Hi Harry,
Thanks for your question!
There were negative lag/data loss bugs fixed some time back [1, 2] so check
what version of the MirrorMaker connectors you're using. I would recommend
using the latest version of MM2 (3.8.0) if possible.
After upgrading you will need to clear the checkpoints t
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know if it is possible for the Checkpoint connector to be ahead of
the Source connector?
For context, I have a target Kafka cluster that is reporting negative lag
because the log end offset is 0 but the consumer group offset is 100. I have a
tenuous theory that this co
In CLI, in my krb-client.properties files I can do
And I invoke
echo "bar" | kafka-console-producer.sh --producer.config krb-client.properties
it works great.
I have a custom Java client but I am not sure how I can incorporate
these settings. How
Hey Atul
Leadership information is propagated to the rest of the brokers by the
controller. In Zk mode, the controller may take a long time to start up
because it needs to fetch all state from Zookeeper. Rolling restart makes
it worse because you may end up having controller re-election multiple
Hi Vikram. Can you share you code snippet? Are you using compression on
producer/broker side?
On Friday, August 23, 2024, Vikram Singh
> Hello,
> I am facing issues while producing messages on kafka topics. I am facing
> this issue randomly. Please help me by referring to the logs below
Hi Akash, thanks for the quick reply.
By the term leader i mean partition leader.
I agree with you as upgrading to Kraft based cluster will help in reducing
the partitions leader election time, but as we already have Zookeeper based
Kafka cluster upgrading to Kraft based cluster will be bit chal
For Kafka with Zookeeper the recovery time is proportional to the number of
partitions in the cluster. So theoretically speaking the behaviour is
consistent - it will take time. Kraft based Kafka clusters (since Kafka
v3.3) are much much better with clusters with a large number of partitions
such a
I am facing issues while producing messages on kafka topics. I am facing
this issue randomly. Please help me by referring to the logs below.
Logs :-
1). ERROR [ReplicaManager broker=0] Error processing append operation on
partition MHM_CLZ_COM-AWS_123-7 (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)
HI Atul you use the word 'leader'. You mean the 'controller'? Or you
referring to the leader for each of the partitions?
On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 7:44 AM Atul Sharma
> Hi,
> We are currently facing a prolonged leader election time, approx 2 mins, in
> a Kafka cluster (version 2.8.2) that i
In your producer application, you could write a logic for key1 & key2 to be
produced to separate topics with appropriate number of partitions for that
key according to your throughput requirements. For the consumer application
you can configure it to consumer from multiple topics or can have instan
10 matches
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