Using Struts-Dialogs for multi row update

2005-11-08 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys, hi Michael I have to implement a typical web-store feature showing and updating product count in the shopping basket. Something like: [ 1] x Centrino 1.5 CPU [ 3] x Athlon XP 2000 CPU [ 2] x ACME Cooler ... (Submit) Each shopping cart line is represented by a POJO and I have some p

Re: Using Struts-Dialogs for multi row update

2005-11-09 Thread Danny Lee
Hi Michael, Persistance is no issue, becouse I have implemented managers, which can be simply used anywhere. Something like: "On update PersistanceManager.UpdateProductCount(prodID, newCount)" Well the question was about multi row update. It means for every list line I have a "Delete" button

Re: Preventing users from resubmitting payment screen

2005-11-10 Thread Danny Lee
Michael Jouravlev schrieb: On 11/9/05, Jadeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I wanted to find out any recommendations in handling successful payments where the user is redirected to a receipt screen after a successful payment transaction. Basically, I need to prevent users from resubmitting the pa

Re: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose several items from the List.

2005-11-11 Thread Danny Lee
Maybe this will help: Countries is a list with bunch of Objects of type Country which have to be put in the session scope by session.setAttribute("countries",countries); countryName is a form bean property of the type "String" where the actual countryName is saved. Cheerz, Danny

Re: Struts menu error

2005-11-15 Thread Danny Lee
Download struts-menu.jar and put it into project-path. Then stuff will work. Chez Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Posting from 1JSP to 2Actions and 2Forms

2005-11-15 Thread Danny Lee
Yeap I had similar problem too, perfectly solved with Struts Dialogs Framework. Just check this stuff out. Cheers Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: How can I keep multiple selection of html:options when I am back

2005-11-15 Thread Danny Lee
I don't know if I understand you right, but if you wan't to get the option selected before validation, just save it in some form Attribute of your Struts Form and then use: value="${myForm.lastSelectedThing}> Cheerz Danny Chen Jerry schrieb: Well, I make multiple selection and submit the p

Re: [ANN] Struts Dialogs 1.24 is released

2005-11-18 Thread Danny Lee
Hi Michael! I've just installed the new version and tryed out the new features! Stuff works fine and having EVENT-DIALOG-SOMETHING in struts-config.xml seems to be much more logical then having getKeyMethodMap() inside of Action.class! The migration took something like 10 minutes, so go on g

Re: help for changing the language, locale

2005-11-20 Thread Danny Lee
Well, that's really easy, just do: "request.getSession().setAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY, new locale(languageCode));" in your action, where languageCode is the locale you wish to use. Cheers Danny Miren Urkijo schrieb: HEllo y havo one struts aplicaicon. if into the borwser i change the

Re: help for changing the language, locale

2005-11-20 Thread Danny Lee
You have to do a getLocale() in your ActionForm and then use: in your JSP ;) Then you gonna be lucky ;) Cheers, Danny Miren Urkijo schrieb: it runsbut i have one problem. in my struts pages i am working with fmt and jstl and this doesn't run with these (jstl, fmt). which is the solution?

Re: nested Sets

2005-11-21 Thread Danny Lee
You just have to organize something like seto of B's in yur A and set of C's in your B. This has to be done per Hibernate ('s in hibernate.cfg.xml and List getters setters in DAO Classes). When you've done this, you can iterate all the attributes without big prob's. After user submiting new va

Re: nested Sets

2005-11-21 Thread Danny Lee
Well, your problem is storing the value in "formulaPart". What is formulaPart? You are populating the form, and you have lot of input fields after populations. So you have to have formulaPart[x] as a property, and List formulaPart in the scope! Read this:

Re: nested Sets

2005-11-22 Thread Danny Lee
The typical case for DynaForm is a very simple case, when you have couple of basic properties you have in your Form. I supose, that creating of a separate ActionForm class is more appropriate for your case. If you are new to Struts and have to work really fast (it was my case couple of months

Re: shopping cart, dynamic field names

2005-11-23 Thread Danny Lee
Here's a snippet from my checkout.jsp: varStatus="status"> align=left height=40> value="${item.productName}"/> value="${item.productPrice}" type="currency" currencySymbol="€"/> x align="left"/>

Re: shopping cart, dynamic field names

2005-11-23 Thread Danny Lee
Cool site, thanks pal :) I'm actually lived in Hannover 1999-2000, studied economics there... Cheers, Danny Bednarz, id-on GmbH schrieb: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail

Re: shopping cart, dynamic field names

2005-11-23 Thread Danny Lee
Hi David, yeap you got the stuff right. The only thing I forgot to tell you is: if you not using Struts dialogs you have to "prepopulate" the form. So you actually need two actions 1st for prepopulating of properties and 2nd for correlation with the user input. Or you just use Struts Dialogs, i

Re: SSL switching: why isn't it part of struts?

2005-11-25 Thread Danny Lee
Please start new thread (as new message), without making replay on some other thread not relative to your topic. Then I'll answer. Cheers, Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [E

Re: struts bean population problem?how to save a form value in jsp?

2005-11-25 Thread Danny Lee
Here is all you need: Cheers, Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with logic:iterate

2005-11-29 Thread Danny Lee
Next time check documentation for this kind of questions. Farm Number ${oneFarm.number} Name is - ${} Cheers, Danny Eider Iturbe schrieb: I don't know how to implement in jsp the code to read all the values of the arraylist, Eider -

Re: [ANN] Preview: portable [non-Ajax] components for Struts/JSP

2005-11-30 Thread Danny Lee
Hi Michael, there deffinitely is an insterest :) I like your new IPU [ ;) ] approach! Well, the interesting thing for me is, if there's some "take it back to the parent action" approach in your new technique. For example I'm in:

Re: Want dynamic menus

2005-12-13 Thread Danny Lee
Struts menu is just fine, works with latest stuff and can be attached to DB too, there is a nice tutorial. If the stuff works just fine, why do you need updates? :) Cheers, Danny Antony Paul schrieb: Hi all, I am looking for a component to create menus in Java web applications. I want t

Re: Struts DTD - basic question

2005-12-13 Thread Danny Lee
Shalom there, is dead :(, have the same problem. yes you can hold the stuff localy. Just put it in your /lib/ folder... when jackarta's up, I'll do it too. Cheers Danny Rivka Shisman schrieb: Hello all, My struts-config.xml looks for the dtd in the Jakarta web

Re: Struts DTD - basic question

2005-12-13 Thread Danny Lee
Hi Joe, thanks for your answer, now I realy understand how this stuff works :) But it still don't works with validator. JAR is right and in scope, DTD is there in jar, DOCTYPE is right too but Eclipse allways tries to search for it online... Cheers, Danny

Re: Struts DTD - basic question

2005-12-13 Thread Danny Lee
Thanks again Joe, now I've configurated the stuff for Eclipse, and it works. Cheers, Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Want dynamic menus

2005-12-13 Thread Danny Lee
Danny Antony Paul schrieb: On 12/13/05, Danny Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Struts menu is just fine, works with latest stuff and can be attached to DB too, there is a nice tutorial. If the stuff works just fine, why do you need updates? :) I just want to standardise on one thing.

Re: Struts DTD - basic question

2005-12-13 Thread Danny Lee
Well, I use MyEclipse IDE and "XML catalog" is in specific settings for MyEclipse. So you have to serach for "XML catalog" in your libary and then add the key-String and local DTD-location there. Then your IDE will first check for local copy of DTD and only if it's not OK go to web. Lehitrao

Re: Ideas needed for SSL problem

2005-12-15 Thread Danny Lee
Well I really tried to solve this one, but finaly "redirect true" for all actions aviable from under the HTTPS part was the only solution... I mean, finally, HTTPS and HTTP is something like 2 different servers, I don't really think you can move around there without redirect... Btw, what do y

Re: how to customize applicationresources

2005-12-16 Thread Danny Lee
The only easy solution I can think of is to write some application, which is performing DB->File transformation before MessageResoursces consumer-application starts. But this is not a real solution, becouse you still can't change properties dynamicaly. I'm not sure if Struts allows you to do i

Re: how to customize applicationresources

2005-12-16 Thread Danny Lee
That's cool! Can you change the values dynamicaly in run-time, so it works without the need to restart the app? Greets, Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [FRIDAY] You might be a geek if ...

2005-12-30 Thread Danny Lee
Well, it's really dangerous thing, becouse as long you watch your sweet-sweet SF-stuff rather then doing some other stuff to your "Santa's little helper", she may just sneak over to your neighbour and then you'll wonder why your kinds rather do C# than develop J2EE applications ;) Happy New

Re: Enabling links according to user's authorization

2006-01-11 Thread Danny Lee
Do it simple, put a User bean into session scope just after user loged-in. Every user have a User.PERMISSIONS property. Then in JSP you do surround the links with JSTL the link, otherwise not. In all Actions you check the User too, and if there a problem (which means he put the forbiden actio

Re: menu system in front of a J2EE application

2006-01-19 Thread Danny Lee
You can use Struts-Menu, it's sure is a good thing. The only issue is, that you can't generate the first menu level dynamically (or it's not easy). So if you wan't to have something like: Group 1 - Project 1 - Project 2 - Project 3 Group 2 - Project 1 - Project 2 - subproject 1

Fast&Easy Populating of the HashMap attribute

2006-03-01 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys! I have a very general question, about populating HashMaps (and other stuff, but we just take HashMaps this time). Let say, I have a Product Bean, with some simple attributes (Name, ID), and some HashMap attributes (infos, pictures, details). It's quite easy to generate a HTML form f

Re: Struts Dialog

2006-03-02 Thread Danny Lee
Hello, Michael! That's cool :) Now I know, what I gonna do the next weekend! Cheers, Danny Michael Jouravlev wrote: I just uploaded the preview of version 2: ... I will upload final version of the library and the documentation in about a week. -

Autosumbit before Action

2006-03-10 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys! I'm writing an admin webinterface for a web store at the moment, the "put-new-product" part. SITUATION: I have some product attributes like "Information Blocks" and "Product Details", which are 0..n, so I'm able to delete these, or create new. PROBLEM: The problem is, every time I d

Validator hates ActionDispatcher

2005-08-25 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys! I have a sample-application I've build together from couple of tutorials. It have Hibernate&Struts and works (fine) using Titles. My problem: * When I try to plug-in the Validator and change the parent of my forms * from "ActionForm" to "ValidatorForm" or "ValidatorActionForm" the

Re: Validator hates ActionDispatcher

2005-08-25 Thread Danny Lee
Hi Hubert, maybe you're right and they just don't like each other a little bit ;) "what flavor of ActionDispatcher are you using?" eeeh, don't know what you mean with "flavor" but I just use it for working with multiple buttons on my page. I have a "public class BookEditAction extends Dispat

Template Depository, but how?

2005-09-09 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys, Let's imagine that I'm building a web store and have a lot of different product groups. For every product group I have a template describing how to peresent the products in this group. My web store have to be cool, so there is an admin interface, where the admin can create new pro

Re: Template Depository, but how?

2005-09-12 Thread Danny Lee
Thank you very much for your answer, Laurie! I gonna try to do it using tools you guys suggested and I hope to get it right :) Or I gonna do antother post, when I have more information or more concrete issues! Cheerz Danny Laurie Harper schrieb: So essentially what you want to do is take

Struts-Dialogs: forward back to source?

2005-10-04 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys! I'm currently adapting Struts-Dialogs for my E-Commerce project. Took the MailReader App as an example (thanks Misha). Seems to be a really good thing, user registration routine is halfway ready after quite short time. Well the question is: in some sources people tell something about

Re: Struts-Dialogs: forward back to source?

2005-10-04 Thread Danny Lee
Hi Michael, I'm actually have heard not much about struts-dialogs, but what I heard was pretty nice. Then I've seen this example mailreader application with Russian locale (my mother tongue) and thought, that it may be interessting ;) Which sure was correct. Thanks for your great work!

Re: Struts, Tiles and Internationalization

2005-10-08 Thread Danny Lee
Hi! I thing you don't have to put the language-oriented tags. Just do the normal Struts-Internationalization with applicaition_resources, this technique is independent of using tiles or not and works great. Choosing language manually is another issue. It will work anyway by Struts reading t

Re: [OT] how actually to make a shoping cart

2005-10-12 Thread Danny Lee
Oh no, don't show the shopping cart - view. Most user prefer to see the same thing what they saw after clicking on "add to cart". Just change the "## products in your cart cost ###" string somewhere in your layout. BTW it's nothing bad if the user sees top of the search-result list after "

Re: Forwarding to an "unknown" action

2005-10-12 Thread Danny Lee
I've tried to find a solution to absolutely same problem, with no result (ok-ok, I haven't tried TOO hard). So now I just go back to the welcome-page, which is OK too ;) But you can find couple of solutions here, I was too lazy to give a shot:

Re: Free Database Graphical Tool

2005-10-12 Thread Danny Lee
I like my SQLyog-Tool, using it for couple of years now. It's really fast, unproblematic and simple to use. Cheers Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] properties file editor , or plugin for eclipse 3.1.1

2005-10-14 Thread Danny Lee
yeap, "ResourceBundle Editor". Plugin 4 Eclipse Cheerz Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Changing language (locale) with a button

2005-11-07 Thread Danny Lee
Here my solution (some stuff I found on the net and adapted for my needs). I don't actually use the "display" stuff, couse I do it otherway... so you can ignore it. I hope it'll help Cheers Danny * 1) Action public class ChangeLocaleAction extends Action {

Re: Changing language (locale) with a button

2005-11-07 Thread Danny Lee
n't work for me either, because I am working with tiles and therefor the requestURL is not correct. So I am pretty interested in what you do with the "lastAction"-Attribute in your session. Maybe this might work for me as well. Do you have any examples how you used this? Thank yo

Re: [ANN] JSP Controls Tag Library 0.6 has been released

2006-04-11 Thread Danny Lee
Hey Michael, cool! Successfully upgraded 0.5, tested for one day :) No problems so far, works just fine! Cheers! Danny - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Interesting question (to me)... Perl app conversion to SUNWappserver/Java/Struts

2006-05-12 Thread Danny Lee
Use URL rewrite filter for this one. It's really a good stuff. Cheers, Danny Alan Treece wrote: As the Subject: line states I'm in the middle of converting a larger Perl application to a Struts web-app running on the SUNWappserver. The question was posed as

i18n, refreshing ApplicationResources

2006-06-13 Thread Danny Lee
Hi guys! I'm wondering if there's a way to set a refresh rate of Struts files. I hate restarting Tomcat everytime I've changed something there... Thanks in advance! Cheers, Danny - To un