rting my bundle with the service in it (which DOES
to the package that my SoapFaultInterceptor is in). It seems like
way to make it work would be to hack the MANIFEST.MF for the
org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal to import my bundle with the custom
Is there a diff
>> >>>>> Ignore that please, keeping forgetting the cxf bundle does not
>> import
>> >>>>> custom classes/
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> I think in DOSGi case, a new property would have to be introduced
>>> I think in DOSGi case, a new property would have to be introduced in
> >>>>> time for custom CXF interceptors be picked up
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Cheers, Sergey
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 16/01/12 12:25, Sergey Be
e to hack the MANIFEST.MF for the
org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal to import my bundle with the custom
Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with
Or am
I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
Annotations for the WebServic
> >>>>>>> Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with
> >>>>>>> DOSGi?
> >>>>>>> Or am
> >>>>>>> I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
seems that the interceptor cannot be
> >>>>> initialized via
> >>>>> annotation, as the org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal does not have
> >>>>> access
> >>>>> to my
> >>>>> custom interceptor class from its bundle classloader.
e with the
Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with
Or am
I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
Annotations for the WebService interface:
@WebService(name = "HelloService", targetNamespace =
g.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Could not create annotation
> >>>>> object:
> >>>>> com.uhg.upm.webservice.interceptor.SoapFaultInterceptor
> >>>>> at
> >>>
> >>>
> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.AnnotationInterceptors.ini
ort my bundle with the custom
Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with
Or am
I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
Annotations for the WebService interface:
@WebService(name = "HelloService", targetNamesp
t; > >> custom interceptor class from its bundle classloader. I get the
> >
> > following
> >
> > >> error when starting my bundle with the service in it (which DOES
> > >> have
> > >> access
> > >> to the package that my Soap
(which DOES have
> >> access
> >> to the package that my SoapFaultInterceptor is in). It seems like the
> >> only
> >> way to make it work would be to hack the MANIFEST.MF for the
> >> org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal to import my bundle with the custom
FEST.MF for the
org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal to import my bundle with the custom
Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with DOSGi?
Or am
I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
Annotations for the WebService interface:
t work would be to hack the MANIFEST.MF for the
org.apache.cxf.bundle-minimal to import my bundle with the custom
Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with DOSGi? Or am
I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
Annotations for the WebSe
Is there a different way to configure custom interceptors with DOSGi? Or am
I missing something in order to allow the annotations to work?
Annotations for the WebService interface:
@WebService(name = "HelloService", targetNamespace =
14 matches
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