Hi guys,
I'm working on opensips v2.4.8 and clusterer module with domain name identifier.
I use db_mysql with the table clusterer, and set a domain name identifier into
the url column, like : bin:node1.domain.com:5566.
I listen on the domain name into my script, like :
Hello, Vlad! It seems, that something wrong on my test Virtual server. I installed two proxies in two different servers (production) and there are no problems with cluster module. Link is up in both proxies. Sorry for worry about it. Thank you. -- С уважением, Денис.Best regards, Denis 18.09.20
Hi Denis,
For around 6 minutes since startup of the first proxy, the second proxy
is either not fully booted up or the clusterer table is not loaded so it
can't reply to its pings. The issue occurs from this point on, but the
chunk of log messages you've provided ends soon after so I couldn't
Hello! Is there any information about problem? Thank you. -- С уважением, Денис.Best regards, Denis 08.09.2017, 13:46, "Denis via Users" :Hello, Vlad! Sorry for long answer. So, here (https://yadi.sk/i/j9a4CZhS3MiJEm) you can find the log file. In this file i tried to display information in chr
Hello, Vlad! Sorry for long answer. So, here (https://yadi.sk/i/j9a4CZhS3MiJEm) you can find the log file. In this file i tried to display information in chronological order. In the log file:opensips2.2. - first proxyopensipsproxy1 - second proxy opensipsctl.sh - script for the first proxyopensipsp
Hi Denis,
I can't really tell what the problem is from the information you've
provided (the traces aren't much help as the messages between nodes are
binary data). Can you provide some logs relevant to the clusterer
(including debug level) from around the time when the nodes first try to
Hello! Any information about the problem? Thank you. -- С уважением, Денис.Best regards, Denis 25.08.2017, 16:51, "Denis via Users" :Hello! Back to 2.2.5 resolved the problem. I got replication of, for example, dialog/profile-- С уважением, Денис.Best regards, Denis 24.08.2017, 17:46, "Deni
Hello! Back to 2.2.5 resolved the problem. I got replication of, for example, dialog/profile-- С уважением, Денис.Best regards, Denis 24.08.2017, 17:46, "Denis via Users" :Hello! I am developing VoIP architecture with two proxies and one LB.Between these proxies i have a cluster, using correspo
Hello! I am developing VoIP architecture with two proxies and one LB.Between these proxies i have a cluster, using corresponding module. All instances (proxies and LB) are on the same server.I started from 2.2 and there were no problems with the cluster.Recently, I upgraded Opensips from 2.2. to 2.