Re: Quartz job data deletion in clustered quartz2

2014-10-22 Thread lakshmi.prashant
Hi Willem, Hi, Quartz2_Mig_Test1 is the camelcontext id that we set in our blueprint xml configuration. I had earlier attached the beans.xml in my earlier message for reference. camel:camelContext id=Quartz2_Mig_Test1 streamCache=true Camel calculates the name for the camel context by

Re: Quartz job data deletion in clustered quartz2

2014-10-22 Thread lakshmi.prashant
Hi Willem, Quartz2_Mig_Test1 is the camelcontext id that we set in our blueprint xml configuration. I had earlier attached the beans.xml in my earlier message for reference. camel:camelContext id=Quartz2_Mig_Test1 streamCache=true Camel calculates the name for the camel context by calling

Setting maximumPoolSize in camel-netty component

2014-10-22 Thread Viral Gohel
Hi All, This is my first post here. I have been playing around with camel-netty and camel-netty-http components, and trying to figure out what the setting maximumPoolSize does. I referred to this,

Web service SOAP fault handling

2014-10-22 Thread Jaishankar
Hi All, This is the route code. .dotry() .beanRef(requestProcessor,beginRequest) .setBody(body()) .to(cxf:bean:--id--) .doCatch(SoapFault.class) .process(new Processor() { @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) throws

Re: How do i control my soap foult back to the client ?

2014-10-22 Thread ABouchama
Here's how we generate a SOAP Fault: public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { // Setup the SOAP fault SoapFault fault = buildFault(exchange); fault.setFaultCode(Soap11.getInstance().getSender()); //B2BException_Exception fault = buildFault(exchange);

Re: Camel - JAAS / Fuse

2014-10-22 Thread ABouchama
I think that you have to update your Import package in the pom.xml of your project : Import-Package,,,,

Re: Web service SOAP fault handling

2014-10-22 Thread Aida
Hi Jaishankar, Have you tried with the Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT property? If I remember well, when you catch an exception, as is supposed that you are controlling the situation, the exception moves to this property. The exception won´t be anymore in the exchange.getException() (otherwise the

camelContext.hasEndpoint() returns null when endpoint (apparently) exists

2014-10-22 Thread Aida
Hello, I'm working with Camel 2.12.3 I have three routebuilders that consist of consuming messages from a seda queue and sending them to a destination endpoint, like this: from(seda:syncronizedMyQueue) .to(myDestinationEndpoint); When a message must be sent to one of these queues, I use the

Re: camel cxfrs with swagger.

2014-10-22 Thread jack atwork
Hi, Did you find any solution to this? As I'm faced with a similar problem? I'm trying to setup swagger with the rest dsl and camel-jetty but there appears to be no way to plug them together. Am I missing something or is this camel-swagger component only intended for traditional web

Re: camel cxfrs with swagger.

2014-10-22 Thread Matt Raible
I created an example application to show how I got Camel's REST + Swagger to work together in a Spring environment with no web.xml. Specifically, see (for configuring the CamelServlet) and (for the Swagger

custom netty decoder in OSGi

2014-10-22 Thread Mark Webb
I have created a custom netty decoder using Camel 2.13.2 in ServiceMix 5.1.2. I would like to register the decoder as a service in ServiceMix. All goes well, except that when I try and use the decoder in a separate bundles blueprint, I get the error message: 14:21:21,830 | WARN |

Camel example builds in net bean but java class source shows error

2014-10-22 Thread sab12in
Hi All, I am very new to camel, i just took the example Report Incident that comes with camel download and opened using NetBeans 8. Then compiled the POM. Everything shows success but then i look at the generated source from wsdl at

Re: Camel example builds in net bean but java class source shows error

2014-10-22 Thread sab12in
Ok i found something which will add the generated classes to the build location, so now if you use any of the generated classes in your implementation you wont see the objects underlined in red. plugin groupIdorg.codehaus.mojo/groupId

Re: LoadBalance for pollenrich

2014-10-22 Thread Willem Jiang
How about use “direct” endpoint to connect those route? .loadBalance().failover().to(“direct:jpa”)  … from(“direct:jpa”).pollEnrich(“jpa:xxx”); -- Willem Jiang Red Hat, Inc. Web: Blog: (English) (Chinese) Twitter:

Re: LoadBalance for pollenrich

2014-10-22 Thread imranrazakhan
Hi, I want to implement something like below, How direct support this, i want to query second JPA if first database dont respond. .loadBalance().failover(). pollEnrich(jpa:VasRequest?consumer.namedQuery=verifyRequestspersistenceUnit=VasServicePU1,

[VOTE] Release Apache Camel 2.12.5

2014-10-22 Thread Christian Müller
This is a vote to release Apache Camel 2.12.5, a patch release coming with about 74 issues fixed. Release notes: Staging repo: