RE: Problem with

2006-09-14 Thread Bieringer, Dominik
Hi Jeff, I've sent you two zip files containing the example pages for: --> Sun RI --> MyFaces The pages (about 5) are extremely short (each page has about max. 5-10 lines of JSF code)... It's interesting that they are rendered differently on both implementations, but you can see the weird

AW: Re: Start project?

2006-09-14 Thread Mosimann Matthias
Dear Gerald Let me rant a bit. Thank you for your answer. Well my personally prefered approach ist the buttom up approach (study first the tecnical things up to klick-klick tools) and not the top down approach (klick-klick tools to the tecnical things). It was mostly the better choose. But so

Re: Drill Down help

2006-09-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 9/14/06, Titi Wangsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hello,i'm using myfaces 1.1.3 and shale 1.0.3 and tomahawak 1.1.3i have a page, list.jspcontaining a list of itemsthe list is initialized by a shale backed backed bean thatexecute's its init() method prior to loading the page the init method checks

Re: data getting lost from form

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
The second form uses less space in client-side state saving, and I generally use it. It's a bit more work when you have multiple bean properties to save, though. Five properties would mean five tags, and you have to remember to add a new tag every time you add a new persisting property. The first

RE: data getting lost from form

2006-09-14 Thread L Frohman
Thanks, is there any benefit in vs. ? -Original Message- From: Mike Kienenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:44 PM To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: Re: data getting lost from form Add a Your backing bean is request-scoped, so _boolean will be false

Drill Down help

2006-09-14 Thread Titi Wangsa
hello, i'm using myfaces 1.1.3 and shale 1.0.3 and tomahawak 1.1.3 i have a page, list.jsp containing a list of items the list is initialized by a shale backed backed bean that execute's its init() method prior to loading the page the init method checks to see if its a postback request if its not

Re: Portlet examples needed by portlet/MyFaces users

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
\On 9/14/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok, I'll think of something. I assume myfaces developers monitor this list as I might need some help with the source code. Well, I'm a MyFaces developer, so that's a safe bet :-) Has anyone looked at how the reference implement

Re: data getting lost from form

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Add a Your backing bean is request-scoped, so _boolean will be false by the time you're restoring the view, applying the values, validating, etc. - bean created - view rendered - bean out of scope - form submitted - bean recreated - form processed - view rendered - bean out of scope On 9/14/

RE: Portlet examples needed by portlet/MyFaces users

2006-09-14 Thread Iordanov, Borislav \(GIC\)
Ok, I'll think of something. I assume myfaces developers monitor this list as I might need some help with the source code. Has anyone looked at how the reference implementation integrates with portlets? Does it at all, actually? Best, Bolerio -Original Message- From: Mike Kienenberger [

data getting lost from form

2006-09-14 Thread L Frohman
It seems like the jsp page below should work.If the checkbox is checked and then submit is pressed, the input text box appears.But then anything entered in the input text is lost - the setter is never called.Can anyone tell me why? Something to do with timing of the component binding?   face

Re: t:columns myFaces...please help me

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
There's no difference in the java code between t:dataTable value="#{biosamplesTable.biosamples}" and t:columns value="#{biosamplesTable.columns}" Use the exact same method. Set a binding on t:columns t:columns value="#{biosamplesTable.columns}" binding="#{biosamplesTable

Re: How to not display a row in based on the row content?

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Every element in the data model will end up in a row. If you don't want to filter your data at the java code level, consider using t:dataList to iterate through the elements and generate your own output. On 8/29/06, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am have a list that is displayed by

Re: Sun's Progress Bar with JSF and AJAX Sample

2006-09-14 Thread Leon
Martin, Thanks for trying to help. Basically this sample runs just fine on Tomcat with JSF-RI libraries, but when I substitute them with Myfaces it fails. Do I need to do some extra configuration when I am using Myfaces libraries? So far it appears to be some kind of incompatibility of MyFaces

Re: Attribute 'for' is not defined

2006-09-14 Thread Feris Thia
Hi L Frohman,It solved my problem... I don't realize that outputLabel must have 'for' attribute. Thank you very much.Regards,FerisOn 9/15/06, L Frohman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Why do you have   without a for=""> Can't this just be ? From: Feris Thia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: T

Re: tomahawk sandbox examples?

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Another way to get things: On 8/29/06, Daniel Gradecak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am able to see the examples of sandbox on site but I am not able to download the examples and to

Re: Different "text-alignment"s for different header cells

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Do you think it'd make more sense to create a "headerClass" for t:column instead of a "headerClasses" t:dataTable value? On 9/14/06, Behrang Saeedzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Mike, I'll both open an issue and prepare a patch in a week. Regards, Behi On 9/14/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMA

Re: MyFaces Tobago Install

2006-09-14 Thread Bernd Bohmann
wrong list should be user Bernd Bohmann wrote: Hello Jamie, the jdk14retro is in the Nightly build or the N

How to retrieve a text bundle item dynamically

2006-09-14 Thread Behrang Saeedzadeh
Hi, We can retrieve the value of a text bundle item statically like this: #{bundle.saturday} In my JSF page, I have a managed bean called IndexBean that has a method named getFirstDayOfWeek() that might return either monday or saturday base on current user's locale. What I want to do is: #

Re: Different "text-alignment"s for different header cells

2006-09-14 Thread Behrang Saeedzadeh
Hi Mike, I'll both open an issue and prepare a patch in a week. Regards, Behi On 9/14/06, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: We can accept a patch for t:dataTable that allows multiple elements for headerClass[es]. I'd also recommend opening a JSF spec issue on this if headerClass an

Re: Portlet examples needed by portlet/MyFaces users

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
I think Stan has moved on to other projects for now, and may not be monitoring this list. If you want to propose, discuss, and implement a specific alternative, that would be great! On 9/14/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, Regarding portlets and myfaces integration,

Re: Different "text-alignment"s for different header cells

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
I can see a reason why both would be valuable. In your particular use case, it sounds like column-specific headers are what you need rather than alternating headers. Once you put in support for it, it probably wouldn't be that difficult to allow both, with the class specified on the column takin

Re: Different "text-alignment"s for different header cells

2006-09-14 Thread Behrang Saeedzadeh
Actually, as we specify the column classes on the dataTable element via the columnClasses attribute, from a concistency point of view, I believe that it would be better to deprecate the headerClass attribute and add a new attribute to the dataTable tag called headerClasses that works just like the

myfaces + dojo = Error running scripts from content:[object Error].

2006-09-14 Thread Igor devor
Hi, I have include some dojo in jsf page, an use some ajax. But in internet explorer i have an error after dojo load an page : Error running scripts from content:[object Error]. I serach and i find why : MyFace generate this javascript :

RE: Portlet examples needed by portlet/MyFaces users

2006-09-14 Thread Iordanov, Borislav \(GIC\)
Hi, Regarding portlets and myfaces integration, I noticed another "detail" that will potentially become a serious headache: the FacesContext instance is kept in the portlet session. So, if I have 10 portlets on a page, I have 10 FacesContext instances per user eating up me server memory. This is u

Re: MyFaces Tobago Install

2006-09-14 Thread Bernd Bohmann
Hello Jamie, please replace all artifacts in the WEB-INF/lib dir with the version in the jdk14retro directory from the distribution. Addtionally add the retrotranslator-runtime-1.0.8.jar from to the WEB-INF/lib direc

Re: How to retrieve a text bundle item dynamically

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
What you're really trying to do is call a function with an argument. You can set those up in Facelets, but not in standard JSF. There's a hacky workaround involving maps you can use, but I don't have any details on it -- I've never needed to use it. You can (mostly) simulate a function call with

AW: Re: Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks I have understood it. The value class was an Integer class. Simply call of toString() fix it. Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Datum: 14.09.2006 18:38 An: "MyFaces Discussion", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Betreff: Re: Re: f:selectItems value property A converter has to be

Re: Crystal renderer-type unsupported?

2006-09-14 Thread Jeff Bischoff
Thanks Mike, I'll look into my configuration. The component comes with a faces-config.xml file, which is being read during deploy, along with my others. Perhaps JSF can't find the class that it defines? "" The class is included in that sa

Re: MyFaces Tobago Install

2006-09-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi Jamie, please ask such question on the users list. the tobago sample application will not run on jdk 1.4, tobago needs 1.5. but you can run a retrotranslated version on 1.4. But don't ask me how, i have no expirience whith that. regards Volker 2006/9/12, Steward, Jamie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Re: t:columns myFaces...please help me

2006-09-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, i am still not sure that i know what you want to do. Each row in a datatable (also if you use t:columns for variable count of columns) represents a item in the list/array from the datatables value argument. If you want to fill the rows of the t:columns part from another talble than the t:co

JSCookMenu Stylesheet and Facelets Problem

2006-09-14 Thread Tom Innes
I am trying to override the Stylesheet on JsCookMenu.  I am using Facelets.   I have tried the work around to the bug referenced here   I have taken the theme.css from 1.15 Snapshot of about a month ago and placed it in a new file l

Re: Different "text-alignment"s for different header cells

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
We can accept a patch for t:dataTable that allows multiple elements for headerClass[es]. I'd also recommend opening a JSF spec issue on this if headerClass and columnClasses have this incompatibility. Another way you might be able to solve this problem is to use an EL expression for your headerC

Re: Crystal renderer-type unsupported?

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
No, I'd say that it means that you've got it misconfigured somehow. It's either missing a faces-config.xml entry or a view handler entry or something. On 9/14/06, Jeff Bischoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Can someone please confirm the meaning of this error message for me. Does this mean that t

Re: Implementing Printable View for dataTable: Problem with target="_blank"?

2006-09-14 Thread mjovanov
Sorry, my last attempt to reply didn't come out right; just wanted to thank you for the tip, I ended up using media-specific css classes to solve my problem. I would like to eventually figure out what was wrong with my initial approach, as I can conceive situations where I will need to open new w

Re: several tabbedPanes with several extended datatables: VM crash!

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
On 9/13/06, Stefan Gesigora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm going to do this. But in which order the bugs will be fixed? Via priorization? Some months ago I added a bug but I don't know until yet at which time this bug will be fixed. Could you explain the system, please. MyFaces development is v

Re: Problems with t:inputCalendar in Firefox

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
1.1.5 MyFaces/Tomahawk + Firefox with t:inputCalendar renderAsPopup="true" works fine in my applications. You probably have the extensions filter misconfigured. Most common error is listing the web.xml configuration elements in the wrong order. On 9/14/06, Rodison Ferreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Why this ClassCastException ???

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
Another possibility is that you have two tomahawk jars in your classpath, and you're using one class of HtmlDataScroller for each one. Adding the following line may provide more insight. System.out.println(HtmlDataScroller.class.getName()); On 9/14/06, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: Reset of forms

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
On 9/14/06, David Delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Is it correct to assume a transition from xxx.jsp to the same xxx.jsp, following a navigation-rule after an action creates a brand new form (recreation of all components, submitted value are not linked to those components) I used this "naviga

Re: Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread Gerald Müllan
Corresponding to the type where the value of the selectOneMenu points to, you should set the value of the SelectItem to Integer.toString(i) or another type. But no wrapper Integer is needed. Apart from this, try it out like Cagatay suggested; This is really nice solution and more easy to write.

Trinidad TreeTable

2006-09-14 Thread Naresh Bhatia
Title: Trinidad TreeTable I am trying to learn the Trinidad TreeTable component. I created a standalone JSF application and copied the TreeTable example source from the demo war, along with other necessary infrastructure. I have the TreeTable up and running. The only problem is that the text

RE: Attribute 'for' is not defined

2006-09-14 Thread L Frohman
Why do you have   without a for=""? Can't this just be ? From: Feris Thia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:20 AMTo: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: Attribute 'for' is not defined Dear All,I have warning in Tomcat console like this :==

Re: commandButton in a dataTable

2006-09-14 Thread Jeff Bischoff
Frank, You could try the front page of the wiki. :P See [1] [1] Regards, Jeff Bischoff Kenneth L Kurz & Associates, Inc. Frank Russo wrote: I know I've seen posts, but I can't figure out what to search for. I have a co

Re: Re: Start project?

2006-09-14 Thread Mike Kienenberger
On 9/14/06, Mosimann Matthias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So what is then you prefered development envirement? Eclipse don't have any support ... well it has but it is not working correct and the plugin is still in development. I'm interested using eclipse anyway. Should I start simply with a d

commandButton in a dataTable

2006-09-14 Thread Frank Russo
I know I've seen posts, but I can't figure out what to search for.   I have a commandButton in a row in a dataTable. When clicked, I need to go to an edit screen to update the values of the entry in that row. What's the easiest way to do that?   Thanks... Frank RussoSenior DeveloperFX All

AW: Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I hope ist should be correct. Tell me what You think about, before I will rewrite the code. options is a array list with Strings SelectItem[] items = new SelectItem[options.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) {

Re: Problem with

2006-09-14 Thread Jeff Bischoff
Dominik, Any chance you could make a simple WAR file to show us, which has this problem? (i.e. a stripped-down version of your application WAR, with all the confidential/irrelevant stuff removed) We can't test or definitively answer your problem scenario with the limited amount of source cod

Re: Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread Gerald Müllan
A converter has to be used for the "value" argument of a SelectItem, not for the SelectItem Array itself. Maybe there is no Converter for your given value. cheers, Gerald On 9/14/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I don't have a converter. Ist is an array of the JSF type SelectI

Re: ViewController.setPostback does not work

2006-09-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 9/14/06, Meyer, Stefan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I use shale and facelets and MyFaces. The ViewViewHandler figures out ifthe current request is a postback by looking at the View returned by theoriginal ViewHandler. This is never null in my case. In the case of a postback it is a UIViewRoot with

Different "text-alignment"s for different header cells

2006-09-14 Thread Behrang Saeedzadeh
Hi, I have a dataTable with three columns. The first column shows textual data and the second and third columns show a detail icon and a delete icon respectively. I have set the columnClasses attribute of the dataTable like this: columnClasses="raCol, caCol, caCol" The CSS classes are defined

Re: Why this ClassCastException ???

2006-09-14 Thread Paul Spencer
What package is HtmlDataScroller in ? Look at you imports. Paul Spencer Angelo Luis wrote: i'm having a unusual ClassCastException in my code, then i do that test and dont understand this result: System.out.println(scroller instanceof HtmlDataScroller); System.out.println(scroller); 12:27:37

AW: Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't have a converter. Ist is an array of the JSF type SelectItem. I hope in this case a default converter is implemented. Isn't it? Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Datum: 14.09.2006 16:02 An: "MyFaces Discussion", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Betreff: Re: f:selectItems value

Why this ClassCastException ???

2006-09-14 Thread Angelo Luis
i'm having a unusual ClassCastException in my code, then i do that test and dont understand this result:System.out.println(scroller instanceof HtmlDataScroller);System.out.println(scroller);12:27:37,531 INFO  [STDOUT] false 12:27:37,531 INFO  [STDOUT] [EMAIL PROTECTED]Why this???

Crystal renderer-type unsupported?

2006-09-14 Thread Jeff Bischoff
Can someone please confirm the meaning of this error message for me. Does this mean that the Crystal Reports JSF componenets are incompatible with the MyFaces renderer? - WARN [HtmlRenderKitImpl] Unsupported component-family/renderer-type: javax.faces.ViewRoot/CrystalReports.ViewerHtm

Attribute 'for' is not defined

2006-09-14 Thread Feris Thia
Dear All,I have warning in Tomcat console like this :WARNING: Attribute 'for' of label component with id myform:_idJsp96 is not defined in my jsp file which is below. What's wron

Components using an Alias bean are rendered when it's parent tabbedpane is not! This is causing a javax.faces.FacesException? (REPOST)

2006-09-14 Thread Paul Spencer
(MyFaces + Tomahawk both 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT and 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT) I have defined an aliasBean in a tabbed pane. If that tab is not the current tab, the components that use the aliased bean are rendered even though they are not displayed on the page. This becomes a problem when the rendering fails. **

Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread Cagatay Civici
Hi,You can also try the s:selectItems component to automatically create the select items. regards,CagatayOn 9/14/06, Gerald Müllan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,you can try it also with:public List getSelectItems(){ ...}but the problem comes from cr

t:inputFileUpload inside t:panelTab

2006-09-14 Thread Brian Ehmann
The following jsf tags work perfectly when uploading a file: (yes, this is the code from the myfaces simple example app)        

Re: f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, you can try it also with: public List getSelectItems() { ... } but the problem comes from creating a SelectItem. How do you assign value and label? It may also be a need to create a Converter for some type of values putting into the "value" property. regards, Gerald On 9/14/06, [EMAIL P

Re: t:columns myFaces...please help me

2006-09-14 Thread danielitob
Hi Volker, thank for your reply,i hope in your help to solve my infinite problem... I have a datatable with a fixed number of columns,and others variable columns(depending of a number chosen by user). I had to insert each row of datatable in this manner: the values of fixed columns into a table,th

f:selectItems value property

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
iI f:selectItems the propery value must be set with a bean property of return type SelectItem[]. Is this not correct? Thanks I do the following and get an exception class Sell { .. SelectItem[] getArticleConditionOptions() } generates a nexception Caused by: java.lang.Ille

Re: Reset of forms

2006-09-14 Thread Gert Vanthienen
David, By default, the form in xxx.jsp will contain the same values as before the transition. Only when the backing bean is in request scope and your button/link has immediate="true" set, the values won't remain. If the backing bean is in session scope or immediate="true" hasn't been set, t

Re: t:columns myFaces...please help me

2006-09-14 Thread Volker Weber
Hi, now i have to retrieve the h:columns values for each row,how can i do it? Please help me,i've started so but there is some error,each values is null!! For generating columns i've used.. ... I don't know what exactly you mean by ',each values is null!!' .createVal

RE: Reset of forms

2006-09-14 Thread sjarlier
Hi, To do a reset of my form, I am doing that: Hope this helps, Sophie -Message d'origine- De : David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : jeudi 14 septembre 2006 14:35 À : MyFaces Discussion Objet : Reset of forms Hello, Is it correct to assume a transition from xxx.jsp to t

RE: Problems with t:inputCalendar in Firefox

2006-09-14 Thread sjarlier
Hello, I don't know about this tomahawk version, I am using Jenia4faces if that could be a solution for you... Good luck, Sophie -Message d'origine- De : Rodison Ferreira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : jeudi 14 septembre 2006 13:46 À : users@myfaces

Reset of forms

2006-09-14 Thread David Delbecq
Hello, Is it correct to assume a transition from xxx.jsp to the same xxx.jsp, following a navigation-rule after an action creates a brand new form (recreation of all components, submitted value are not linked to those components)

Problems with t:inputCalendar in Firefox

2006-09-14 Thread Rodison Ferreira
Hi people, I can't use the t:inputCalendar component in Firefox. When I set the atribute "renderAsPopup" with "true", my app don't show the page!!! I've googled this and I found that this problem was fixed in 1.1.3 MyFaces/Tomahawk version. I'm using the 1.1.5 MyFaces/Tomahawk version but the co

Component binding question

2006-09-14 Thread Pfau, Oliver
Hi,   I use as portlet communication a component binding as trigger to refresh a details portlets content. There's a rendered=false component in my details portlet and in the get/set of the component binding a portlet session attribute will be read. It work when I choose the items from the n

Re: Donwload war sandbox

2006-09-14 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, in order to get sandbox .jar, you can also download it from the nightlies section: cheers, Gerald On 9/14/06, Wdiaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Where i can download the war of Sandbox to obtain the jar? -- Cordialmente William Diaz Pabón C

RedirectTrackerManager serialisation poses problem for dependency injection of spring beans

2006-09-14 Thread Meyer, Stefan
If I inject spring beans into my request-scoped managed beans I get serialisation issues because the spring beans cannot be serialized. I am talking about CGLIB-Proxies and those things. I was surprised that MyFaces tries to serialize these beans since they are request scoped. The redirectTrackerMa

ViewController.setPostback does not work

2006-09-14 Thread Meyer, Stefan
I use shale and facelets and MyFaces. The ViewViewHandler figures out if the current request is a postback by looking at the View returned by the original ViewHandler. This is never null in my case. In the case of a postback it is a UIViewRoot withour children. Maybe this should be taken into accou

t:columns myFaces...please help me

2006-09-14 Thread danielitob
Hi guys, i've tried lots of solutions,but i think i've find right solution to solve my question. I have to create a datatable with a fixed number of columns and other dynamic columns. I've rendered it using t:columns of Myfaces and it works fine. It's a piece of jsp page

AW: Portlet examples needed by portlet/MyFaces users

2006-09-14 Thread Pfau, Oliver
Hi, I use also Tomahawk and MyFaces with Liferay. First we declared the extensionsFilter in the liferay web.xml and had to move all jars from tomahawk and myFaces to liferay dir. But we won't fix that all portlets have to use the same myFaces version. So I put all JS directly in the jsps how de

Re: Portlet examples needed by portlet/MyFaces users

2006-09-14 Thread Daniel Gradecak
Hello, I am not an expert but I use MyFaces and Tomahawk components inside portlets. For standard MyFaces components I did not encounter problems. Anyhow, for Tomahawk components that need JS I need to tweak a little. This was already discussed in this mailing list. First I need to disable

Re: Re: Start project?

2006-09-14 Thread Gerald Müllan
Hi, you can also use MyEclipse or Exadel, both have an license agreement where you can develop with a good environment under a free license. However, it is not the most worse idea to learn JSF with the help of not too many tools. cheer, Gerald On 9/14/06, Mosimann Matthias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: How does RedirectTrackerManager

2006-09-14 Thread David Delbecq
Hi, 1) why are my pages getting redirected. This seems to be a behaviour added by sandbox. I don't think it's needed in myface. How do i deactivate this redirection thing? 2) This filter is clearly in sandbox, added by a phase cycle listener, not in myface core, so JSF can live without it, how do