Re: Javascript error in jsf.js - MyFaces 2.1.4

2011-12-01 Thread Walter Mourão
Hi Leonardo, thank you. I just added myfaces 2.1.5-SNAPSHOT and now I've got java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException viewId=/com/meulaudo/web/laudo/editando-laudo.xhtml location=/home/walter/workspace/meulaudo-jsf2/web/target/meulaudo/com/meulaudo/web/laudo/editando-laudo.xhtml

Re: faces-config ordering

2011-12-01 Thread Hampus Wingren
Hi, That did the trick, thanks a lot! Regards, Hampus On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:55:44 -0500, Leonardo Uribe wrote: Hi MyFaces in that part has some junit test cases for config ordering. If portletfacesbridge has: ordering before

Re: Javascript error in jsf.js - MyFaces 2.1.4

2011-12-01 Thread Leonardo Uribe
Hi Are you are using NetBeans? I have seen than snapshot versions sometimes confuses that IDE. Try register this into your pom.xml repositories repository idapache.snapshots/id nameApache Snapshot Repository/name

Re: Javascript error in jsf.js - MyFaces 2.1.4

2011-12-01 Thread Walter Mourão
I'm using Maven 3 and I followed your instructions to update to 2.1.5 (I checked WEB-INF/lib), the error persists... Thanks, Walter Mourão On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Leonardo Uribe wrote: Hi Are

Re: Javascript error in jsf.js - MyFaces 2.1.4

2011-12-01 Thread Leonardo Uribe
Hi I have checked the artifacts with all tests I have available and they work well. I suppose there is something wrong in your local environment (classloading issue?). regards, Leonardo Uribe 2011/12/1 Walter Mourão I'm using Maven 3 and I followed your instructions

CODI @ApplicationScoped bean eager loading?

2011-12-01 Thread oversteer
Hi, I want to make an @Named @ApplicationScoped bean eagerly load, like the equivalent of the EJB @Startup annotation, but I can't figure out how to do it. I saw something that suggested that I needed a method like this, but it doesn't seem to work: protected void eagerlyLoad(@Observes

CODI - turn off startup config logging?

2011-12-01 Thread oversteer
Hi, can anyone tell me how to lose this from my server log? I couldn't see anything in the docs. Used JSF implementation: Mojarra v2.1.3-FCS config implementation: org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.jsf.api.config.JsfModuleConfig method: isUseViewConfigsAsNavigationCasesEnabled value:

Re: CODI @ApplicationScoped bean eager loading?

2011-12-01 Thread Gerhard Petracek
hi, as mentioned in the wiki it gets triggered lazily. the latest point for it is the first jsf request. (logic which doesn't need an up and running cdi container can be implemented via a StartupEventBroadcaster.) regards, gerhard Your JSF/JavaEE powerhouse - JavaEE

deploying myfaces-example-simple20-1.1.11.war in JBoss 5.1.0 EL issue

2011-12-01 Thread Érico
Hi I am trying to run myfaces-example-simple20-1.1.11 in a JBoss 5.1.0 and I am getting the following error : Error: javax.faces.application.Application.createComponent(Ljavax/faces/context/FacesContext;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/faces/component/UIComponent; I have tried

Re: Javascript error in jsf.js - MyFaces 2.1.4

2011-12-01 Thread Walter Mourão
Well... it looks like the problem only happens with MyFaces 2.1.5 + Trinidad 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT... I reverted Trinidad to 2.0.0 and it is working fine. Thanks, Walter Mourão On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Leonardo Uribe