Re: cocoon 2.1.8 portal FW how to use request params

2006-05-09 Thread Frank Taffelt
all portal url's or form action's must point to portal. in your case the form action is "result" which gets cachted from the portal root sitemap and is then redirected to the "portal" match. this redirect leaves out your request params. hth Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i´ve definied 2 copl

Re: inter-coplet communication possible with forms?

2006-03-24 Thread Frank Taffelt
i found this in the source of o.a.c...CopletTransformer which is handling such event markup. Frank Christoph May wrote: Thanks for the fast answer! Just one more short question: where or how did you find this information? Christoph Frank Taffelt wrote: with the optional format attribute

Re: inter-coplet communication possible with forms?

2006-03-24 Thread Frank Taffelt
with the optional format attribute you can specify the form of encoding events: coplet="terminplaner5-1">back should generate an hidden parameter with correct event encoded. Frank Christoph May wrote: Hello, I use inter-coplet communication in my cocoon-portal and the following line works a

Re: New Daisy/Cocoon portal powered website

2006-03-23 Thread Frank Taffelt
Armin, i don't understand you. Yes, cocoon is the publishing component of our product. Where's your problem? Frank Armin Ehrenfels wrote: Antonio Gallardo wrote: Armin Ehrenfels escribió: Nowhere on your site "powered by cocoon" ;-) ? $ curl -I HTTP/1.1 302 Mov

Re: New Daisy/Cocoon portal powered website

2006-03-21 Thread Frank Taffelt
Armin Ehrenfels wrote: Nowhere on your site "powered by cocoon" ;-) ? yes you're right. but cocoon is only small part of our site. you can find all parts here Frank - To unsubscribe, e

New Daisy/Cocoon portal powered website

2006-03-21 Thread Frank Taffelt
navigation and fetches the content. The last tab (search) is a demonstration of our search tool intergator itself and it's capabilites. Sorry but at this time the site is only german language available. Cheers, -- **** * Frank Ta

Usage of ManagedCocoonPortlet for ressources ?

2006-02-24 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, i managed to get the Sample of ManagedCocoonPortlet running in liferay portal. I extended the small sample under samples/blocks/portal/portles/hello.html that it contains an image which should be served from the same sitemap like hello.html. The problem is that the image doesn't display,

Cocoon as a portlet

2006-02-22 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, i'm wondering if it's possible that cocoon is able to run as a jsr168 portlet in a portal container like pluto or others? Thanks, Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAI

Re: JXTemplate formatDate problem

2005-08-19 Thread Frank Taffelt
this was also one of the other ways i tried, but it didn't work. Can somebody confirm that this construct should work? If yes it's bug ! Joose Vettenranta wrote: Hi, try HTH, Joose Frank Taffelt kirjoitti 19.8.2005 kello 14:24: Marc Salvetti wrote: Hello, try the n

Re: JXTemplate formatDate problem

2005-08-19 Thread Frank Taffelt
Marc Salvetti wrote: Hello, try value="${java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime()}"/> the new version also doesn't work:";> ${sdf.format(now)} any other ideas ? -

JXTemplate formatDate problem

2005-08-19 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, i have problems formating a given date with jxtemtplate in cocoon 2.1.7 here is my code :";> ${sdf.format(now)} the first variant says "Cannot format given Object as a Date" , the second variant dumps an empty string. Someth

Re: DatabaseReader problem with 2.1.7, help needed

2005-07-18 Thread Frank Taffelt
Tuomo L wrote: We are using SQL Server 2000 and it's latest JDBC driver provided by MS. Maybe you should give annother MSSQL JDBC Driver a try. We are using without problems. -- Frank - To un

Re: Flowscriptproblem - Syntax Error

2005-02-24 Thread Frank Taffelt
AFAIK the function name "import" ist used by javascript engine itself. try to rename your function. hth Frank - Original Message - From: Claus Straube To: Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:24 PM Subject: Flowscriptproblem - Syntax Error Hello, I always get th

Re: [Portal] change content of a CachingURICoplet

2005-01-27 Thread Frank Taffelt
do you know how to influence the generated a tags from this syntax. I want to include some css information like:   linktext   Thanks, Frank - Original Message - From: Jean-Christophe Kermagoret To: Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:58 PM Subj

[Portal] Select a Coplet inside a CompositeLayout ?

2005-01-27 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, How can i select a Copletinstance inside an complex structure of CompositeLayout's without knowledge of the exact structure (how deep nested,how many ...) and so on. I only know the name of the coplet instance. Is this possible? Thanks, Frank --

[Portal] Uses of Linklayout, Framelayout ?

2005-01-27 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, for my current project i try to explore some of the portal features, especially the layout and rendering features. What does Framelayout and Linklayout mean. Can somebody please, give an example how to use them or can describe their function. Thanks, Frank

Re: Portal PageLabels and Events

2005-01-20 Thread Frank Taffelt
> After thinking about this some more, it sounds like all you want to do > is switch to a subnav item on another page? If that is true than you > can do that by configuring the support to generate the full subnav items > and then using a style sheet to generate your links from them. yes this way

Re: Portal PageLabels and Events

2005-01-19 Thread Frank Taffelt
nk is pressed? Frank - Original Message - From: "Ralph Goers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:50 PM Subject: Re: Portal PageLabels and Events > Frank Taffelt wrote: > > >Hi, > > > >when using : > > > > > >

Re: Portal PageLabels and Events

2005-01-19 Thread Frank Taffelt
nk is pressed? Frank - Original Message - From: "Ralph Goers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 4:50 PM Subject: Re: Portal PageLabels and Events > Frank Taffelt wrote: > > >Hi, > > > >when using : > > > > > >

Portal PageLabels and Events

2005-01-19 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, when using : the resulting html link is encoded in the following form: portal?cocoon-portal-event=18&pageLabel=1.0.Infos.InfoCustomer the current tabstate(and subtabs) is encoded in the link. Is there a way to change the pageLabel Parameter so that it also changes the tabstate AND t

Portal - Idea between Copletinstance and CopletData

2004-11-29 Thread Frank Taffelt
data/portal.xml +--+-+-----+ | Frank Taffelt| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |Tel: +49 351 31809 37| +--+-+---+-+ | interface:projects gmbh| Tolkewitzer Str. 49, 01277 D

Re: HTMLarea in a table in IE doesn't show up, help anyone?

2004-11-18 Thread Frank Taffelt
i also had this behaviour. the solution was to define an own javascript:onload function which does all the initialization that the htmlare needs. my forms templates calls this function : ... init_html_area ... the function init_html_area is defined in the html/head section as: function in

events between portlets inside a portal

2004-06-29 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi All, i need intercoplet communication for my next project. The docu say's that i can exchange data between coplets using events which sets some coplet based values. These values/attributes are accesible using the coplet input module. Is there also a way to access (maybet set? ) these attribute

Slide Upload andAuto Revisions

2004-06-09 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hello Slider's, has anybody got the slide autoversioning feature working with the slide upload sample? i'm using cocoon 2.1.4 - slide 2.0b1. Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: How to get JTidy (HTMLGenerator) to accept properties?

2004-06-03 Thread Frank Taffelt
try the following in your add-xml-decl:yes bare:yes ... annother issue i found: sometimes it helps to restart cocoon, to get the changes in recognized. hth, Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [

Re: in html-file

2004-04-22 Thread Frank Taffelt
this looks like some "old" cocoon1 stuff. look into start.xsl, you will find something like: type="text/html" remove this line. hth, Frank - Original Message - From: "Ingrid Nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:45 PM Subject: in html-fil

HSSF Serializer - Background Color Sample

2004-03-15 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, can anybody send me a working hssf sample with different (other than white) background color. thanks in advance Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HSSF - Vertical Orientation possible ??

2004-03-09 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, i have to create an excel report with some vertical oriented parts (text rotation is 90 degrees). Is this possible with the current HSSF Serializer ? I tried the "Orient" attribute with different values (1,2,4,8) but this seems to have no effect. For me, it seems the "Orient" value is read an

Re: Database pool and dynamic URLs

2004-01-26 Thread Frank Taffelt
the esql taglib still supports the creation of a dynamic jdbc connection using the follwing tags: esql:driver, esql:dburl, esql:username, esql:password tags. fill these elements with your dynamic values and it should work. But keep in mind that your are loosing the advantage of pooled connection's

Woody - 1 depending widget - UseCase

2003-12-22 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, I have the follwoing usecase and would like to know, how to realize this with woody, if possible. Suppose you have 2 widgets: Widget A is a selectionfield and Widget B is a simple textfield. The following rule is the connection between both widgets - "If Widget A has a Value of '-1', then Wid

Re: [Authentication Framework] handle-errors

2003-12-12 Thread Frank Taffelt
try to place your error handler outside your pipeline section: ... hth, Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For

Re: [Authentication Framework] handle-errors

2003-12-12 Thread Frank Taffelt
try to define the exceptionselector in your parent sitemap. Also look into samples in the errorhandling section . hth Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Flow] Question about return and cocoon.releaseComponent()

2003-12-11 Thread Frank Taffelt
> My question is: > > In this case the finally block is executed or not? As I understand if the > finally is not executed, then the factory will never be released and it > will mean a memory leak. this finally block gets every time evaluated when you leave your try block. Therefore the component i

Re: Re: ESQL Connection Pool hangs

2003-11-17 Thread Frank Taffelt
To enforce this error decrease your pooling parameters in cocoon.xconf. The time is also unpredictable, but generally it should appear in a shorter time. If this is the right track for your problem then i can send you my newer excalibur datasource package. frank - Original Message - From:

Re: ESQL Connection Pool hangs

2003-11-17 Thread Frank Taffelt
the excalibur-datasource-1.1.1.jar contains a bug that can be the source for your problems. The database pooling is going out of sync and after some time the pool is empty and therefore hangs until restart. Solution: Update your excalibur datasource jar to a version after 18.07.2003. hth Frank -

Re: Trouble connecting to MS SQL Server

2003-10-15 Thread Frank Taffelt
see or you could use the jtds driver hth, Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Custom DB-Generator crashes

2003-10-14 Thread Frank Taffelt
it think you have to close your db connection. hth, Frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cacheable XSP with key based on jpath

2003-10-06 Thread Frank Taffelt
Hi, i wanna make my xsp page cacheable based on the cache example included in the samples. If i understand the caching mechanism right, the processing order of an XSP page is as follows: 1. getKey is called 2. getValidity is called 3. generate method is called In my scenario the value of the ca

Re: Unhandled exception type SQLException

2003-09-15 Thread Frank Taffelt
try the following, note the nested esql:row-results in esql:results: sheria SELECT loginname, password FROM actors hth, frank - Original Message - From: "Frederik Himpe" <

Re: Use of LDAP - equivalent command line?

2003-07-16 Thread Frank Taffelt
i had same problem. the solution is to make sure that you have exactly the correct JDK - endorsed libs, provided with your running cocoon version. In my case, the JDK endorsed libs were from cocoon-2.1m2 and the cocoon version i used was cocoon2.1m3. This combination showed exactly the behaviour t

Re: Beans as input for cocoon

2003-07-15 Thread Frank Taffelt
take a look into castor transformer. maybe this could ease your task. hth, frank - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]