Thanks for the reply.
It looks that Apache is handling the malformed params properly, but
not with phusion passenger module.
I've already created an issue on PP project.
If this will not get resolved I will create a simple rule with mod_taint
Best regards
Jakub Nieznalski
2013/2/5 Nick Kew
On 5 Feb 2013, at 14:29, Jakub Nieznalski wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got problem that Apache accepts malformed URI, for example
> localhost/?foo=bar% The percent sign makes that request unvalid, but Apache
> will accept that. Nginx, or Unicorn will respond with 400.
That's a request for URL / , w
I've got problem that Apache accepts malformed URI, for example
localhost/?foo=bar% The percent sign makes that request unvalid, but Apache
will accept that. Nginx, or Unicorn will respond with 400.
How can I achieve the same result? Is there any mod or rule that will tell
apache to return 400