Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't set environment variable in per-directory rewrite

2007-05-13 Thread Ian Brandt
On May 12, 2007, at 10:50 AM, Joshua Slive wrote: I don't know the exact problem here, but I can suggest a more typical way to get around this: Simple use something like RewriteRule ^(.+)$ frontcontroller.php/$1 [NS,E=REWRITTEN_REQUEST_URI:$1] or RewriteRule ^(.+)$

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't set environment variable in per-birectory rewrite

2007-05-12 Thread Ian Brandt
Hi, I'm trying to implement the front controller pattern for a simple PHP site, while simultaneously leveraging mod_rewrite for some run-of-the- mill rewriting beforehand as well. Apache 2.2.4 PHP 5.2.2. My simplified rules in .htaccess at present are as follows: - # Rewrite any

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2, Error: not in required group(s).

2006-10-31 Thread Ian Brandt
I've just upgraded to 2.2.3 from 2.0.54. I've reviewed the docs regarding the auth changes. My config is: Location /svn DAV svn SVNParentPath /var/lib/svn SVNListParentPath on SVNPathAuthz off AuthType Basic AuthName Subversion Repository AuthBasicProvider file

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2, Error: not in required group(s).

2006-10-31 Thread Ian Brandt
Ian Brandt wrote: However when I try to authenticate the following appears in error.log: [error] GROUP: ibrandt not in required group(s). I seem to have solved the issue. I found the text of the error message verbatim in the mod_auth_sys_group source. I had LoadModule directives

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to configure access control for jkmount urls?

2006-05-31 Thread Ian Brandt
I use a Location directive. See: More or less works the same as Directory, except it's based on the URL not the filesystem location. Location /admin Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order Allow,Deny Allow

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_rewrite: RewriteRule to strip index.html?

2006-05-23 Thread Ian Brandt
Robert Ionescu wrote: Ian Brandt wrote: Looked good, until the add path info postfix part. That's a bug. Use the L-Flag to stop immediately (there will be a redirect processing) or place the rules into httpd.conf (per-server

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod jk too smart

2006-05-23 Thread Ian Brandt
I'm a bit rusty here, but if memory servers you need a JkMount directive somewhere so that Apache knows to forward a request to Tomcat via a mod_jk worker. Can you give more details on your configuration (OS, distro if Linux, etc.)? Many Linux distros split the apache configuration for vhosts

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_rewrite: RewriteRule to strip index.html?

2006-05-21 Thread Ian Brandt
Hi, I'm trying to strip 'index.html' from incoming URLs with mod_rewrite. My current RewriteRule incarnation is: RewriteRule ^(.*)/index\.html$ $1/ However, watching my RewriteLog I see (stripped down and paraphrased for clarity): (3) add path info postfix: /document/root/foo -

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_rewrite: RewriteRule to strip index.html?

2006-05-21 Thread Ian Brandt
Nick Kew wrote: I don't know why mod_rewrite does that. Under normal circumstances, mod_dir will do that according to your DirectoryIndex setting. Just to be sure there was no unintended interaction by mod_dir I changed the rule from: RewriteRule ^(.*)index\.html$ $1 to: RewriteRule