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
Julf wrote: Are you sure one device isn't using the password as a string, and the other thinking it is hex-encoded? How many characters is it? Not 10 or 26 by any chance? The following command gave me the 100% correct result, showing my password which has a length of 16 digits perfectly.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Chunkywizard
Must say I had issues on wifi which I never sorted. I would try again, but I'm not rebooting whilst I'm testing the CPU power. CW Chunkywizard's Profile: View this

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread castalla
The classic test in these circumstances would be to disable password encryption - see if the WB can connect. castalla's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
castalla wrote: The classic test in these circumstances would be to disable password encryption - see if the WB can connect. Ok, just tried that - nothing. I think I am going to give up. Maybe it is something with the image, remember I did the setup and everything with R4 and did not

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezed_Rotel
I have seen references to the R4 CSOS image within the last couple of pages. The page still has the R3. Is R4 a beta or just for use by the developers? Squeezed_Rotel's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Chunkywizard
There is a link for r4 in this thread. CW Chunkywizard's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread erland
Some feedback on the CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R4-20130510-2.img.7z build follows below. I realize some of this isn't implemented yet, I'm just posting it to give you the ideas in case you haven't already thought about it. 1. First of all, really great work, for someone who knows what they are doing

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread JackOfAll
Squeezemenicely wrote: I have so many wifi devices here - even the raspberry pi and many many others, not a single problem. But getting the wandboard to connect seems impossible. Sorry, I don't have time to get more involved in this right now. I would suggest either your router is not

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
JackOfAll wrote: I would suggest either your router is not using WPA/WPA2, (perhaps configured for WEP?), or your password is not correct. Can't really be anything else. Router is configured as WPA/WPA2 not WEP, this can also be seen in the logs posted before and the password is correct.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Chunkywizard
Squeezemenicely wrote: Router is configured as WPA/WPA2 not WEP, this can also be seen in the logs posted before and the password is correct. Checked, doublechecked and changed also tried without any password in router. So it must be something else - sadly. Got a spare SD card? Try

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
I got my wandboard yesterday, so I started with R4 - never had R3. As you wrote there is not much to configure. Everything else works - even the server. I do not have an extra card, otherwise I would have tried that. As for wifi the only thing you have to do is choose your network, put in

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread JackOfAll
Squeezemenicely wrote: So it must be something else - sadly. Code: sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning essid Xbergworld Please don't sanitise any of the output when you post it. I want to see that PSK and which Ciphers are being used.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread Squeezemenicely
Here it is, hope it helps. Thanks guys for putting up with this problem. Code: login as: fedora fedora@'s password: Last login: Sat May 11 20:05:38 2013 from [fedora@wandboard ~]$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning essid Xbergworld

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread surfek
JackOfAll wrote: EDIT: 'CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R4-20130510-2.img.7z' ( (587MB) ... EDIT: With reference to the 'avahi/bonjour/mDNS'

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread dsdreamer
14800JackOfAll wrote: 'CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R4-20130509-1.img.7z' ( (587MB) EDIT: With reference to the 'avahi/bonjour/mDNS'

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread Chunkywizard
Hi Clive, One question, if I don't want to start from scratch with the new image (as I will lose my cache) is sudo yum update equivalent? Or is it better to save the cache, reimage and then put the cache back? When I'm up to date I can test the file systems web page, I have a couple of mounts

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread JackOfAll
Chunkywizard wrote: One question, if I don't want to start from scratch with the new image (as I will lose my cache) is sudo yum update equivalent? Or is it better to save the cache, reimage and then put the cache back? You need to re-image. Before you do Code:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: 1) Booted right up into Jivelite at the skin selection menu, which I duly selected as 1280x1024. But I was never asked which language I would prefer, it seems to be pre-configured to use English. If this is official, my contributed kickstart guide is wrong. If not, then

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread JackOfAll
albertone74, another thing you could test for me. On my loose ends list I've been making the performance governor the default when building kernels, which basically means that both CPU cores have been fixed to their fastest speed, regardless of load, 1GHz. The imx6 Dual Lite is capable

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: albertone74, another thing you could test for me. Sure. No probs. I will do it as soon as I get home this evening:) albertone74's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread dsdreamer
JackOfAll wrote: I need to check I removed the jivelite user prefs. If you . Code: sudo rm -rf /home/jivelite/.jivelite sudo killall -9 jivelite-cs when jivelite starts again do you get the language

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread Chunkywizard
JackOfAll wrote: You need to re-image. Before you do Code: sudo systemctl stop squeezeboxserver cd /var/lib sudo tar zcvf /home/fedora/squeezeboxserver.tgz squeezeboxserver If you scp the squeezeboxserver.tgz archive

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread JackOfAll
LOGITECHMEDIASERVER-7.8.0-0.16.20130509GIT1368018400 Another loose end. I had forgotten about a patch that I applied to our LMS build enabling LocalFile Protocol Handler for squeezelite. I pulled the patch, (which enabled the functionality by default with no way to disable it), after someone

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: Yes. Sounds like my screw-up then. I'll mount the image and wipe out the prefs and make a R4-2 image. JackOfAll's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread JackOfAll
'CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R4-20130510-2.img.7z' ( (587MB) Same as the original R4-20130509-1 image, except that the jivelite user prefs have been cleared, which will result in the language selection screen

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread Squeezemenicely
Got my Wandboard today, installed R4 and have the server running - it runs so smooth and fast, it would be a crime not to use the server on the wandboard. As I do not have a usb DAC, I will probably have to start soldering for the spdif. But that will be the next step. Getting CSOS running is

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: albertone74, another thing you could test for me Done. Find below the output of: Code: cpupower frequency-info Code: analyzing CPU 0: driver: imx CPUs which run at the same hardware

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread Squeezemenicely
I cannot get wifi to work on R4. Tried everything, restarted and it never even shows up on my router - password is correct and my router has wpa enabled. This is what is in the log: wlan0: flags=4099UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::422c:f4ff:feae:17c1 prefixlen 64 scopeid

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-10 Thread dsdreamer
Squeezemenicely wrote: I cannot get wifi to work on R4. Tried everything, restarted and it never even shows up on my router - password is correct and my router has wpa2 enabled. What does Code: iwconfig wlan0 return? Also, what does

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread castalla
JackOfAll wrote: I'll have to come back to you later this evening. I'm going to be away from the computer for a couple of hours. Sorry! Thanks in the meantime, I re-imaged the sd card with a copy of the setup I made last week! Just proves 2 things: 1. Don't mess with linux commands you

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
albertone74 wrote: Is there anything wrong? Do you mean the deprecated messages/warnings? I've just patched the code causing the warnings and made a new build of LMS. (Which should result in those messages not being logged when running with perl = 5.16.) Code:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: I saw there's a yum.conf setting to allow for rollbacks - would this be a useful feature to set? You mean, tsflags=repackage? Not quite as simple as you might think. yum is being run as root, which means that if you have run out of disk space, you really have run out of disk

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread castalla
JackOfAll wrote: You mean, tsflags=repackage? Not quite as simple as you might think. yum is being run as root, which means that if you have run out of disk space, you really have run out of disk space, root having used the reserved percentage. yum probably won't run again without diskspace

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: So - best advice is DON'T do yum update!? Don't be silly! JackOfAll's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: I guess the problem is that I have a 4gb card - and there's not enough space. But, noobishly, I have no idea how to put the 4gb onto a 8gb card with expanded file space but I guess that's another issue. Look, and I don't mean to be rude, but you are up and running

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread castalla
JackOfAll wrote: Look, and I don't mean to be rude, but you are up and running again. I'm desperately trying to get a new image released and move forward. When I've done that I'll help you resizing the the rootfs partition so it uses the free space on your 8GB card. Ooops I stand

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
'CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R4-20130509-1.img.7z' ( I've just made what I hope to be the final R4 image, which pulls in all the updates since the last R3 image. Would appreciate it if one or two other people

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: I've just made what I hope to be the final R4 image... Fab! I can't wait to get home and give it a go:) albertone74's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread dsdreamer
albertone74 wrote: Fab! I can't wait to get home and give it a go:) Likewise, but I am 8 hours behind you guys. dsdreamer's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread Triode
eLR!C wrote: Seems to work very well, and I like how the grid looks (using it on a 1920x1080 screen). Small things : 1. browsing the albums grid, is there a way to quickly go to a letter (going page by page through 2000+ albums is not smooth) ? Not at present - interested how you want

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: I've just made what I hope to be the final R4 image.. Clive, I have just installed the new release and so far so good..thanks for this new great update:) As I write I am scanning my music library...

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
albertone74 wrote: As I write I am scanning my music library... After your scan, can you update LMS? I've just pulled latest 7.8 trunk from git and rebuilt. Needs a quick test and will save me a job. Code: sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing logitechmediaserver

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
Note to Triode: The reason for the new LMS build (post above) 'Allow clients to register custom artwork resizing specifications' (

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread castalla
Updated the Cubie to latest git - seems okay - no obvious problems for fedora 18 castalla's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: Updated the Cubie to latest git - seems okay - no obvious problems for fedora 18 Thank you. Does your Cubie image have the rootfs-resize service installed and enabled Code: sudo systemctl status rootfs-resize

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: After your scan, can you update LMS? I've just pulled latest 7.8 trunk from git and rebuilt. Needs a quick test and will save me a job. Code: sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing logitechmediaserver Any issues,

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread albertone74
JackOfAll wrote: After your scan, can you update LMS? Done!It is working like a charm. No issues at all:) albertone74's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread JackOfAll
albertone74 wrote: Done!It is working like a charm. No issues at all:) Thank you! JackOfAll's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-09 Thread castalla
JackOfAll wrote: Thank you. Does your Cubie image have the rootfs-resize service installed and enabled Code: sudo systemctl status rootfs-resize I think so Code: [root@fedora ~]# sudo

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
JIVELITE-0.1-0.35.20130508GITFE832BA Triode wrote: When you have time, could you make a testing version of jivelite from the grid branch. This is work in progress, but I#8217;d like to enable people to try it out both with the existing skins to see if I#8217;ve broken anything in them and

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
Stoker wrote: Just added a section on powering down the Wandboard/CSOS to the quick start guide. 'Quick Start Guide: Powering Down The Wandboard/CSOS' (

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread pierreh
JackOfAll wrote: 'Quick Start Guide: Powering Down The Wandboard/CSOS' ( Would it be possible to allow shutting down CSOS by pushing down some button ? Or by way of some menu item in Jivelite ? This would be nice for people

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
JohnSwenson wrote: I should probably check the wandboard system clock and see how it behaves. Start it up, check both the system clock and RTC, then unplug the ethernet cable so it can't get NTP and let it go for a few days. Then login with the serial port so there is no way NTP can get in

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread castalla
Can anyone using the Wandboard wifi give some info on the range? castalla's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread dsdreamer
JackOfAll wrote: John, if you want to tinker with this, you'll need to update kernel, otherwise you won't have RTC. Code: # set RTC from system clock $ sudo clock -w Clive, I checked that once the above is done (including the

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: I checked that once the above is done (including the kernel update of course), the RTC is preserved through reboots Yes, through reboots, but there is no battery backup, so not preserved through removal of power from the board.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: I had to manually set the RTC clock from the system clock after NTP had updated it during boot, but we could easily add a script to make this happen automatically once is reached. You don't need a script for that. (But it still isn't the solution for your

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread erland
I'm sorry if this has already been answered, in that case just refer me to the previous post (in case you don't want to answer it again) If I install the R3 image, is there an easy way to update everything to the latest version ? Or do I at the moment need to go though this thread and find all

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread Chunkywizard
JackOfAll wrote: Code: sudo yum update Might take some time to finish. I have been threatening a R4 image for some time. I'm just doing the final testing of it now. So, assuming no more problems, that'll be available later

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: Can anyone using the Wandboard wifi give some info on the range? Erm, not sure how to answer this other than to say, good. Some of my old Victorian horse hair plaster walls cause massive issues for me with wi-fi and signals not seeming to go through them. The Touch in my study

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
Chunkywizard wrote: Worth putting in the FAQs? Yes, might save me answering the same question again. (Make sure you do a pull before you edit and commit. I recently put every QA in a div with a link back to the top of page, after we were told off for being sloppy by Ben our web developer! ;))

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread castalla
JackOfAll wrote: Erm, not sure how to answer this other than to say, good. Some of my old Victorian horse hair plaster walls cause massive issues for me with wi-fi and signals not seeming to go through them. The Touch in my study can't see the wireless router in my front room. The WB, even

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: I ask because the edimax and tp dongles I have in Raspis run out over a few metres. Meanwhile the Touch and a couple of cheap tablets work well over 20m through walls. The on-board Broadcom Wi-Fi (with external antenna) is far superior to crappy dongles, of which I have a

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread castalla
JackOfAll wrote: Code: sudo yum update Might take some time to finish. I have been threatening a R4 image for some time. I'm just doing the final testing of it now. So, assuming no more problems, that'll be available later

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread Triode
JackOfAll wrote: JIVELITE-0.1-0.35.20130508GITFE832BA Changes... Code: * Wed May 08 2013 - 0.1-0.35.20130508gitfe832ba - Latest git revision fe832ba. - Switch to git grid branch. Update... Code:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread dsdreamer
JackOfAll wrote: You don't need a script for that. (But it still isn't the solution for your DHCP issue anyway.) /etc/sysconfig/ntpdate Code: # Set to 'yes' to sync hw clock after successful ntpdate SYNC_HWCLOCK=no I totally

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: Having the RTC up and running (and being set by ntpdate utility) seems like a very low impact and safe change, even if it is not a complete solution. It also has the the advantage that /var/log/messages won't typically be full of entries with date-stamps near the epoch,

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread JackOfAll
castalla wrote: Okay - it's not a WB but doing yum update on my Cubie has knocked out LMS. yum reported errors as it ran out of space. I'll have to come back to you later this evening. I'm going to be away from the computer for a couple of hours. Sorry!

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread albertone74
Clive, Could you please have look at the Service area output of the Squeeze Server Control? Code: squeezeboxserver.service - SqueezeboxServer Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/squeezeboxserver.service; enabled) Active: active (running) since Wed

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: Good to know, but I hope you are designing for a community of users that extends beyond the area served by your routers??!! Of course! I didn't mean that to be read as I'm OK, hard luck to you. What I was saying, is that I wouldn't have seen this issue myself. dsdreamer

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
michaelvv wrote: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file Sounds like you were rebooting as tomcat was unpacking the war file, resulting in a truncated class file. Force the war to be redeployed. Code: sudo systemctl stop tomcat sudo rm -rf

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
Pascal Hibon wrote: I only have the folder.jpg files and these work fine. But all my image sizes are less than 600 x 600 (usualy something like 595 x 595). I think my largest images are 500x500, most are 300x300. Triode, are you displaying large images OK?

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
COMMUNITY-SQUEEZE-WEB-1-52.20130507GIT784A334 Changes... Code: * Tue May 07 2013 - 1-52.20130507git784a334 - Latest git revision 784a334. - Sync stylesheet from website. - Sync CW edits to website FAQ. Update... Code:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread Chunkywizard
JackOfAll wrote: I think my largest images are 500x500, most are 300x300. Triode, are you displaying large images OK? Hi Guys, I attached a screen shot to show the issue. As you will see thunbnails show fine but the main cover in the right hnad pane doesn't (even though its the same size

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
Chunkywizard wrote: I attached a screen shot to show the issue. As you will see thunbnails show fine but the main cover in the right hnad pane doesn't (even though its the same size as the thumbnails). I have rebooted, and rescanned but nothing fixes it. The scan spends about 2 hours on

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
[image:] Code: [13-05-07 14:16:40.1324] Slim::Music::Artwork::__ANON__ (552) precacheArtwork finished in 2.91028809547424 [13-05-07 14:17:13.5180] Slim::Web::Graphics::artworkRequest (86) Artwork request:

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread dsdreamer
Name: AudioEngine D1 Driver: snd-usb-audio Max Rate: 96k Class: UAC1 Hub: Bus powered external high speed hub Used by: dsdreamer One quirk is that I can't select this DAC via the Jivelite menus, but I can using the web GUI. But once the web GUI has

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: Let me acknowledge that I got my main idea to work around this problem from Eli Billauer's blog post linked here: description of the issue matches my observations well. I'm just going to come out and say

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
dsdreamer wrote: Name: AudioEngine D1 Driver: snd-usb-audio Max Rate: 96k Class: UAC1 Hub: Bus powered external high speed hub Used by: dsdreamer Added to FAQ. Thank you.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
JackOfAll wrote: Paul, email me one or two of your problem images. Paul, did you see the image I posted? rpm -q logitechmediaserver, please. I wasn't able to reproduce your problem with your images not displaying. They work fine here.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread Chunkywizard
bakker_be wrote: You have indeed oversimplified it, in that there are files inside that directory that are needed for LMS to even start up, that's before any scanning has ever taken place. My first tentative at running LMS was without a stick and I found an 11hr scantime to be a bit

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread Chunkywizard
JackOfAll wrote: Paul, did you see the image I posted? rpm -q logitechmediaserver, please. I wasn't able to reproduce your problem with your images not displaying. They work fine here. Saw that, I will take a look at Michael advice and post up my log. Cheers CW

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread Chunkywizard
mherger wrote: I attached a screen shot to show the issue. As you will see thunbnails show fine but the main cover in the right hnad pane doesn't (even though its the same size as the thumbnails). I have rebooted, and rescanned but nothing fixes it. The scan spends about 2 hours on

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
Chunkywizard wrote: looking at it, I'm guessing the database for art is corrupt. Seems like scanning doesn't fix it so do I have to delete the cache? Is it possible to do this with out wiping out everything and starting again? I would like to try and retain my trackstat info if poss, it

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JohnSwenson
This RTC stuff is interesting. On my system I just automatically set up a reserved address in my router so it gets the same IP address all the time. Anything I'm going to be SSHing into or accessing a webgui on I just put in a reserved address for and I never worry about it again. On the RTC

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread JackOfAll
JohnSwenson wrote: This RTC stuff is interesting. Interesting??? LOL. It's fracking tedious! ;) Right, I think I have a far more elegant solution. 1 day leases. Please everybody tell me that their aren't any braindead routers out there that give out anything less than a one hour lease?

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-07 Thread bakker_be
JohnSwenson wrote: This RTC stuff is interesting. On my system I just automatically set up a reserved address in my router so it gets the same IP address all the time. Anything I'm going to be SSHing into or accessing a webgui on I just put in a reserved address for and I never worry about

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