And now I have to apologize. I was one version late for hive (0.8.1). And
the version 0.9 does include HWI with bootstrap. The jira must be
misleading or I don't understand what the issue is about...
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Bertra
Great answer. Thanks a lot.
1) I understand the concern with branches but I quickly reviewed the change
for 0.9.1 and not everything seemed to be a bug patch.
So I thought : why not ask about HIVE-2910.
2) I wasn't sure about that, it seems logical though. That's a great news.
I will definitely t
Generally we only apply patches to trunk. Thus maintaining branches
becomes to much trouble for us. You have to remember that most hive
major versions have no actual major changes. Most everything is hidden
behind a query language. The only changes that have to be done
carefully are changes to the
Here is my stand. Hive provides a dsl to easily explore data contained in
hadoop with limited experience with java and MapReduce.
And Hive Web Interface provides an easy exposition : users need only a
browser and the hadoop cluster can be well 'fire-walled' because the
communication is only th