Is there a way to run karaf providing user and pass that it executes a command and exit

2019-04-30 Thread ellirael
Something like this: karaf -u user -p password feature:install wrapper && wrapper:install -- Sent from:

Re: factory configuration record deletion

2016-08-23 Thread ellirael
yep. i need it too and does anybody know how to define factory config in a feature? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Inject system property value via blueprint

2016-08-31 Thread ellirael
I saw an example how to inject property values which are defined in config file. It is some thing like this: How to do the same with the system property printed by system:property command output? Or how to gain access to those system properties values? -- View this message in context:

Re: Inject system property value via blueprint

2016-08-31 Thread ellirael
TY, JB. It works fine. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Is there any problems with kar deploying in Karaf 4.0.6?

2016-09-08 Thread ellirael
When I install my kar i see empty output and this in log: org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root: missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity=lorien-niichi; type=karaf.feature; version="[0.1.0.SNAPSHOT,0.1.0.SNAPSHOT]"; filter:="(&(osgi.identity=lorien-ni

Kar needs to be uninstalled twice

2017-01-31 Thread ellirael
Check my console log karaf@root()> kar:list KAR Name lorien-niichi-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT karaf@root()> kar:uninstall lorien-niichi-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT Error executing command: Feature named 'lorien-niichi/0.1.0.SNAPSHOT' is not installed karaf@root()> kar:list KAR Name -

Maven bundle plaugin ver 3.2 adds "aries-jpa" require capability

2017-01-31 Thread ellirael
My model bundle manifest part: Require-Capability: osgi.extender;osgi.extender="aries.jpa",;fi lter:="(&(" Feature installer cannot satisfy "aries-jpa" require capability when installing a feature. When I install bundle by bundle there is no error message. And

Re: Maven bundle plaugin ver 3.2 adds "aries-jpa" require capability

2017-01-31 Thread ellirael
I need to mention that there is no error message in console. Kar is not installed. Error mesage info could be found in the log: 2017-01-31 13:48:41,786 | WARN | nsole user karaf | KarServiceImpl | 152 - org.apache.karaf.kar.core - 4.0.8 | Unable to install Kar feature lorien-nii

Re: Kar needs to be uninstalled twice

2017-02-13 Thread ellirael
up -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Maven bundle plaugin ver 3.2 adds "aries-jpa" require capability

2017-02-13 Thread ellirael
гз -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

karaf:features-generate-descriptor goal generated feature dependency problem

2014-05-26 Thread ellirael
I'm using karaf-maven-plugin/3.0.1 to build my feature projects. pom.xml dependency section: ${project.groupId} person.api.feature ${project.version} features xml ${project.groupId}

Container management JPA example

2014-05-29 Thread ellirael
I'm trying to run my JPA test bundles on Karaf 3.0.1. But it doesn't work. The problem is my bundle in GracePeriondState and awaiting dependencies [(&(&(org.apache.aries.jpa.proxy.factory=true). I've tried both versions of openjpa. Looking through this mailing list I couldn't finally figure whethe

Re: Container management JPA example

2014-05-30 Thread ellirael
Thanks for your reply. I've tried to build snapshot version. But it failed for different reasons. For example: Plugin org.apache.aries.versioning:org.apache.aries.versioning.plugin:0.1.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for; or compiler errors in

Re: Container management JPA example

2014-05-30 Thread ellirael
Thanks again, Christian. I've installed snapshot version. But I've met another poroblem running my test jpa bundle. Karaf log fragment: 2014-05-30 12:59:02,895 | WARN | raf-3.0.1/deploy | fileinstall | 11 - org.apache.felix.fileinstall - 3.2.8 | Error while starting bundle:

Re: Container management JPA example

2014-05-30 Thread ellirael
JB, yes. Result of "package:exports | grep javax.persistence" command: javax.persistence | 1.1.0 | 82 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec javax.persistence | 2.0.0 | 82 | org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec Result of "la | grep 82" command: 82 | Active | 30 | 1.1

Re: Container management JPA example

2014-06-01 Thread ellirael
Jamie, thanks. Have you tried those recipes? Is is working with Karaf 3.0.1 and container management JPA? Container management JPA is one of the main Karaf features. And I cannot stop trying to use it. -- View this message in context:

Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-03-16 Thread ellirael
Hi. When I use JTA with JPA everything works fine. Blueprint example: When I use JTA with JDBC DataSource transaction doesn't start. Blueprint example: How can I do JTA and JDBC to be friends? -- View this message in context:

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-03-16 Thread ellirael
Christian, thanks. You're right. Coonnection doesn't take part in transaction. And it is strange for me that I cannot use declarative transactions in Karaf with JDBC. Please, explain me, why I should use pax-jdbc in both cases? Afaik, database drivers includes XADataSource implementation that supp

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-03-16 Thread ellirael
Hi, Achim. It seems I am the only one who wants to use JTA with JDBC. :) -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-03-16 Thread ellirael
Thanks again, Christian. What is the difference between XADataSource and XA aware DataSource. If I inject an XA aware DataSource and use blueprint.xml that I mention earlier Transaction Manager will find my XA resource and start transaction? What will it be if I injecty two or more XA aware DataS

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-03-16 Thread ellirael
Thanks for your help. I'll try your solutions. Including pax-jdbc. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-03-19 Thread ellirael
Christian, I've tried. It works! Have some question though. Where to get pax-jdbc-db2 feature? Is IBM DB2 supported by pax-jdbc? Could you explain that background magic you talked earlier? I wonder how JTA finds my XAResources. How do I know what XA resources will be enlisted and what will not? C

Declarative JTA transactions XA aware resources auto-enlistment rules

2015-03-24 Thread ellirael
I've tried and tested declarative transactions with JDBC DataSources using pax-jdbc. Thanks to Christian Schneider. I'v trying to understand the XA aware resources auto-enlistment. But I cannot found any info. Lack of docs. All bundle resources are enslisted? All bundle resources that appears in

Re: Declarative JTA transactions XA aware resources auto-enlistment rules

2015-03-24 Thread ellirael
Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Declarative JTA transactions XA aware resources auto-enlistment rules

2015-03-24 Thread ellirael
Great docs. How did you find it? Bundle org.apache.aries.transaction.wrappers doesn't included in Karaf 3.0.3. Should I install it manually? Maybe it is some feature that installs it? -- View this message in context:

Re: Declarative JTA transactions XA aware resources auto-enlistment rules

2015-03-24 Thread ellirael
I tested JTA JPA earlier. It works. I had problems when tried JTA JDBC. It works too, with pax-jdbc. Pax-jdbc grants pooling and XA wrapping for DataSources. When I saw your message, I wanted to try another solution of XA DataSource auto wrapping. I've tried and it doesn't work. I think it is beca

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-05-08 Thread ellirael
Is there something wrong with pax-jdbc-postresql? Compairing 4.0 and 5.0 feature files I found out that one bundle is missed. transactionpax-jdbc-specmvn:org.postgresql/postgresql/9.4-1200-jdbc41 pax-jdbcmvn:org.ancoron.postgresql/org.postgresql/9.1.901.jdbc4.1-rc9mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jdbc/pax-jdbc

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-05-08 Thread ellirael
Christian, the DataSourceFactory is created and registered. I use karaf 3.0.3. The problem is it doesn't react to my config described DataSource properties. May be you provide some config example for postrgesql pooled xa datasource? -- View this message in context: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble

Re: Karaf JTA and JDBC DataSource

2015-05-12 Thread ellirael
Thanks, Christian. The docs you provided helped me a lot. It works. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Is there a way to access current blueprint container?

2015-05-12 Thread ellirael
When I create blueprint container manually I can ger access to it: BlueprintContainerImpl container = new BlueprintContainerImpl(classLoader, resourcePaths); Foo foo = (Foo) container.getComponentInstance("foo"); container.destroy(); Is there a way to access Karaf blueprint container? -- View

Re: Is there a way to access current blueprint container?

2015-05-12 Thread ellirael
Type is BluePrintContainer? Interface? How to do it inside my code without injection? My objects lifecycle controlled from another container. -- View this message in context: Sent from

Re: Is there a way to access current blueprint container?

2015-05-12 Thread ellirael
The place where I need BlueprintContainer reference is the class which object creation maintained by another container. I cannot let blueprint do it. -- View this message in context: Se

Re: Is there a way to access current blueprint container?

2015-05-12 Thread ellirael
I'm trying to get blueprint service proxy inside vaadin UI. My current solution is to create BlueprintContainer Vaadin aware servlet with BlueprintContainer property. Then register my servlet with whiteboard pattern injecting blueprintContainer in it. Then in UI access my service proxies like this:

JTA spec dependency when using blueprint tx tag

2015-05-14 Thread ellirael
Should I add maven provided scope dependency on jta spec if I creating this bean: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at Nabb

Re: Is there a way to access current blueprint container?

2015-05-16 Thread ellirael
Nope, I just register Vaadin servlet via Pax Web whiteboard wrappers using blueprint. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Is there a way to access current blueprint container?

2015-05-16 Thread ellirael
Like this: /niichi/* And then in UI created by Vaadin I request

Re: Apache Karaf 3.0.4 release ETA

2015-05-16 Thread ellirael
Any news on release? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

jdbc:create creates incorrect blueprint when using generic datasource type

2015-05-18 Thread ellirael
Class org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource changed its poroperty names: user -> username. And there is also a problem with GenericObjectPool constructor. -- View this message in context:

Problem with JPA,JNDI after installing CXF feature

2015-05-18 Thread ellirael
After installing CXF feature I met some problem with datasource recognition from bundle that uses JPA and registers servet. javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Unable to find the InitialContextFactory org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.InitialContextFactory. at org.apache.aries.jndi.ContextHelper.

Re: Security in Module

2015-05-25 Thread ellirael
Any info from Achym? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Problem with JPA,JNDI after installing CXF feature

2015-05-27 Thread ellirael
Is there any successful projects using blueprint and cхf in karaf? I have some problems intergrating cxf into karaf. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing li

Re: Problem with JPA,JNDI after installing CXF feature

2015-05-27 Thread ellirael
Thanks Achim. I will. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Problem with JPA,JNDI after installing CXF feature

2015-05-28 Thread ellirael
I use pax jdbc and define my ds in config file. Built-in jdbc scope doesn't provide for some reason Jta enabled datasources. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User ma

Best way to access OSGi services from classes which object creation I cannot handle

2015-06-18 Thread ellirael
I'm looking for best solution to gain access to OSGi services in classes which object creation I cannot handle. For example I need to call some OSGi services in JPA event listener @PostPersist callback method. How to inject services to such objects? How to refresh services links when their implemen

Re: Best way to access OSGi services from classes which object creation I cannot handle

2015-06-19 Thread ellirael
Christian, I'm using OpenJPA. I implement @PostPersist method in entity event listener which I registered by means of @EntityListeners annotation. ServiceTracker... My API bundle will depend on OSGi framework... But I'll try it. There will b no problems with dynamism? My quick test solution was to

RE: Best way to access OSGi services from classes which object creation I cannot handle

2015-06-19 Thread ellirael
Jean-Philippe, dynamic change of services impl have many ways to use. For example I can dynamically register calback methods, hot-update app version without needs of app stopping, implementing point of extension template. In different cases there will be different requirements how to handle servic

RE: Best way to access OSGi services from classes which object creation I cannot handle

2015-06-22 Thread ellirael
Jean-Philippe, you're reffering JPAStuff. What is it? My JPA listener created by JPA engine, not by blueprint. Is is possible to intercept myJPAStuff creation via blueprint? -- View this message in context:

Re: Security in Module

2015-06-23 Thread ellirael
Christian, any news on a proplem? I'm trying to use embedded security solution. Or you'd advice to try shiro? Any problems is known with shiro? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list ar

RE: Best way to access OSGi services from classes which object creation I cannot handle

2015-06-24 Thread ellirael
Jean-Philippe, and there was original question what is the best tech to easily retrieve OSGi service from my dynamically loaded JPA listener. -- View this message in context:

Strange folder in karaf 4.0 windows distribution

2015-07-21 Thread ellirael
I've noticed there is a strange folder "file:" with colon in name located in /system folder of karaf 4.0 windows distribution. What should I do with it? -- View this message in context: Sent from t

Re: Strange folder in karaf 4.0 windows distribution

2015-07-23 Thread ellirael
np ty -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Karaf 4 jdbc commands changes and problems

2015-07-23 Thread ellirael
Am I right that Karaf 4 jdbc feature requires now some external DataSourceFactory libraries (unlike Karaf 3)? I've installed these features: jpa | 2.0.0| x| Started | enterprise-4.0.0 openjpa | 2.3.0| x| Started | enterprise-4.0.0

Re: Karaf 4 jdbc commands changes and problems

2015-07-23 Thread ellirael
Tried to use dbcp2 instead of aries-pool. Dbcp2 works fine in my scenario. ds-list command output: Name | Product | Version | URL | Status --- dbname | MySQL | 5.1.36 | jdbc:mysql://host/

Re: Karaf 4 jdbc commands changes and problems

2015-07-23 Thread ellirael
JB, I didn't quite understand your answer. Am I right that I need external feature(s) to make jdbc commands work? What's wrong with aries pool and how to resolve my problem with lost password and DS doubling? -- View this message in context:

Re: Karaf 4 jdbc commands changes and problems

2015-07-24 Thread ellirael
JB, the info you asked is in my first message. Features installation went ok. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

OpenJPA feature and Java 8

2015-08-10 Thread ellirael
Is there any problem with OpenJPA working on Java 8? Karaf 3 OpenJPA feauture doesn't require Java 7. But Karaf 4 do. I know that the feature resolver was changed. But I have successfully run OpenJPA application on Karaf 3 and Java 8. -- View this message in context: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabb

Re: OpenJPA feature and Java 8

2015-08-10 Thread ellirael
What about OpenJPA 2.3.x? According to enterprise-4.0.0-features.xml both OpenJPA versions require Java 1.7: ...;filter:="(&(!(version>=1.8)))" ...;filter:="(&(!(version>=1.8)))" May it be some sort of an error? -- View this message in conte

Need help with OpenJPA JTA

2015-08-12 Thread ellirael
I've created api and command bundles. My api bundle uses OpenJPA and registers PlayerService. My command bundle uses PlayerService to add some players. EntityManagerFactory is successfully created for my api bundle. My *persistence.xml* file:"; xmlns:xsi="h

Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-08-26 Thread ellirael
I've got 2 bundles. One registers the service via blueprint. And another one is command bundle. Command bundle injects registered service with command lifecycle annotation. The problem is when I update service bundle command disappears until I restart Karaf. package biz.lorien.niichi.command; imp

Aries JPA EmSupplier understanding

2015-08-26 Thread ellirael
Looking through page at and samples at I understand that I should use EmSupplier if I want thread safe app

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-01 Thread ellirael
Need help to resolve it. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-01 Thread ellirael
I mean command disappears. 139 | Active | 80 | 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT | Lorien Niichi API 140 | Active | 80 | 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT | Lorien Niichi Command karaf@root()> niichi niichi niichi:add-player karaf@root()> niichi:add-player Error executing command niichi:add-player: ar

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-01 Thread ellirael
karaf@root()> service:list PlayerService [biz.lorien.niichi.api.service.PlayerService] - osgi.service.blueprint.compname = playerService service.bundleid = 139 = 168 service.scope = bundle Provided by : Lorien Niichi API (139) karaf@root(

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-01 Thread ellirael
Restarting command bundle doesn't help. Uninstalling and installing command bundle helps. BTW, why do I keep getting that nasty EclipseLink warning? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Kara

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-01 Thread ellirael
In my case command disappearing is very stable. There is a log on "restart 139" command: * diffs k1.log, k2.log 2015-09-01 17:37:32,228 | INFO | nsole user karaf | BlueprintExtender | 12 - org.apache.aries.blueprint.core - 1.4.3 | Destroying BlueprintContainer for bundle biz.

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-01 Thread ellirael
Service is present. I have installed different verision of vaadin - 7.5.4 instead of 7.4.5. It is strange but the problem is gone. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing l

Re: Karaf 4 command bundle using service

2015-09-03 Thread ellirael
I need to say that it is appearing/disappearing bug. Sometimes I have it. Sometimes I have not. I cannot understand a reason or prerequisites. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - Use

Re: Bundle is waiting for namespace handlers []

2015-09-07 Thread ellirael
Mohammad, things changed slightly in karaf 4. Check this page: -- View this message in context: Sent from t

Re: Kara 3.0.5 Release date?

2015-09-09 Thread ellirael
I am curious what bug are you talking about? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Karaf 4 ds-create command creates wrong config for Postgres

2015-11-05 Thread ellirael
There was a change with DataSource creation in Karaf 4. The new ds-create command creates configs fox pax-jdbc adapters for DataSourceFactories. But the current pax-jdbc-version 7.0 doesn't include an adapter for Postgres. The Postgress team coded their factory/adpater in their driver. But their

Re: Karaf 4 ds-create command creates wrong config for Postgres

2015-11-09 Thread ellirael
Should I wait for pax-jdbc 8 or something? Do you plan to include pax-jdbc in karaf distribution cause jdbc scope commands are useless without it? -- View this message in context:

Re: Karaf 4 ds-create command creates wrong config for Postgres

2015-11-09 Thread ellirael
What's the sheduled 4.0.3 release date? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
I have found some unstable behavior when starting Karaf 4.0.3. Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint 2.0.0 bundle start success is random. I have to restart Karaf several (about 3 to 10) times to get the error. It looks like it is some sort of a bundle race or something. *The list of features to be i

Re: Cant create JDBC DS (4.0.2)

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
And check this thread: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive

Re: Karaf 4 ds-create command creates wrong config for Postgres

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
It looks like Postgres fixes are not included in 4.0.3: - editing postgres feature for including Postgres JDBC driver - adding postgress pax-jdbc adapter for ds-create command result suits Postgress DataSourceFactory Should I wait for pax-jdbc 8 or Karaf 4.0.4/4.1.0? And yes, I have got a worka

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
Should eventadmin be in this list? On a clean Karaf: karaf@root()> feature:list -i Name| Version | Required | State | Repository | Description --- aries-proxy | 4.0

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
Do we need eventadmin feature nowtimes? karaf@root()> feature:list | grep event eventadmin| 4.0.3| | Uninstalled | standard-4.0.3 karaf@root()> feature:install eventadmin karaf@root()> feature:list | grep event eventadmin| 4.0.3

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
>But I meant that eventadmin bundle is part of What does it change for me as a user? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf -

Aries JPA blueprint schema locations

2015-11-11 Thread ellirael
New way to work with JPA was introduced in Karaf 4.0.2. The blueprint config file looks like:"; xmlns:tx=""; xmlns:jpa="";> ... EntityManager injection is handled

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-12 Thread ellirael
Any new info here? This problem kills production env for sure. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-13 Thread ellirael
Christian, everything installing correctly and without errors. After that I stop Karaf and run it again. Stop and run. Every run I wait for all bundles to load. This errors happens on a random start on Karaf and after another restart disappears. Sometimes it is needed 20 runs to catch thise errors.

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-17 Thread ellirael
I figured out how to get an exception. Watch this video please: OS: Win7 x64 -- View this message in context: Sent fr

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-21 Thread ellirael
I have recorded some logs with DEBUG level. One with normal start and another with problem start. May be it can help. -- View this message in context:

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-11-23 Thread ellirael
I've *never* seen Transaction bundle fail without exception from JMX. But I've seen exception from JMX without Transaction bundle fail. Looking forward to hear from you. This problem is pretty stable in my environment. -- View this message in context:

Blueprint prototype scope creates unnecessary bean instances [Karaf 4.0.3]

2015-12-02 Thread ellirael
After creating all necessary prototype instances, blueprint create one more instance for each prototype bean. It can be a huge trouble when there is deep prototype bean tree. Here is simple example to demostrate it: -- normal creation -- Server1 create bpt.tes

Re: Problems with Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint bundle start in Karaf 4.0.3

2015-12-02 Thread ellirael
I am back, Christian. Sorry for delay. I am quite unfimilar with jira. May I ask for a help with ticket creation? Any news on blind-fighting? -- View this message in context:

Re: Karan Command Blueprint Bean Injection

2015-12-04 Thread ellirael
Yep JB, I've found it by myself. But I could not find a way to surpass a filter expression. How to do it? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Aries JPA blueprint schema locations

2015-12-14 Thread ellirael
How does user know what xml schemas version is supported by Karaf verision? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Aries JPA blueprint schema locations

2015-12-14 Thread ellirael
Oh, thanks a lot. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Configuring connection pool properties

2016-01-13 Thread ellirael
How can I configure connection pool properties for datasources created by ds-create command? I am using dbcp2 implementation. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive

Re: [ANN] Apache Karaf 4.0.4 released

2016-01-15 Thread ellirael
* KARAF-4197 - Upgrade to blueprint.core-1.5.0, jpa-2.3.0, transaction.blueprint-2.1.0 * KARAF-4220 - Upgrade to eclipselink 2.6.1 * KARAF-4230 - Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.5.0 * KARAF-4233 - Upgrade to Aries JPA Container 1.0.3 Any new API or other changes here? Or bug fixes in dependencie

Re: [ANN] Apache Karaf 4.0.4 released

2016-01-15 Thread ellirael
It may be dependency bug fix or new API introduced. Like it was with Karaf 4.0.2 version: Aries Transaction 2.0.0 is using pure @Transactional annotations. The xml only contains an enabled Element to activate this. So if you use the new namespace you will use this approach if you use the old one n

Re: Configuring connection pool properties

2016-01-15 Thread ellirael
Anybody? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

NullPointer Exception when deploying EclipseLink model bundle

2016-01-18 Thread ellirael
*When I deploy my model bundle which contains only persistence unit I get this Exception:* karaf@root()> bundle:install -s mvn:biz.lorien.niichi/model; [EL Warning]: 2016-01-18 17:14:57.797--java.lang.NullPointerException Bundle ID: 167 *and every time I start Karaf with this model bundle:* Hit ''

Re: [ANN] Apache Karaf 4.0.4 released

2016-01-19 Thread ellirael
I just see the one of purposes of this mailing group be a knowledge exchange. I just want to ask the developers should I take a close view on that dependency upgrades to know API changes. Or it is bug fixes only upgrades. -- View this message in context:

Re: Configuring connection pool properties

2016-01-19 Thread ellirael
I checked page. And I couldn't find the info you mentioned. :( Christian, may be you know the site where to look? What is your plans about Postresql adapter? Check

Re: [ANN] Apache Karaf 4.0.4 released

2016-01-19 Thread ellirael
Thanks for an answer. But I cannot completely agree with you. One of 4.0.x release seriously changed ways of working with jpa and transactions. But yes, with backward compatibility. -- View this message in context:

Re: Configuring connection pool properties

2016-01-19 Thread ellirael
Thanks guys. I successfully created my DS with config scope commands. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Karaf 4.0.4 boot features not working

2016-02-15 Thread ellirael
I have checked your use case. Everything works for me. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at

Re: Dynamically wrapping jars

2016-02-17 Thread ellirael
The error message looks like: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.karaf.tooling:karaf-maven-plugin:4.0.4:features-generate-descriptor (default-features-generate-des criptor) on project jdbc: Unable to create features.xml file: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to load file: .../feature/filt

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