Re: Depending on TransportListener for cache consistency

2015-08-18 Thread jlindwall
We will not be using a network of brokers, due to the possibility of persistent messages getting undelivered after a failover (not sure if orphaned is a better term?) due to this issue: We are using a shared filesystem master/slave setup. We are

Re: Hawtio settings with activemq 5.10.2 and later

2015-08-17 Thread jlindwall
hawtio is no longer bundled with activemq, but you can still use it just fine. Hawtio continues to include an activemq plugin to help manage/visualize activemq info. There are a number of ways to run hawtio, detailed here: One reasonable setup for a production

Re: Depending on TransportListener for cache consistency

2015-08-17 Thread jlindwall
You raise some valid-sounding concerns: specifically the information that there can be message loss for non-durable subscriptions even in the absence of a connection failure or broker failure. Our cached items remain cached for extended periods, so we'd in trouble if we miss a cache message for

Re: Adding a 2nd broker to a default installation

2015-08-06 Thread jlindwall
Is this new broker independent from the first broker? If so, then just use activemq-admin create to create the new instance, then customize the con/activemq.xml as desired (to choose unique ports et al) Or are you hoping to build a network of brokers where broker1 and broker2 cooperate and

Depending on TransportListener for cache consistency

2015-08-06 Thread jlindwall
We use a JMS topic to coordinate distributed caches. We have a topic called caching using non-persistent messages. The subscribers are (of course) non-durable. A message in the topic means clear your cache for the specified datatype (and id). Multiple webapps subscribe to this topic (and also

Re: Leveldb on Solaris?

2015-07-23 Thread jlindwall
I have reported this issue in jira: I'm surprised at my struggle to identify a reliable HA solution for activemq. Not sure if the issue is Solaris or issues in my config or something else. 1. master/slave fail-over was a bust due to

Re: Leveldb on Solaris?

2015-07-22 Thread jlindwall
-22 17:57:20,400 | INFO | Stopped LevelDB[/home/jlindwall/servers/activemq-replicated-leveldb-cluster/node2/data/LevelDB] | org.apache.activemq.leveldb.LevelDBStore | LevelDB IOException handler. Anybody successfully using leveldb on solaris? Thanks! -- View this message in context: http

Re: Cluster: Slave not forwarding messages?

2015-07-17 Thread jlindwall
Below I am going to attempt to include my java code (producer and consumer) as well as the activemq.xml files for my masters and slaves. The consumer is called, and I run it using a discovery transport url, like this: /usr/bin/java -cp .

Re: Cluster: Slave not forwarding messages?

2015-07-16 Thread jlindwall
Some followup info: I've been playing with various settings today to no avail. I did find one interesting piece of information however: if I kill the master using the stop command (graceful shutdown) instead of using kill -9, the system behaves as I expect! Below is the log output from my

Cluster: Slave not forwarding messages?

2015-07-15 Thread jlindwall
I have a cluster consisting of 2 pairs of master/slaves: m1/s1 and m2/s2. They use multicast://default for their networkConnectors. 1 subscriber, 1 publisher, also both using multicast urls. My subscriber is a durable subscriber. Msgs are persistent. I am testing system robustness in the face

Re: Client reaction to server failure

2015-07-15 Thread jlindwall
Thanks for the response. We can live with at least once semantics, so we'll go that route. -- View this message in context: Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at

Client reaction to server failure

2015-06-30 Thread jlindwall
We are planning a cluster using master/slave pairs. The clients will use the discovery protocol. What happens when the server that a client is connected to goes down? In the simple case, my understanding is that the activemq client library will automatically reconnect to another server in the

Forcing daemon threads when using discovery transport

2014-12-04 Thread jlindwall
I see that I can add a daemon=true parameter to tcp broker urls to force the ActiveMQ Transport threads to be created as daemon threads. I've tested this and it works fine, e.g. failover:(tcp://,tcp://

Re: Verifying a multicast cluster

2014-07-17 Thread jlindwall
I solved my own problem. As is so often the case, it was a case of user shooting self in foot As mentioned in the documentation, you need to have *advisories enabled* for a network of

Re: Verifying a multicast cluster

2014-07-17 Thread jlindwall
Just to be explicit for people looking for the solution in future, the fix was to remove /advisorySupport=false/ from the broker element in activemq.xml. Change: To this: -- View this message in context:

Verifying a multicast cluster

2014-07-16 Thread jlindwall
I'm trying to verify that my multicast cluster is working properly: clients on any node should receive msgs sent to any other node. Using 5.10, on Ubuntu In the past I have successfully created a network of brokers using a static list of urls. I could then run a subscriber client that connected

Basic cluster question

2014-07-15 Thread jlindwall
I have been happily testing clusters of activemq 5.10 nodes; we desire highly available distributed topics. I just wanted to sanity check my understanding of the persistent storage with a cluster. My master cluster nodes are each configured with a unique kahaDB directory. i.e.

Defunct? master/slave replication feature

2014-05-15 Thread jlindwall
The following documentation mentions a Master/Slave setup whereby messages are replicated between two brokers. This sounds different then the Shared Filesystem Master/Slave configuration in other docs, which lets a passive slave wake-up and take over for a failed master. Is this

Use embedded broker to reduce # of connections to remote broker?

2014-05-15 Thread jlindwall
One of our legacy applications creates over a hundred JMS connections to a topic (non persistent messages) on a remote broker (one per servlet basically). Each connection is receiving the same messages (ie same message selector). We have over a hundred instances of this application running. I

Re: hawtio dashboard not appearing in activemq5.9.1

2014-04-21 Thread jlindwall
Shucks, I had grown fond of hawtio. Are there technical reasons for the removal of hawtio? (e.g. it has bugs or problems that make it untrustworthy or unstable, etc). What are the reasons for the removal of hawtio? Thanks, John Lindwall -- View this message in context:

Failover all clients to same secondary broker

2014-04-08 Thread jlindwall
In our system message consumers come and go over time, some long-lived and some short. All msgs are non-persistent. We need all clients to connect to the same broker; if that broker goes down all clients must connect to the same secondary broker, and so on. Is this the way to go?

Hawtio doesn't render properly in firefox or IE?

2014-04-03 Thread jlindwall
I suspect this is an environmental problem, because it is hard to believe that this problem would not be noticed by many others... I have been accessing hawtio for months via chrome and it works great. I tried to give my boss a demo today of hawtio and he opened IE -- he logged in and then was

failover://tcp with updateClusterClients vs failover://(discovery)

2014-04-03 Thread jlindwall
== Short version == If we use failover with updateClusterClients, do all clients failover to the *same* secondary broker? server: networkConnectors networkConnector uri=multicast://default / /networkConnectors ... transportConnector name=openwire

Re: How to upgrade hawtio separately?

2014-04-03 Thread jlindwall
I just tried replacing the webapps/hawtio with version 1.3.0. It kinda works but I get an exception at startup, and one of the brokers (1 of 3) gets an unending stream of javascript errors onscreen. I'm gonna stick with the baked-in version for now. INFO | Loading Blueprint contexts

Re: Stress testing: OOME

2014-02-14 Thread jlindwall
Thanks all for the comments - I will rerun my stress test on Monday and report back. I do not think my url-based parameter were being used because of pilot error: I was using a file (a practice I have now abandoned) and the connection url was specified in that file, not in my

Re: Stress testing: OOME

2014-02-14 Thread jlindwall
I'll be re-running my stress test and Monday and report my findings back to this thread. Thanks! Your questions are thought provoking. -- View this message in context: Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list

Re: Failover and non-persistent messages

2014-02-14 Thread jlindwall
Assume that consumers receiving duplicate messages are NOT a problem. Can the fanout protocol possibly be used for this scenario? Maybe combined with failover? (Can you tell I have not thought this through?) Producers use fanout to duplicate all messages to 2 brokers. Consumers use fanout

failover with a single broker?

2014-02-13 Thread jlindwall
I am looking to get automatic client connection retry for a single broker. By that I mean if the client connection to the broker fails, the client will retry that connection. It seems like the failover: protocol can give me this right? failover:(tcp://server:61616) The normal use case for

Stress testing: OOME

2014-02-13 Thread jlindwall
I am stress testing activemq 5.9.0 by sending a flood of non-persistent messages to a topic using jmeter. My producers are 50 threads attempting to deliver 1000 msgs/sec; each of size 1K. There is merely a 1 millisecond delay in between message sends. There are 100 consumers on the topic. It

Re: Stress testing: OOME

2014-02-13 Thread jlindwall
Thanks for the tip. Is this documentation still accurate? I tried setting the limit on the connection url but got the same behavior: tcp://testapp01:61616?jms.prefetchPolicy.all=50 I also tried setting the limit on my

Re: More than 10 consumers

2014-02-12 Thread jlindwall
I would suggest using a database connection pool as your datasource, like c3p0, instead of BasicDataSource. -- View this message in context: Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at

Re: More than 10 consumers

2014-02-12 Thread jlindwall
... or better yet, kahadb (assuming you do not require a relational backing store). Leveldb is supposed to be fast and cool, but I had some issue using it under Solaris and have not successfully tried it yet. -- View this message in context:

Leveldb on Solaris?

2014-02-11 Thread jlindwall
I'm trying out leveldb persistence on Solaris (sparc). Is this a supported platform? I get a DEBUG msg/stacktrace at startup saying the system cannot find leveldbjni library, but I assume that is ok since we are using the pure java implementation. I then run my test with 100 durable

Re: Leveldb on Solaris?

2014-02-11 Thread jlindwall
I'll try that snapshot, thanks. Um ... my svn skills are rusty. ANy idea why this svn co command below does not actually seem to do anything? $ svn checkout svn: OPTIONS of

Kahadb visibility?

2014-02-10 Thread jlindwall
Do I have any visibility into the contents/metadata of the kahadb datastore? The mbean attributes exposed by the persistent adapter are quite minimal (the location of the on-disk store, and a Size value which I do not really understand). It'd be nice to see how many messages it has in storage

Re: Runaway producer: Proper way to clean up a topic?

2014-02-09 Thread jlindwall
Thanks for the advice. I do not really want to blindly delete all messages at startup, though; just the expired ones. -- View this message in context: Sent from the ActiveMQ - User

Re: Runaway producer: Proper way to clean up a topic?

2014-02-09 Thread jlindwall
I have not reproduced the issue that I regionally experienced sadly. If I do, I will attempt to capture it in a unit test as you suggest. Interesting pont about the short timeout; if we indeed need such a short timeout then persistence is pointless indeed. My requirements are atypical it seems:

Out of memory (Permgen?) + JMX attribute Health/CurrentStatus?

2014-02-07 Thread jlindwall
I have activemq configured with a durable subscriber to a topic backed by oracle. I left a publisher running at a rate of 100 msgs/sec; each msg is 1K. The msgs expire in 30 secs. The durable subscriber disconnected so, as expected, messages queued up in the db. After about 25 minutes I got an

Runaway producer: Proper way to clean up a topic?

2014-02-07 Thread jlindwall
In a previous post I described a problem that occurred in a jdbc-backed 5.9.0 broker with a durable subscriber. The producers got way ahead of the consumer (which disconnected though did not unsubscribe). I had to restart activemq as it was hung. The messages in the topic had a 30 sec

Re: deleting durable subscriber exception

2014-02-07 Thread jlindwall
A data point: Just today I successfully deleted a durable subscriber using the hawtio console in 5.9.0 -- View this message in context: Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at

Where's the records in my jdbc persistence store?

2014-02-06 Thread jlindwall
I have configured activemq 5.9.0 to use jdbc persistence (oracle). I know that part is correct because 3 ACTIVEMQ tables magically get created in Oracle, and I see log messages that make me feel like jdbc is in use. So far so good. I am curious to see some of the queued messages in my database.

Re: Where's the records in my jdbc persistence store?

2014-02-06 Thread jlindwall
Some additional info: I can capture the summary information in my jmeter-based subscriber so we can see the JMS message headers. I am appending this info here in case it helps diagnose my problem. FYI There are never any records created in ACTIVEMQ_ACKS either, as far as I can tell. I am using

Re: Where's the records in my jdbc persistence store?

2014-02-06 Thread jlindwall
Interesting. I must have a flawed understanding of durable subscribers. I thought it signified a consumer that can disconnect/reconnect and any messages that arrived in the time while the subscriber was disconnected will still be delivered. Cool, but not what we thought we needed. Intuitively

Re: Where's the records in my jdbc persistence store?

2014-02-06 Thread jlindwall
Yep, using a durable subscriber did the trick indeed! Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at

Re: Failover and non-persistent messages

2014-01-29 Thread jlindwall
Our system sends small messages (1k) frequently, as data changes in the system, to serve as notifications to listeners. The users (serving as both producer and consumer) of these notifications are either human users or batch processes. The humans process records slowly with pause times while

Re: Failover and non-persistent messages

2014-01-29 Thread jlindwall
The duplicate broker concept is an interesting one; for our application the deduping is trivial. We would we have to implement the duplicate sending/receiving in our code, correct? I see a fanout: transport in activemq but that does not seem to be quite what we would want. However why do you

Re: ActiveMq test using Jmeter

2014-01-27 Thread jlindwall
I am currently using jmeter to do some testing of several JMS servers, including activeMQ 5.9.0. I'd be happy to help but you need to be more specific; specifically what kind of problem are you having? In the JMS PUblisher/Subscriber Samplers provided by jmeter, you can either use a

Failover and non-persistent messages

2014-01-27 Thread jlindwall
In our application we want to use non-persistent messages but benefit from failover (ie master-slave configuration using kahadb). I did some experiments today and contrary to my expectations it looks like activemq 5.9.0 supports this scenario. Huzzah! I had a producer and consumer connecting to