Re: Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
Chipp, I agree but it's still a good idea to be able to play with apps the way CMS or ajax or web based plugins do! If this kind of power is built in your stacks, in the long run, you're the clear winner - assuming you get the same amount of features + the flex of Rev... At least that's how

Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
The only difference i see between Ajax and TAOO is that Ajax is loaded from the web whereas TAOO is running on the disk. Not that TAOO can't be downloaded, updated online (which is not done yet)... So what reproachs there are ni Ajax, Rev makes up for it. I pull that off the link and info i saw

Re: cWinCursor broke in 2.6.1?

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
OUCH! i tested it and it's worse than that! I can't even edit the script where the error is I cant close the script window... Rev is not responding to ignore error... Time to force quit rev! Time to force quit Rev now... A bit more testing: if you dont close the object library, you can't

Re: cWinCursor broke in 2.6.1?

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
if you go to the msg and type cWinCursor rev puts put the cWinCursor of the selectedObject which results in 200308 but if you put put there is an image id 200308 = false!!! -=- Xavier Bury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 14/10/2005 10:28:01: Xavier,

Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 14/10/2005 12:56:50: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Did Linus write the help first or the code for linux before people started collaborating with him? Did people ask him what is it for? No, first thing he had was an elevator pitch. In his case, he

Re: Revolution back to HyperCard

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
What you describe there is the find stack. The find command simply takes you directly to the card that contains the information and hilites it with a rectangle... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 13/10/2005 09:39:10: How does the find function works? Does it only list the cards where

Re: Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
even a toy language like blitzmax is exciting because it offers arcade-quality possibilties in the interface department (in slick opengl 3d etc) is cross-platform, early days yet but possible to do server/cgi with talk to sqlite .. but it's ultimately nostalgic the forum participants

Re: Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

2005-10-14 Thread xbury . cs
how great this ajax is! Previously i almost ranted on some stuff where ajax was not secure and overid some stuff i set in Firefox... I decided to keep my day positive... but it comes back!!! cheers Xavier

Re: Manipulate Stacks with Duplicate Names?

2005-10-13 Thread xbury . cs
not mistakenly because Tuv once told me you just CANT rely on stack ids. Actually they change across sessions (not very smart IMOHO) so i too just avoid them... The stack path is probably the best reference after the stack's name... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 13/10/2005 08:23:39:

Re: Field Problems

2005-10-13 Thread xbury . cs
this could be a selectionchanged handler intercepting it... try to run this handler with lock messages before you run it... if it still kills the (it's NOT a thread) execution, it's probably an error in myline... If it runs, there's a frontscript (maybe) event handler catching your change of

Re: Browser Fields

2005-10-13 Thread xbury . cs
Hi guys, im working on such a hierarchical beast... but with not just files involved (i have active directory domains, subnets, servers, drives, shares, files in use, etc... i'll try to simplify... After i fix my PC's overheating issues... As for incremental searches, it's just a look

RE: [OT] Microsoft Office's New UI Blazes Some New Trails for Us

2005-10-12 Thread xbury . cs
Given their HEAVY use of tags in word html or rtf exports, sounds scary already! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/10/2005 08:52:54: IMO, the fact that MSWord saves files in their own proprietary markup language *should* discourage anyone from ever using it. It'd sure be cool if more

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Actually, it looks like it is written in hex as the version... I have version 6.3 and the regedit key says 6308000 I guess there is no decoding, just an encoding in the wrong mode!... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/10/2005 08:07:15: On 10/10/05 9:13 AM, sims [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Sims, Besides my previous tip, here's another... My quicktime app is never installed in C:\program files!!! To find where, look first at... HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\quicktime\shell\open\command And there's another key that's interesting for you - but it's not reliable (no

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Sims, I tried but After battling again with the clipboard crap not pasting right, in 2.6.1 put queryregistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime\Version,text) looking at the data (which prevents compilation when inserted between quotes)... The only way i could get

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Sims, im using version 6.3 so no i dont have that folder... put queryregistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\apple Computer, Inc.\quicktime\version,text) into data get binarydecode(h*, data, x) you get x = 00080360 if you reverse that string you get what i saw correctly in the registry...

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Besides my usual takes at quicktime, i noticed that there is yet another one i could throw... I saw there's a nice QTInfo application in the folder however you have to open that application to get any info. Otherwise, i got a WMI script to find this info but it's involved and may not run on

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
I think i found a few more hints... First, the registry version and the application's version do no match. The registry say 630800 while the application's version says 6.3.17. After some digging, i found that most Quicktime files also say 6.3.17... But while searching, i found what could be

Re: weird msg-box phenom?

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Charles, if i remember well, i saw it once that the rev script debugger uses the space as a trigger to move your debugging point forward (depending on the focus of the button selected in the debugging window). As for the variable watcher, there's a preference to hide when not in the script

Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread xbury . cs
Here's a VBS script that will printout the version Option Explicit Dim oFSO Dim sPath, sFileVer, sFileName sPath = d:\app\quicktime\quicktimeplayer.exe Set oFSO = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) sFileVer = oFSO.GetFileVersion(sPath) sFileName = oFSO.GetFileName(sPath) Wscript.Echo

Re: # POSSIBLY SPAM #::Re: HELP!! - Geometry Gone Berserk, How to fix?

2005-10-07 Thread xbury . cs
David, Jeane, only in theory... In practice, i've seen this not work, work wrong, rescrew everything... i've never seen this work correctly... I know because i tried for MONTHS not to go crazy with the thing!!! The best way to make this work: make a handler to save all your control's positions

Re: ReplaceText and Backslash

2005-10-04 Thread xbury . cs
try to escape the backslash first. put replacetext( fld 1, backslashbackslash quote , quote ) into fld 1 which is not necessary with replace backslash quote with quote in fld 1 cheers -=- Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/10/2005 09:35:39:

Re: Display an Image from Clipboard on a Card

2005-10-04 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Todd, All you need to do is create an image control, and put the clipboarddata[image] into it cheers -=- Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/10/2005 10:36:24: Hello, How do I display an image from clipboard on a card? I know I need to use

Re: How to check internet connection

2005-10-03 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Pradeep, There's many different ways to do this, but the simplest that comes to mind would be put url; into whatever -- any other world famous web site that shoult give you either peep or a great websites' html data but who cares, we just want a proof that internet

Re: High-Lighting an Image Object

2005-10-03 Thread xbury . cs
Hi David you can change the border of he image... on mouseenter set the showborder of me to true --set the bordercolor to yellow repeat with x = 0 to 3 wait 10 milliseconds set the borderwidth of me to x end repeat repeat with x = 3 down to 0 wait 10 milliseconds set the

Re: Structures in RunRev

2005-10-03 Thread xbury . cs
Hi David, Hi David, You dont need structures. You can use the arrays for that without any problem struct contact[id] { name; age; height; weigth } is the same as array[id,name] array[id,height'] and so on... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/10/2005 15:51:20: Hi, In

Re: TCP/IP error addendum

2005-10-03 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Ton Seems like maybe you forgot to include the revdatabase library... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/10/2005 16:06:33: This morning I've posted an error with RR: When connecting to a mySQL database I get the error Can't create TCP/ IP socket (43) The strange thing is

Re: # PROBABLY SPAM #::Problems with Standalone App under Windows XP

2005-09-29 Thread xbury . cs
Hi David Try this... on preopenstack if the plaform is windows then set the decorations of ths stack to default But normally, you get a default window when you compile... Are you changing window modes? Palette? cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 29/09/2005 12:46:57: Hi All, I

Re: Detecting height of dock and taskbar

2005-09-29 Thread xbury . cs
Sarah, Nuance! On windows, it may give you the height of the task bar... If you change the taskbar, rev doesn't notice... Rev doesn't know if it is up or down either... Note this is the same with anything you change in windows (selection or window colors) when you use rev, you have to quit

Re: Locating an Application to Launch

2005-09-28 Thread xbury . cs
Hi David Hi, How can I find out if an Application is available on the system, especially if there is more than one version of the application installed? I need something that will search all volumes on a system and list all the occurances of the application? The only reliable way i see

Re: A couple of 'creating games' Qs

2005-09-23 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Eva, welcome back! You need to check out 2 stacks that will definitely answer all your questions (the answer is yes) The first stack is BVG's ChatRev (i dont have the url but it should be in Revonline i think under user BvG) It handles multiple connections across the in total beauty!

Clipboard madness

2005-09-22 Thread xbury . cs
Yesterday i was BATTLING against a stack who wouldn't copy paste information from a field to ultraedit... I tried all keyboard combos, and even the menu - just i wouldn't copy anything... maybe it's due to the environment i run this into: it runs on a windows 2003 server which has 4 metaframes

Re: Clipboard madness

2005-09-22 Thread xbury . cs
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Yesterday i was BATTLING against a stack who wouldn't copy paste information from a field to ultraedit... I tried all keyboard combos, and even the menu - just i wouldn't copy anything...[snip]copy! I've never been able to copy

RE: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-09-02 Thread xbury . cs
DUH! Appologies to Dave Cragg who suggested that... Sorry Dar, no cigar ;) i should learn to read sometimes ;) Thanks again Dave cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/09/2005 06:08:14: Woah cool the DarFunction! Some Interactivity seems to be showing handy thanks to the DarFunction

Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-09-01 Thread xbury . cs
Hi everyone I've advanced quite a lot in the spell checker BUT the wait until [condition] with messages still gives me lots of troubles. It works usually the first time, maybe a second time, but it definitely locks up after 2-4 loops... By locking up, i mean that it doesn't seem to get

Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-09-01 Thread xbury . cs
Dave Interesting idea... Adding more pending messages ;) I'll give this a try later... Thanks... Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 01/09/2005 14:11:09: Hi, Just at thought, but could you do something like this: In handler that you want to wait in: global gConditionFlag put

Interesting article for open source code

2005-08-31 Thread xbury . cs
Hi everyone, This could help more than one person... enjoy Xavier - Visit us at IMPORTANT

re: mainStack scripts, now Windows??

2005-08-31 Thread xbury . cs
Lars Try to remove the traversal=ON from most menus and buttons - it just wrecks havoc with hillites... Also, test your apps on windows 2000 AND XP where the themes will change teh geometry of buttons, appearance of groups, and possibly more... Just my two cents... Please vote for all windows

Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-08-30 Thread xbury . cs
All my code is modularized from the start... But i thought a loop was necessary. But B is how i went about it (still untested)... I just remember the last word i checked and continue... would wait... with messages block the gui too though? Thanks Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on

Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-08-30 Thread xbury . cs
wait with messages checkContinue doesn't compile wait with messages checkContinue causes an execution error. I quit MC, launch Rev to see the help about it... Ah, now i see the wait ... with ok, so i tried... wait 0 seconds with messages checkContinue still an error! Is there

Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-08-30 Thread xbury . cs
Superb!!! Thanks all for your great help!!! We got a spellchecker almost working... The revDocs need help here!!! It sure wasn't clear at all... wait [for] number [seconds | ticks | milliseconds] [with messages] doesn't imply that you can add a condition to wait for! Only time... Where i

Re: problem waiting - spellchecker

2005-08-30 Thread xbury . cs
im using 2.6... And it is missing the condition... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/08/2005 10:21:16: On 30 Aug 2005, at 08:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Superb!!! Thanks all for your great help!!! We got a spellchecker almost working... The revDocs need help

Re: external Windows program running?

2005-08-30 Thread xbury . cs
- Original Message - From: Lynch, Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can also just check every now and then to see if the application is among the openprocesses. And Xavier, you can launch an app via shell command without it locking up - at least, Chipp's method so far has not locked

Re: Emergency Mouse Polling Help

2005-08-29 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Jonathan the only way i can see this work is via a macro-recorder program that sends an event to rev... I dont see how else... -=- Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 27/08/2005 06:47:33: I need to know if I can use Rev to develop a background app

Re: Rev On Top?

2005-08-25 Thread xbury . cs
Peter, Try in AS to tell finder to hide app filemaker pro or something like that... -=- Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 25/08/2005 11:21:34: I have a Rev stack that uses AppleScript to access a FileMaker Pro database. However, I often find that

Re: write fails

2005-08-25 Thread xbury . cs
Jon you need to open the file first... see Open file... Write file... and close file... Each has it's options too... cheers -=- Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 25/08/2005 15:09:21: I'm trying to log activity to a file with what I thought was a

Re: Rev On Top?

2005-08-25 Thread xbury . cs
Ooops shows i havent applescripted in a while! Woah... 6 years now ;) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 25/08/2005 14:24:50: Peter, Try in AS to tell finder to hide app filemaker pro or something like that... -=- Xavier Actually, it should be

RE: write fails

2005-08-25 Thread xbury . cs
Jon i use open file x for append... For log files, it is crucial not to erase the logs... And while the |put data into url thisurl is great, and easy but i wouldn't consider it as a good practice if the file is over a certain size... but of course, depends on the application... X [EMAIL

Re: MIDI externals

2005-08-24 Thread xbury . cs
If this can help, I think you could work this out via MIDI-OX. It's a virtual MIDI manager that can be controled via VBS/WSH... There's a section of the page below dedicated to scripting it... Im sure this will save you hours of externals writing... here's what it

Re: Custom Answer File Dialog?

2005-08-24 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Scott, Check out the MetaCard built-in file-answer dialog... It should be step in the right direction. I've evolved it into my FileBrowser in TAOO (see the previously posted screenshots) and i have yet to add the ask and answer capabilities to it... You can take it pretty far... cheers

Re: Program bar at bottom of Windows screen is blank

2005-08-22 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Steve, The only thing i can think of that causes this is - no decorations or palette mode window (but then it wouldn't be visible in the task bar - only in task manager) - you set the title of the window to a space or something like that... - any MacOS-only characters in the title? cheers

Re: Blowing in the Wind

2005-08-16 Thread xbury . cs
simply mind blowing... If only rev could paint that fast... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 17/08/2005 06:52:15: Recently, sims wrote: You must be from another ships aliens on your front yard every Halloween. There is a connection. Shh... Klaatu

Re: New project

2005-08-12 Thread xbury . cs
Ben, If you wait a week i might have all that wrapped up... For Rev and MC... cheers -=- Xavier Bury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/08/2005 07:02:17: On 8/11/05 11:54 PM, Ben Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Revolution community, I was

Re: Looking for suggestions/advice

2005-08-12 Thread xbury . cs
I wrote a nice mail to respond to all this but again, i got censured/waiting for approval... grrr you'll have to wait until Heather gets to it if she does in time... in brief, i have such an engine... cheers Xav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/08/2005 07:42:17: On Aug 11, 2005, at 12:31

Re: Why can't I send tabKey?

2005-08-12 Thread xbury . cs
Damn, two mails now that Ken has hijacked over my previous answers to this list... Am i wasting my time writing answers to see others rewrite them over again? Dan, See the first response to your mail, it resolves this issue one handed... Why mess with the rest? In addition, if you want to

Re: Windows Event run Rev app ?

2005-08-12 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Michael I thought about that after writing the mail however and just like snmp traps (used for monitoring as well), these are not geared for events like changes in the registry and the user events... Only hardware or system states and application events. The security login can tell some

Re: Help with Windows Registry

2005-08-12 Thread xbury . cs
Mike, if the data is hex, dont use binary... See what the key contains first... -=- Xavier Bury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/08/2005 13:42:46: Hi Ray By reverse I would use queryRegistry and binaryDecode ?. - Original Message - From:

Re: # POSSIBLY SPAM #::Why can't I send tabKey?

2005-08-11 Thread xbury . cs
Unless I'm losing it -- a distinct possibility -- there's an intriguing bug in Rev. I can use the send command to send all kinds of system messages to various objects. But if I try to send tabKey, with or without quotation marks and with or without a target, I always get a can't find

Re: Looking for suggestions/advice

2005-08-11 Thread xbury . cs
Rodney, One way to go around this limitation is to build an interpreter for the users. What the users could do is work on a list of instructions that your script interpreter would execute for them. This way you dont have the 10 line limit... However you have to wrap into handlers all the

Re: Help with Windows Registry

2005-08-11 Thread xbury . cs
Michael it is in hex so you have to read it as a hex (if the value is larger than 9, a-f will not make sense in decimal notation... so yes, you need to read it, convert it to hex (via baseconvert for example)and then put it into the field for editing. Reverse the line above to write it...

Re: What's wrong with this?

2005-08-10 Thread xbury . cs
GOOD Catch Dave!!! It crashes even MC2.6 put char 1 of test is a . -- in the msg but char 1 of astring is a period should work... but how come it compiles this error? put this to that -- outputs to the msg without compile errors... but it doesn't crash rev... happy bugzilla trip! Xavier

Re: Locking messages with palettes

2005-08-05 Thread xbury . cs
thanks Eric... i was afraid this was the problem... -=- Xavier Bury Clearstream Services TNS NT LAN Server ext 36465 Voice: +352 4656 43 6465 Fax: +352 4656 493 6465 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/08/2005 08:31:04: Hi Xavier, Unfortunately, I confirm


2005-08-05 Thread xbury . cs
Well, it (the IDE) doesn't crash/quit unexpectedly in Windows 2003 when doubleclicking the topleft windows menubar icon. I tried this with the XP theme on... Ah, but slight difference, im use the MC IDE... sorry, dont have a rev ide to try it and little time today... I hope i got it right this

Re: me vs. this?

2005-08-05 Thread xbury . cs
What I most don't understand (??) is the relation between me and this X when me is an instance of type X. Charles Charles me is used when an object queries it's own properties or objects. for example if i clicked in a field, the field script could ask: on mouseup get the hilitedline of

Re: global problems

2005-08-02 Thread xbury . cs
Mark, globals are best used as environment variables. Not as persistent storage. Your example shows that if stack b opens and fails to work with a global, you didn't set a pre-requisite (nor a check) for xyz's conformity... that's asking for trouble. If stack B had this check, it could then

re : Objet : [OT] Software Carpentry

2005-08-02 Thread xbury . cs
Nice Pierre Java try to be... XTalks (Metacard, Rev, Supercard,..) are, pratically, doing what the author expect to get from J2EE ;-) Except for one small detail... threading... ;) XB - Visit us at

Re: global problems

2005-08-02 Thread xbury . cs
it's not different. The global is persistent until you delete it. So if you delete your global and rerun your script (as you would recompile in other langs), the global wont show up again. I thought i had demonstrated that with my script in the little mail following the question yesterday...

Re: global problems

2005-08-01 Thread xbury . cs
have you tried global x2 put 5 into x2 delete global x2 get the globalnames replace comma with cr in it put it i dont see x2 anymore... -=- Xavier Bury Clearstream Services TNS NT LAN Server ext 36465 Voice: +352 4656 43 6465 Fax: +352 4656

Re: [OT] Windows Command Help

2005-07-29 Thread xbury . cs
Dan if you type echo %ProgramFiles% you will get the path by default were apps are installed you can do a find using the F3 or WindowKey+F and search for acrobat... if the exe is not in your paths then, there's no way windows will go looking for it... I just tried it D:\NBU 5.0\Docstart

RE: [OT] Windows Command Help

2005-07-29 Thread xbury . cs
Jon Nice and extensive! ;) Here's the simple form i use in my file browser if the platform is Win32 then put queryRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ftype\) into thisappClass put queryRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\thisappClass\shell\open\command\) into thisapp delete word 2 of

Re: Urgent (desperate) cry for help...

2005-07-28 Thread xbury . cs
according to my version here in Win2003 (like XP), i also get URLencode(Coördinator)=Co%F6rdinator so i would assume the problem to be with the urlencode function or the way windows and mac differ on that kind of translation... Oh yes... macs and pcs dont encode ö as the same ASCII so it must

RE: Shell start with value

2005-07-27 Thread xbury . cs
For most shell batches, if found it extremely useful to 1 test it in a real batch... this proves the shell command HAS to work 2 put the whole shell command into a variable - this makes it easier to debug... 3 Always enclose the paths (or verify that it needs) with quotes. The verification is

Re: empty ask result + ok = result:cancel

2005-07-26 Thread xbury . cs
Joel, Thanks, Eric told me offlist about this version problem. I uploaded this morning the fix and it works as expected. I also closed the bug... Thanks for the help Cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 26/07/2005 09:46:00: Dear Mister X, I mentioned such a bug (#3019) in build 91 and

Re: ChatRev DOWN!

2005-07-26 Thread xbury . cs
who said they didn't care? ChatRev is by far the best communications channel for RunRev ;) I care! ;) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 26/07/2005 12:34:48: Hi all I know that most of you don't care, but ChatRev is up again, chat away! Bjoernke -- Now running:

Re: Another Doc Thought

2005-07-26 Thread xbury . cs
Hi guys, i've had it happened too. Now, im more careful... you can always make sure you have selected your control by double clicking it... cheers Xavier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 26/07/2005 15:39:34: That happens to me all the time. I just change the name of the main stack back. I

Re: # PROBABLY SPAM #::URL path to Windows server?

2005-07-25 Thread xbury . cs
K all you need is to mount the drive and copy. use the net use command. It has all the parameters you speak of. (type net help use for instructions on how to use it) Another way, assuming you have administrator priviledges is to use a simple shell copy command... the put url will only work

Re: Indexing mail list messages

2005-07-22 Thread xbury . cs
Al, To remove the RevWordDefitiency, just replace , with in yourtext do the same for any punctuation, and all non-wordy characters the RevWordDefitiency implies! cheers Xavier On 22/07/2005 14:55:42 use-revolution-bounces wrote: on Fri, 22 Jul 2005 Dave Cragg wrote: Just one small

Re: # POSSIBLY SPAM #::Anomolous is among

2005-07-22 Thread xbury . cs
Fantastic, we have quantum word amongness functions in rev now ;) Reminds me the joke: Q: Ever seen an elephant hidden behind a light post? A: no... Reply: Well hidden, wasn't it? ;)) On 22/07/2005 14:14:59 use-revolution-bounces wrote: put penguin is among the words of 1 2 3 4 = FALSE put

Re: going nuts again

2005-07-21 Thread xbury . cs
Thanks Chipp, I'll give it an idle try ;) Is this a problem only on windoze or Mac also? Now, i can confirm it also happens on win2000, XP and 2003! After deleting the images, deleting the buttons, recreating the buttons, the images (to revspec) reimporting them, reseting the patterns on the

Re: PC/x-platform development (was Re: embed/install font)

2005-07-21 Thread xbury . cs
Brad, I dont think nothing is stopping you from copying your stack to a mac and running it via a demo player... Once the stack is made (on a PC for example), i dont think you need to recompile it to run on Macs or Linux. But i could be wrong... cheers Xavier On 21/07/2005 16:04:00

Re: Web site security using Rev

2005-07-20 Thread xbury . cs
This is not something the cgi can do if you dont go via the cgi. Going to sub folders is not something the cgi will detect (AFAIK). Permissions should be set either at the ftp level or in IIS via the IIS Manager, or the NT permissions. Sorry, dont know about apache but i think that falls in the

RE: Web site security using Rev

2005-07-20 Thread xbury . cs
Jim Sorry, it's not how i had read it (missing details?) Yes, in that case it is possible to have the cgi verify the security of a section which you can preset wantonly. cheers Xavier On 20/07/2005 14:48:51 use-revolution-bounces wrote: OK, I may be spacing out here, but HTML an call a CGI

Re: Global scope of functions

2005-07-14 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Rob Yes, that's the way. However if it is only one card, clarity can be improved if your card related scripts are in the card scripts and the stack-only related scripts reside in the stack script. This is IMOHO the best way for future expansions of the software. If you have more than one

Re: Newbie Question

2005-07-14 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Hamburger You can either do a frontscript or the good old stackinuse cheers Xavier On 14/07/2005 13:55:25 use-revolution-bounces wrote: I'm in the process of switching from HyperCard. I put several handlers functions in my home stack that are used in other stacks. Where do I put these

Re: Folder size

2005-07-13 Thread xbury . cs
Chris, Is this for Mac or PC? If it is for PC, there's a utility called diruse.exe in the Moft Resource kit that does this quite nicely... cheers Xavier On 12/07/2005 17:17:56 use-revolution-bounces wrote: Hello folks - Anyone know if there is an easy way in Rev of getting the size of a

Re: ResizeStack help, please

2005-07-13 Thread xbury . cs
Jon I can confirm that resizestack works in cards, backgrounds or stacks and even frontscripts (just be careful debuging them)... im sure the error is elsewhere cheers Xavier On 13.07.2005 15:11:37 use-revolution-bounces wrote: I have a handler in my Stack that displays an image. In order to

RE: Window Positioning Bug? [WORKAROUND]

2005-07-13 Thread xbury . cs
Guys, Also, once you select the window, type alt-space - (the menu of the window (topleft corner) will drop down, and all you need is to type M (as in Move) and then use the arrows to put it back where you want it. Type C to close the darn thing ;) set the loc of this stack to 100,100 -- (or

Re: Transfering stack between WinXP and MacOS9

2005-07-11 Thread xbury . cs
Any illegal file name characters (:) in the name maybe? just a thought... On 11/07/2005 11:53:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote: Hi list, I'm facing a problem for the 1st time : I have a stack built on MacOS9 which I transfered safely to WinXP (zipped file via ftp). After improving a few thing on

Re: Transfering stack between WinXP and MacOS9

2005-07-11 Thread xbury . cs
JB, Maybe a byte by byte file comparison could help... cheers X On 11/07/2005 12:04:15 use-revolution-bounces wrote: Nope, the file name is very straightforward : Demo.rev (actually the same name as the original MacOS9 stack). However, I'm wondering : the stack on WinXP has been configured

Re: revDeleteFolder and Lessons Learned..

2005-07-08 Thread xbury . cs
Chipp, I did send a previous warning about these revhandlers 2 months ago... cheers Xavier - Visit us at

Re: revDeleteFolder and Lessons Learned..

2005-07-08 Thread xbury . cs
Guys, Why not ask a professional? :) I delete production files in a huge huge file system among 20 each day. I CANNOT make a mistake when i delete these things... We're talking banking production... This is what i use for the past 4 years without ONE error... It works in NT4, NT2000 and XP.

Re: revDeleteFolder and Lessons Learned..

2005-07-08 Thread xbury . cs
You're too funny Klaus, That's the script i use professionally... On EMC TB storage. When it comes to delete 10 millions files... There's no way I'd use Rev-Anything... I tested it for a minor monthly deletejob and it didn't even work for the test. So... So, if you ask a professional that does

RE: Suggestion for correcting the IDE's script editor

2005-07-01 Thread xbury . cs
Jim, Bob, I agree with you. However remember that you can use anything to edit the script... put the script of the selobj into fld 1 of stack myeditor and set the script of the selobj to fld 1 of stack Myeditor Note that the plugin architecture of RunRev permits to trap the RevEditScript

what happened to my posts?

2005-06-30 Thread xbury . cs
Hi all, I posted 3 or 4 emails since yesterday from my home mail adand none made it in the list? Any clues? TIA cheers Xavier - Visit us at IMPORTANT MESSAGE

Re: what happened to my posts?

2005-06-30 Thread xbury . cs
Well, i was just holding my breath and nothing... ;) now i can breathe ;) Thanks Eric! Xav On 30/06/2005 08:43:26 use-revolution-bounces wrote: Hi Xavier, The same for me so I reposted... and they appeared 24 hours later... Be patient ;-) Simple new server start problem... Le 30 juin 05 à

Re: # POSSIBLY SPAM #::Rev Toolbar Group button - How does it work?!

2005-06-27 Thread xbury . cs
Hi Tim, Look at the selectedobjectchanged message. You can see what is in the selection via the selectedobjcets or selobjs function cheers Xavier On 27/06/2005 10:10:03 use-revolution-bounces wrote: Hi All, I am trying to get the same effect as the Rev team have done with the Group button on

Re: # POSSIBLY SPAM #::Array debugging - what a user-candy joke!

2005-06-08 Thread xbury . cs
well, apologies, you can see the values thanks to Pat's mention of a hidden column... Damn i feel stupid now... But with most debugger windows being resized by default with that pane hidden, it's like the message watcher with the misplaced buttons or the reverror dialog hidding the abort

Re: who's out there?

2005-06-07 Thread xbury . cs
Chipp, For the third time, removing the breakpoint MAY work but NOT always... There's a 2nd reference to the breakpoint written in the revcustom properties that is not cleaned up. The only solution in existence is my stack the Breakpoints navigator. And 2.6 still crashes with these issues

Re: Uh-oh.... Anybody following WWDC?

2005-06-07 Thread xbury . cs
A bit OT but you'll see my point... The theory is that Wintel (or at least Windows) users need to upgrade more frequently (because every new version of Windows is more bloated - apparently new versions of OS X have been the same or even more efficient). If you had 2 users each buy a machine at

Re: two questions (was Re: Uh-oh.... Anybody following WWDC?)

2005-06-07 Thread xbury . cs
on the same subject: only fools dont change their mind/opinion... I've embraced Windows and given the trade-of between eye-candy and speed, i'll take speed any day. On the GUI side, Moft has made lots of advances that no longuer make the Mac superior - actually, given the enterprise world in

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