Apache JMeter (http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/index.html) can surely help in
> -Original Message-
> From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:44 AM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Load Testing / Profiling
I seem to be having problems with running the JSP and BSF sample blocks.
I get a blank page with the JSP block:
( )
I get a null pointer exception with the GroovyMarkup generator example:
at org.codehaus.groovy.bsf.GroovyEngine.exec(GroovyEngine.java:167)
My environment is:
Linux Fedora Core
problem was all mine. I was trying to access the FOM object in a jx
template when the pipeline it belonged to was not being called from flowscript,
object was not in context.
-Original Message-From: Adam Ratcliffe
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Frid
even better - thanks!
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Ben Anderson wrote:
found it in the examples. its easy enough.
as an alternative you could also use a request parameter matcher
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Le 23 déc. 04, à 16:24, Anton Andreev a écrit :
...So I would like to know what what would be
the best way to find possible leaks in cocoon...
I'd create a lot of requests, for example with ab [1], to try and find
which ones cause an increase in memory usage.
Not only "normal" user requests, but
Hello everyone,
Our website based on cocoon grew quite big. And I've
noticed that it slows down quite a bit over the time
of usage. So I would like to know what what would be
the best way to find possible leaks in cocoon. How to
load test it properly and profile it. Any suggestions
would be ve
Could someone please give me an idea of how to
customizing the portal engine so that different
users with different roles see different views of things
WITHOUT having to copy-and-paste all the coplet
definitions from the various portal.xml files all over again;
ie. I just want to add-in new copl
Marc Salvetti wrote:
Does someone knows how to avoid the error created by the use of simple
quote in a validation message ?
for example : alert('don't do this'); will result in a javascript error
at the browser level.
i tried to replace the quote with the ´ html code, but apparently
it p
Hi Adam and Mark,
this explains a recent problems i had with old code. I had the same problem,
but it disappeared after (code)formatting the code of my project. I already
used the XHTML serializer so that wasn't the issue for me.
-Original Message-
From: Adam Ratcliffe
Quick question (Cocoon 2.1.6)
When a coplet inside a page with other coplets is maximised,
it displays fine... but when the minimise button is clicked (which
should, I assume, restore the coplet back to its 'normal' position
and show its fellow coplets) all that happens is that the coplet
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