Re: Camel-RabbitMQ-STOMP

2019-11-22 Thread Omar Al-Safi
Hi Mahesh, The error above is related to the initial creation of the Camel route, is pretty weird though that it can't parse the options although you correctly spelled them. Which version of Camel do you use? Also, in regards camel stomp with RabbitMQ, I honestly have no idea if it is going to


2019-11-22 Thread Mahesh
Hi All, I am new to message brokers. I successfully completed a POC using Spring Reactor Netty Stomp client (Spring messaging framework) to connect to RabbitMQ on port 61613 (port dedicated for STOMP). That was just a POC. Now i have to build something concrete to be able to deploy in prod

Re: Camel 3 alternatives for ServletListener component

2019-11-22 Thread Claus Ibsen
Hi Yeah you can use @WebListener or whatever the servlet container supports. Or for example use a spring xml file and a spring servlet listener that bootstrap spring and reads the xml file, where you can have to start Camel. Such as shown in this example