I also meet this problem when querying apache2 log in different machines.
How I can test this feature?
Abhishek Girish 于2018年8月17日周五 上午2:47写道:
> I'd also like to add that with the DFS storage plugin configured with local
> file system, one will have to make sure all nodes with Drillbits have the
I'd also like to add that with the DFS storage plugin configured with local
file system, one will have to make sure all nodes with Drillbits have the
same files (under the same directory structure). If a given query on a
dataset spawns a distributed plan (multiple fragments), then it may fail if
Hi Mehran,
This is a question for user mailing list.
Looks like there are no issues with it, you can run Drill in distributed
mode on Windows, Linux or MacOS based machines.
It necessary to specify *zk.connect* for Zookeeper hostname and port number
in *drill-override.conf* file and to run *>bin/