You need to create your table with pre-split regions.
$hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter -c 10 -f region_name
This command will pre-create 10 regions in your table using MD5 strings as
region boundaries.
You can also customize the splitting algorithm. Please see
Wouldn't major_compact trigger a split...if it really needs to split
However if you want to presplit regions for your table you can use the
regionsplitter utility as below:
$export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=`hbase classpath`; hbase
This will give you a usag
Yes, I understand that.
But after I complete the bulk load, shouldn't it trigger the region server
to split that region in order to meet the *hbase*.*hregion*.*max*.*filesize
* criteria?
When I try to split the regions manually using the WebUI, nothing happened,
but instead a Region mytable,,13342
I haven't done bulk loads using the importtsv tool, but I imagine it works
similarly to the mapreduce bulk load tool we are provided. If so, the
following stands.
In order to do a bulk load you need to have a table ready to accept the
data. The bulk load does not create regions, but only puts da
I use importtsv to load data as HFile
hadoop jar hbase-0.92.1.jar importtsv
-Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,ns: -Dimporttsv.separator=, mytable
Then I use completebulkload to load those bulk data into my table
hadoop jar hbase-0.92.1.jar com
I use importtsv to load data as HFile
hadoop jar hbase-0.92.1.jar importtsv
-Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,ns: -Dimporttsv.separator=, mytable
Then I use completebulkload to load those bulk data into my table
hadoop jar hbase-0.92.1.jar com