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> *From:* Petter von Dolwitz (Hem) [mail
Be Certain About Your Data. Be Trillium Certain.
From: Petter von Dolwitz (Hem) [mailto:petter.von.dolw...@gmail.com]
Sent: 03 December 2013 12:46
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: hive.query.string not reflecting the current query
I use hive 0.11 w
Looks like a bug. I've booked this on
2013/12/4 Adam Kawa
> Maybe you can parse the output of EXPLAIN operator applied on your query
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+Explain
> or look for other configuration prope
Maybe you can parse the output of EXPLAIN operator applied on your query
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+Explain or
look for other configuration property (e.g. saying that number of map and
reduce tasks is equal to 0, or something).
2013/12/3 Petter von Dolwitz (H
Yes, it seems related. I think the query string is not refreshed when hive
decides to run without a map reduce job. Problem is that I try to interact
with the query string to apply an early filter in the record reader. Any
other known way to detect that a map reduce job is not spawned so that I
Maybe it is related to the fact, that a query:
> select * from mytable limit 100;
does not start any MapReduce job. It is starts a reading operation from
HDFS (and a communication with MetaStore to know what is the schema and how
to parse the data using InputFormat and SerDe).
For example,
I use hive 0.11 with a five machine cluster. I am reading the property
hive.query.string from a custom RecordReader (used for reading external
If I first invoke a query like
select * from mytable where mycolumn='myvalue';
I get the correct query string in this property.
If I then