Re: How to set/configure the maven.repo.local?

2008-07-17 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, In your maven installation directory, you have to modify the settings.xml file under the conf directory. You can specify your local repository like that: settings localRepositoryc:\localRepository/localRepository ... /settings Regards.

Re: How to package test souce code?

2008-07-04 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, You can use the maven-jar-plugin [1] with the test-jar goal. Or you can use the maven-assembly-plugin [2] . If what you want to do is only to package the tests classes in a jar file, run mvn jar:test-jar. If you want it to be done automatically in your build, configure the plugin in your

Re: Assembly Not Installing with appendAssemblyIdfalseappendAssemblyId

2008-07-03 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, I have been facing the same problem. It's a maven-assembly-plugin2.2-beta-2 bug; check . The workaround I found is to specify the version 2.1 of the maven-assembly-plugin in my pom, normally your artifact will correctly be installed in your

Re: Adding custom link to the report of mvn site.

2008-07-01 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, If you want to add a link in the menu of the site generated by maven, you could add the file site.xml under src/site/site.xml with something like the following content : project name=MyProject body menu name=Menu Name item name=My report href=MyReportIndex.html/ /menu /body

Re: Inherit dependencies problem

2008-06-27 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, Maybe this is just a copy and paste error but the end tag /dependencies is missing. Julien Simon.

Re: Assembly to include another assembly

2008-06-26 Thread Julien Simon
-assembly-plugin/component.html#class_dependencySetfor information on how to configure the dependencySets section. Regards, Julien Simon.

Re: Current date/time as a property

2008-06-23 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, You could use the buildnumber-maven-plugin: It will generate a property containing the date and time at build time (the default value for the name of the property is buildNumber). You can use the property ${buildNumber} after

maven assembly bug MASSEMBLY-74

2008-06-23 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, I'm having a problem when I try to create an assembly with a specified MANIFEST.MF. I use the following configuration; plugin artifactIdmaven-assembly-plugin/artifactId configuration archive manifestFile${basedir}/src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF/manifestFile /archive /configuration

Re: How to filter Test case?

2008-06-19 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, If you want to exclude some specific tests you need to configure the surefire plugin in your pom. Have a look at this There's an example showing how to exclude tests. On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 4:31 AM,

Re: How to omit/include a jar file during packaging

2008-06-19 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, You could specify a provided scope for the dependency that you don't want to package in your WAR. It will use the dependency for the compile phase, but will not include it in your war. dependency groupIdmy-jar-group/groupId artifactIdmy-jar-artifact/artifactId

Re: Question about why/when Maven will automatically exclude transitive dependencies.

2008-06-17 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, If you want to see the list of dependencies and their scope for a POM, you could try mvn dependency:tree For further information on how to use the dependency plugin, have a look a this link ;

Re: Java property in local repository path

2008-06-12 Thread Julien Simon
There's a JIRA issue about the interpolation of properties in settings.xml Check the version of Maven you are using. I'm using maven 2.0.9 and I have an environnement variable named REPOSITORY. In my settings.xml I have

Re: checkstyle problem with maven : Unable to instantiate TreeWalker

2008-06-06 Thread Julien Simon
-developed-checkstyle.html Julien Simon wrote: Thanks for the answer. So, I tried maven-checkstyle-plugin 2.2 and it didn't work either, but that's a good beginning to have the correct plugin version... In the xml checkstyle configuration file where modules are defined, i tried to change

Re: checkstyle problem with maven : Unable to instantiate TreeWalker

2008-06-05 Thread Julien Simon
Checkstyle 4.1. So you can't use stuff from Checkstyle 4.3 in your Checkstyle configuration. Version 2.2 of the plugin, which is being released as we speak, uses Checkstyle 4.4. Start by giving that version a try. Julien Simon wrote: Hi, I'm trying to integrate a checkstyle report in a maven

checkstyle problem with maven : Unable to instantiate TreeWalker

2008-06-04 Thread Julien Simon
Hi, I'm trying to integrate a checkstyle report in a maven project, but I'm facing a problem. The checkstyle report is based on a custom checkstyle check module I developed. I'm using maven 2.0.9, maven-checkstyle-plugin 2.1, and checkstyle 4.3 When I execute mvn checkstyle:checkstyle or mvn

Re: mvn install: add sources

2008-05-07 Thread Julien Simon
You need to use the maven assembly plug-in if you want to package and install sources; On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Jan Torben Heuer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, can I make mvn install to install the sources, too? Jan