Re: return binary image data in camel/restlet environment

2013-10-09 Thread Zemin Hu
Thanks for quick fix, Willem. I will check it out. Actually your suggestion to set body to inputstream works very well, here is part of the code in case anybody wants to do the same: exchange.getOut().setHeader( Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 200 );

Re: return binary image data in camel/restlet environment

2013-10-08 Thread Zemin Hu
Thanks Willem. I will try the work around. How do I know the fix is ready? Do I need to upgrade to latest Camel version in order to get fix? -- View this message in context: Sent from

return binary image data in camel/restlet environment

2013-10-07 Thread Zemin Hu
I need to return image from route in restlet environment, if in normal camel environment I should be able to do byte[] imageData = getImage(); HttpServletResponse response = exchange.getIn().getBody(HttpServletResponse.class); response.setContentType(image/png); OutputStream os =

How do I get instance of JobDetail from a quartz route

2013-02-14 Thread Zemin Hu
I have a route look like: route from uri=quartz://report?cron=0+0/2+8-18+?+*+MON-FRI/ ... /route Inside of this route, I need to access the JobDetail or StdScheduler since the configuration in the cron job may change, but I still can modify business logic within the route based on changed time

Re: HTTP Endpoint construction in CamelSpringTest

2013-01-24 Thread Zemin Hu
Actually I have been considering using jetty, I just have not tried out yet. Let me know if you have some ready samples in hand for this purpose. I would imagine if I use jetty, I have to put jetty: in front of all URIs, then remove them after unit test, if you want to do test again, you have to

Re: HTTP Endpoint construction in CamelSpringTest

2013-01-24 Thread Zemin Hu
You are right. I was trying too hard to use CamelSpringTestSupport, thinking it might be simpler to start my route and to test it together. I am wrong. This CamelSpringTestSupport can do other tests, say file in Ibsen's book, but not for servlet. I am going to quit using CamelSpringTestSupport,

HTTP Endpoint construction in CamelSpringTest

2013-01-23 Thread Zemin Hu
I am trying to use CamelSpringTestSupport to build my unit tests. Most of my routes are in Spring XML format. Here is my first test case: public class SimpeRouteTest extends CamelSpringTestSupport { protected AbstractXmlApplicationContext createApplicationContext() { return

Re: recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-10 Thread Zemin Hu
I added a line: template.start() before sending request, it did not help, got same exception. I changed to context.start() it did not work either. The code is within bean implementation, so context is build-in variable, and started already, why do I need to start it again? From other example code,

Re: recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-10 Thread Zemin Hu
I posted the exception before, let me copy the exception again: the exception is: org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution on the exchange: Exchange[Message: {id:[48792683442],index:0}] at

Re: recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-10 Thread Zemin Hu
Thanks. The camelContext is not causing exception anymore. The cause of the exception is: Caused by: org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking with statusCode: 302, redirectLocation:

Re: recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-10 Thread Zemin Hu
I think I understand now why I can't do this with producerTemplate: yes, there is intensive security checks for our web service site, at this point to use producerTemplate I already logged in and got session in previous steps in the same route, the problem is that the security token with session

Re: recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-09 Thread Zemin Hu
Willem, Thanks, I read some of your posts in the past, they were very helpful. I appreciate your advice. My currently situation is: I used beans for complicated business logic, to send different requests to different resources and to aggregate the results in the past. But now our company is moving

Re: recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-09 Thread Zemin Hu
I tried producerTemplate for bean approach (in groovy) too. I got exception when I tried to POST to an HTTP endpoint: def template = context.createProducerTemplate() def endpointUri = headers.END_POINT def xheaders = [Content-Type:application/json, CamelHttpMethod:POST]

recipientList with POST and request body

2013-01-08 Thread Zemin Hu
Hi, I need to send request to a dynamically constructed URL list which provides RESTful web services. So my simplest need is to send POST requests with fixed JSON body, later I may need to construct different JSON body for each URL in the list as well, and since it's RESTful service, DELETE/PUT

support for RESTful endpoint or dynamic endpoint construction

2012-03-29 Thread Zemin Hu
Hi, I am new here, I posted this to developer forum which seems not good place for this, so I am re-posting it here. I have couple of RESTful web service that I want to use Camel as integration point. I had a brief review for restlet which is supposed to be the solution, but from I have seen,