Hi Dave,
in the past I had some experiences with was6-maven-plugin (
http://mojo.codehaus.org/was6-maven-plugin/) and successfully used it to
generate the needed codes for simple EJB and Webservice projects. You have
to know, that this plugin actually delegates this work to the tools created
by IB
Hi Brian,
as I understand the problem, yes, you have to define a classpath variable
for this in Eclipse: Window\Preferences\Java\Build Path\Classpath Variables
- the name of the variable should be M2_REPO and should point to the Local
Maven Repository (not to the maven home) - by default it is at
I checked this issue and the error message helps as well - Maven tries to
create directory /.m2/Repor/org/apache/maven/plugins - so the setting is
active, but the ${user.home] parameter is not substituted.
I tried ~/.m2/reponame, but ~ was not regarded also.
But it works very well with /home//
if every piece of information is correct, than I guess the problem is that
in the bashrc file is the following:
export JAVA_HOME=/user/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export PATH=$PATH:/user/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin
and JAVA_HOME begins with /user and not /usr as in the following responses
and try-outs.