for now, the URL on the website still points to the CVS version. Don't make a
JIRA for it.
Clinton, any chance of changing the URL?
>- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
>Van: Ben Munat [mailto:[EMAIL
I manage the transactions manually using
My code looks like this:
class BaseService{
private static BaseDAO baseDao =
null; static { //get Base
DAO baseDao =
Class MyService
Seems like it had to do some extra reading.
The ticket on Jira is indeed closed and it was considered as a bug.
"Sven.Boden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
04/05/2006 15:54
Re: Cahcing in IBATIS
Hello RS,
If you are using Oracle SP to do the logging stuff,the seperate transaction
could be achieved by defining that Logging Store procedure as
This would suspend the main transaction and would only commit the statements
within it.
Title: Capability to use dynamic sql within iterates
I did some further testing after reading issue 131
I found that and
tags work in this situation but other tags like do not
work. Has anybody got the tag to work in the sistuation
I am new to iBatis so my apologies if this information is in the
mailing list or documentation somewhere that I missed (or did not
I am using iBatis, MySQL 4.1.2, MySql-Connector 3.1.12.
My problem is that I have a GlobalSequence table (since MySql 4.1.12
does not supp
Title: Capability to use dynamic sql within iterates
I have read Issue 148 and it looks like I can use dynamic sql within an iterate tag
I have a problem when I set the property on a tag to be a value on the iterated object. See "my
Am actually looking for a solution that does not involve Spring and/or AOP.
We've got too many frameworks as it is :)
> ...define that the LoggingDao gets a new transaction as opposed to
> participating within the current transaction. This would suspend any current
> transaction and begin a n
If you were to use the Spring Framework you could write
a new Dao, LoggingDao, to handle inserts of your logging statements and
define that the LoggingDao gets a new transaction as opposed to participating
within the current transaction. This would suspend any current transaction and
begin a
Hey guys, I just noticed that the java sqlMap pdf on the website has still not been updated with the new dtd that's
bad. Could we get that fixed soon? Shouldn't take too long right? Should I put in an issue on it?
Am using a single static instance of SqlMapClient for all my DAOs. There's a
need to save some logging info into the database regardless if the application
logic fails or not, i.e. there is a need to start a separte transaction for
// application logic
Nevermind my rambling.. I was just being stupid and overthinking
stuff. Company in an Employee makes sense.
On 5/4/06, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/4/06, Eric T. Blue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Typically, you would/should not expose properties that are used in deriving
> a data
On 5/4/06, Eric T. Blue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Typically, you would/should not expose properties that are used in deriving
a database relationship. These type of id properties are called surrogate
keys and do not have any real business meaning. I'd recommend modeling your
objects as Employe
I think that I found the problem. The ProjUser bean had both a
java.lang.Boolean getPaid() accessor and boolean isPaid() accessor. I
suspect that confused IBATIS, although I can't change the ProjUser bean
to confirm it.
At 01:37 PM 5/3/2006, Niels Beekman wrote:
I think you should remove the
Typically, you would/should not expose properties that are used in deriving a database relationship. These type of id properties are called surrogate keys and do not have any real business meaning. I'd recommend modeling your objects as Employee -> Company, and let SQL do your joins on the id col
I'm often torn when developing web applications how Object Oriented I
should build my value objects. For examle...
You might have an Employee table...
Do you guys typically have your Employee value object hold "Integer
companyId" or instead populate the co
Hi I added this to my config and it works, Thank you so much for your help Graeme J Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Thu, 4 May 2
My log4j property file looks like this, it does not have anything related to ibatis. log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p [%t] %-17c{2} (%13F:%L) %3x - %m%n log4j.appender.A2=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appe
Default it should be off... find the and tweak the
# Global logging configuration
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, stdout
# SqlMap logging configuration...
On Thu, 4 May 2006, radha rukmani wrote:
Is there a way to turn of the result set logging I use log 4j and havent
written any logging statement for ibatis queries, it comes by itself
What about this in your log4j configuration ?
Graeme -
Hi I want to turn of the result set logging when ibatis runs the queries. I need only the sql to be logged. Since mine is a batch process, with huge number of queries, the log file it generates after each process is more than 50. Is there a way to turn of the result set logging I use log 4j and
For 1) which JIRA... most of the JIRA's on caching have been closed as invalid.
iBatis doesn't use object identity in caching and some people assume it does,
leading to some unfounded JIRA's
2) does not exist yet, and will probably also not exist in the future. In the
version in SVN you c
Hi all,
I have a question about the caching implementation
1. In the JIRA I saw that there was a bug
concerning the FlushOnExecute statement. Is this solved ?
2. Does there exist a tool to check the
status of the caching objects in Ibatis ? Some nice looking webpage tool
that would a
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