[EMAIL PROTECTED] Adding Listen 80 Breaks Listen 9080

2008-02-18 Thread Jonathan Mark
The following rewrites the way it is supposed to. Visitors to port 9080 are sent to yahoo.com: Listen 9080 #Listen 80 LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so VirtualHost *:9080 RewriteEngine ON RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://yahoo.com /VirtualHost However, uncommenting Listen 80 breaks

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Adding Listen 80 Breaks Listen 9080

2008-02-18 Thread Jonathan Mark
Thanks. It was the second problem. My localhost Zope server was for some reason running on 80. Everything works now. - The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project. See

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Redirecting on a port other than 80 isn't working

2008-02-17 Thread Jonathan Mark
The reason my setup wasn't working is that in order for httpd.conf to respond to port requests it has to be listening on port . Thus I would have needed to use the Listen 9080 command in order to respond to 9080 requests. However, there is a second problem. Google is currently sending

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Redirecting on a port other than 80 isn't working

2008-02-16 Thread Jonathan Mark
My intent is that anything to aristede.com:9080 should be redirected to delegatenichols.com. However, Apache is ignoring the following in my httpd.conf, even after I gracefully reboot. VirtualHost *:9080 ServerAlias aristede.com ServerSignature On ErrorLog myError.log LogLevel warn IfModule