The first idea pops up is:
1. HDFS commands to copy your existing structure and data to support a
new partitions structure.
2. Create a new on temporary hive external table
3. (optional) if you created temporary table then drop old one and
insert ... select from temporary table.
Hi friends,
I have created partitions on hive external tables. partitions on
now i have to change the order of the partitions for the existing data for
all the dates.
order of the partition is custerid/userid/datetime.
Anyone can help me, how to alter the partitions
‘Never’ is a strong word.
1. We’re talking about the metadata so –
a. The data format is irrelevant
b. The records number is small (scale of thousands)
I would have sacrificed 1 second of metadata processing for a better user
2. Partitions values are b
Never use string when you can use int - the performance will be much better -
especially for tables in Orc / parquet format
> On 04 Jun 2016, at 22:31, Igor Kravzov wrote:
> Thanks Dudu.
> So if I need actual date I will use view.
> Regarding partition column: I can create 2 external table