Re: Signed Applet and Cocoon

2006-11-16 Thread Andrea König
Hi all, thank you very much for your help. Probably my html-page which the applet tag is located in was wrong. I did not defined the entire context path for the library path. After I corrected this the jar archives are read and the applet can be started. Best regards -- Dr. Andrea König

Re: Signed Applet and Cocoon

2006-11-14 Thread Andrea König
following: Do you have any idea if there is something wrong? Best regards, -- Dr. Andrea König (Entwicklung) G.punkt - medical services Halberstädter Str. 115A Eiskellerpassage 39112 Magdeburg Tel: +49 391 280380 Fax: +49 391 2803822 Inet: mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeroen Reijn

Signed Applet and Cocoon

2006-11-14 Thread Andrea König at Is there anybody could give a hint? Best regards -- Dr. Andrea König (Entwicklung) G.punkt - medical services Halberstädter Str. 115A Eiskellerpassage 39112 Magdeburg Tel: +49 391 280380 Fax: +49 391 2803822

Re: fo2pdf Serialzer problem

2006-10-27 Thread Andrea König
Hi Andrew, many thanks for your help. You were right. I had sent response headers that disable caching. For displaying the pdf I have now enabled caching and the pdf are displayed correctly in the IExplorer, too. Thank you very much! Regards -- Dr. Andrea König (Entwicklung) G.punkt

Re: fo2pdf Serialzer problem

2006-10-26 Thread Andrea König
-0.91. I copied the fop library of version fop-0.91 into the lib directory of the newly installed cocoon and the fop sample doesn't work. Does anybody know somthing about cocoon-2.1.9 and fop-0.91? Best regards -- Dr. Andrea König (Entwicklung) G.punkt - medical services Halberstädter Str.

Re: fo2pdf Serialzer problem

2006-10-26 Thread Andrea König
va:61) sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) . It seems that there a library is missing but which one? The ExtendableRendererFactory.class is contained in the cocoon-fop-block.jar. I have validated this. Best regards -- Dr. Andrea König (Entwicklung) G.punkt - me

Re: fo2pdf Serialzer problem

2006-10-25 Thread Andrea König
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: On 10/20/06, Andrea König <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The first problem is that the FOPSerializer comming with cocoon-2.1.9 doesn't seem to work correctly... It works for the samples found at

fo2pdf Serialzer problem

2006-10-20 Thread Andrea König
Hi all, I'm using cocoon-2.1.9 and have to generate pdf through a fo2pdf seralizer. The first problem is that the FOPSerializer comming with cocoon-2.1.9 doesn't seem to work correctly. If I try out the FOP sample of cocoon I get an error message like java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError