Where is page (now) to subscribe/unsubscribe to this list?

2005-02-22 Thread john . chesher
I have looked everywhere, at at least it seems like it, on the apache site, but cannot find where I can subscribe to this list from another email address. Struts has been removed from the list of lists at http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail2.html, but if I go to the Struts home page, as it

Re: Session Strategy (here's a filter)

2005-01-21 Thread john . chesher
Sorry about posting code to the list if that is poor etiquette. I didn't know of that one. What's the reason for it? My code wasn't too lengthy and the email can easily be deleted by those that don't care. I just thought some other newbies (not unlike myself) might find it useful or

Re: Session Strategy (here's a filter)

2005-01-20 Thread john . chesher
Here's the filter I use. It contains some logging that you can choose to ignore and I also set some session attributes that I use for navigation AFTER the re-login, to get the user back to the page they were on or as near as possible, given only their first/last name and password. I also

Re: Session Strategy (here's a filter)

2005-01-20 Thread john . chesher
Dakota Jack wrote: I was looking for a filter that detected sessions that had expired and rerouted the request to a login or other appropriate page. That's what this does, specifically the following section of code: if (session.isNew()) {

Re: validator vs business logic

2005-01-18 Thread john . chesher
I'm not a veteran, but I am pretty familiar with Validator and ValidatorForm, so since it is late evening (EST anyway) any you may not get quick responses, I'll take a shot... It doesn't have anything to do with validations being simple or complex. The isse is that if you create an

Re: Servlet.log()

2005-01-14 Thread john . chesher
I am not veteran, but I think it will vary according to the servlet container you are using. If you are using TomCat, I think the log file will be in the directory {tomcat-home}/logs. Not sure, as I use Netbeans and the Tomcat server imbedded in it, which appears to put it in a different

Opinions needed - My plan for directing navigation afters session timeouts and update actions?

2005-01-11 Thread john . chesher
I have two situations I am trying to address with one generic solution: 1) For every update action, I had to maintain two separate result confirmation JSPs, one stating Update Successful and one Updated failed due to system error. Try again later. (must be a system error, as any data

Re-sizing button/label with HTML:SUBMIT ?

2005-01-06 Thread john . chesher
Sorry for the newb question. I am getting better with Struts, but remain very weak on HTML.. The pages I have created with simple HTML and Struts tags have a larger font/element size to them than most sites I frequent, so I wanted to make them smaller. I haven't learned CSS yet (soon!) so I

Two Qs re: authentication servlet filter

2005-01-04 Thread john . chesher
Can anyone help a newbie out? I have a couple of questions: 1) I am implementing a servlet filter for authentication. In my web app, a class reunion web site, I want people to be able to login with their first and last names and a password, instead of a single ID and password, so I am NOT

RESOLVED: Two Qs re: authentication servlet filter

2005-01-04 Thread john . chesher
Thanks Jim! For anyone following along, Jim's suggestion to preface all actions to be authenticated with /secure/ works great. Of course, you have to change all references to those actions in many places, but had I thought of that idea when I started developing this (my first real) site, it

Getting property value from bean in a collection into a script variable

2004-12-15 Thread john . chesher
Hi guys, I am trying to pull the value from a property in a collection(LinkedList) stored in the request object and store it in a script variable. I can write the property value to the response page using a bean:write tag inside a logic:iterate tag, but I can't seem to find a way to get the

Struts or straight HTML button for action w/ no assoc. form?

2004-12-09 Thread john . chesher
I have a jsp where I want to include a button that will simply invoke a new struts action, which is a ForwardAction that invokes the Tiles definition for a new page. At first I tried this with a Struts tag, as below: html:form action=/BuildPostMessageViewAction html:submit

Where to store and how to retrieve Images for web app

2004-12-01 Thread john . chesher
My web app will have about 300 users, each of whom will be allowed to upload a max of 5 images/digital pictures. I am using the Struts-upload package. I considered storing the images in MySQL as blobs, but have read lots of advice that this is more trouble than it's worth / overkill.

RE: Trouble with my first DynaActionForm

2004-11-24 Thread john . chesher
Oops, forgot the action: actionpath=/UpdateMyInfoAction type=schs82.UpdateMyInfoAction name=ClassmateInfoForm scope=request validate=false input=classmateInfoDef forward name=success

RE: Trouble with my first DynaActionForm

2004-11-24 Thread john . chesher
Thanks Matt and David! Geez, I couldn't see the forest for the trees... I knew it had to be something simple. Solved that part of the problem, but bounced into the next problem. If I can't get that one after more investigation, I'll be back!

Exception debugging

2004-11-18 Thread john . chesher
Hell, Can anyone help a newbie with how to interpret an exception stack? I have had some luck debugging previous problems, when the exception occured in my own code, as the stack info usually points to a line number or variable in the source file causing the problem. However, for an

Re: Installation Getting Started Question

2004-11-17 Thread john . chesher
1) Not sure if apache required. 2) Google for struts tutorial. You will find many simple apps to get you started and your configuration verified. 3) I started with the same book. You have to get through I think 3 chapters before you actual start writing an App! There might be some stuff

How to use layouts included with Tiles?

2004-11-01 Thread john . chesher
I can't find documentation on how to use the layouts included with Tiles. For example, here is one of my Tiles Defs: definition name=schs82DefaultDef path=/layout.jsp put name=mastheadvalue=/masthead.jsp/ put name=leftColumn value=/columnNoNavButtons.jsp/ put

RE: How to use layouts included with Tiles?

2004-11-01 Thread john . chesher
It appears I was not clear enough in my original question. If you look at the example definition I provided below, I would like to replace schs82DefaultDef with one of the layouts that supposedly come with Tiles, namely Center. The book I am learning from indicates that several standard

Can I use Tiles Def for 1st page accessed on my site?

2004-10-28 Thread john . chesher
I have a site where index.jsp is the first page users access. It contains some text, a link to go to a registration page, and a form for registered users to login. I have converted all other pages to be defined by Tiles definitions in an XML file. However, I cant figure out how or if I can