Re: Failed to create/start VM

2014-09-15 Thread Mathias Mullins
Vibranze, Do you have errors further up in the log that could explain why the Virtual Router didnĀ¹t start? Thanks Matt On 9/14/14, 11:06 PM, "Vibranze Teh" wrote: >Dear lists, > >I tried to create a VM but it failed to create then I tried to start >another VM; it failed to start as well.

Failed to create/start VM

2014-09-14 Thread Vibranze Teh
Dear lists, I tried to create a VM but it failed to create then I tried to start another VM; it failed to start as well. I tried to start the VM later and it successfully started. I found that the VM failed to start as the Vr associated with the network could not be started but not sure if that's