It is in the FAQ list:
"How do I skip the tests?
"Add the parameter -Dmaven.test.skip=true in the command line
| I just wanted to know if there is a possibility to run the
| mvn command without the tests. (Somethin similar to mvn
| install -t
I copied the Maven 2.2 files, all but settings.xml, and got the error
"Unable to start the embedded plexus container."
I then rmoved the new files and reverted to the old, and still get the
error, as below.
Any ideas how I should start debugging this? I'ven ot updated my POM in
ages -- it seems
Could someone please point me to the Maven Jetty home and/or help me
istall it? says little, but
when I follow those few instructions, I get the below error.
Also,it refers to the deprecated "m2" command - is Jetty alive and well
or should I
> have a look at the jetty:run and tomcat:run mojos... these
> will package up the war files into a directory, start a jetty
> or tomcat container respectively and serve the webapp in
> place, The jetty one supports scanning of the source files
> and automatic reloading of the webapp... I th
> I think it is the case that most people who use Maven will be
> using a Java IDE of some sort. These take care of ensuring
> that the right files are seen by the web server at the right time.
I feared as much.
> Generally, though it's fairly normal (when outside of an IDE)
> to package the
Thanks, Dominic and Gérald,
> I hesitate to draw comparisons between maven and
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker. :-)
I hear even a bed of nails can be comfortable if you get used to it... :)
> As Gérald said, you should keep your source and compiled
> artifacts separate.
Oh yes, sounds like a very g
nning with Maven as quickly as possible.
Many thanks in anticipation
Lee Goddard
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