When clause not working with header element with namespace

2014-11-13 Thread miguelfdez
Hi! I'm following the Message Router pattern explained in https://camel.apache.org/message-router.html However, I'm having problems with conditions on headers with namespaces. The XML message I'm receiving is like this: SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/;

Camel tracer in Switchyard Project

2014-10-02 Thread miguelfdez
Hi! Following this documentation and example: https://camel.apache.org/tracer.html // https://camel.apache.org/tracer-example.html I'm trying to add a tracer to my project. With this approach I try to store each message exchange in the CAMEL_MESSAGETRACED table in the database. The compilation

Re: Propagate SoapFault with simple Camel proxy

2014-09-10 Thread miguelfdez
After following this link https://camel.apache.org/cxf.html#CXF-HowtothrowaSOAPFaultfromCamel now I'm able to create a custom Fault, but I'm not able to obtain the original fault message Missing valid token from the proxified service. Instead of that I got a strange message:

Re: Propagate SoapFault with simple Camel proxy

2014-09-09 Thread miguelfdez
I add some extra information: This is the SOAPFault generated by the ProxifiedService: soapenv:Envelope xmlns:ser=http://service.admin.ws.my.company/; xmlns:soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/; soapenv:Header /soapenv:Header soapenv:Body soapenv:Fault

Propagate SoapFault with simple Camel proxy

2014-09-08 Thread miguelfdez
Hi! I'm trying to create a simple WS proxy using Switchyard 1.1 with Camel: -- PromotedService -- Camel -- ProxifiedService With the current configuration I'm able to send and recieve messages without any problem. However, when the ProxifiedService throws a SoapFault it is not propagated to the