Hi Leonardo,
Thank you for pointing me to the JIRA, however, I am not sure if this
applies to our situation because we are still using myfaces 1.1.4 with
tomahawk 1.1.3. This JIRA issue seems to affect some later versions.
To make the matters worse, our myfaces jar as well as the original
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee
> http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd";>
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Jim the Standing Bear
> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> In that case, it is certainly worth
Hi Mike,
In that case, it is certainly worth finding out. Could you please
give me a pointer or two how to go about verifying that? Thanks!
-- Jim
Hi Mike,
Thank you for the suggestion - however, the same web.xml worked fine
as a standalone, but not as a portlet.
In the source code of tomahawk 1.1.9, there is a class
TomahawkFacesContextWrapper.java, which has a block of comments saying
the following:
* One use that has this wrapper is in
It seems that the myfaces webapp as a portlet is not reading the
init-params defined in web.xml. I have a myfaces webapps that uses
inputFileUpload. While testing it as a standalone, I was able to
control the max upload size by changing the init-param in web.xml.
However, after putting ev
e length (in
> bytes) of the content being sent by input stream or -1 if the length is not
> known (or if the length is greater than 2GB)
> 2009/10/3 Jim the Standing Bear
>> thank you for the response, Anuj. However, I am not entirely certain
>> if this prope
gt; www.medicalert.org
> Protect our planet. Consider the environment before you print this
> email.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jim the Standing Bear [mailto:standingb...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 2:15 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: is
I am wondering if there is an absolute max file upload size that if
the file I want to upload exceeds that size, it won't work even if the
maxFileUploadSize in web.xml is set much higher? If so, what is it?
Because I am trying to upload a 3GB file using the inputFileUpload
control, and we
I don't have any solutions, but you may want to try "zh_CN" and "zh_TW" etc.
What's the default locale setting of the system that you are running
your web app from? You should match that.
The text displays correctly because it is the browser that renders it.
but in the case of your image, I bel
I must be drunk... not sure why i said "thank you" when I meant to say
"if you"...
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Jim the Standing Bear
> Isn't it a behavior of the browser? thank you provide a URL, whether
> be it from a static
Isn't it a behavior of the browser? thank you provide a URL, whether
be it from a static HTML page or a page generated by JSF, the browser
will automatically try to download the file? am I missing something
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Nutulapati, Krishna
> He
iption TABLE.
> I tried to wrap the whole tree into h:selectOneRadio but it doesn't work.
> The problem is that there is only t:treeCheckbox Tomahawk tag (which
> is used for creation of checkboxes in the tree).
> I think the easiest way is to create my own component, like treeRa
By enclosing the tag inside of the facet, you were
literally creating a different group of radio buttons for each node,
and your results verified that also.
You may want to try moving the tags outside of the
tag, or outside of the tag.
I haven't tried this, so it may or may not work.
But why
:) Thanks Andrew.
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Andrew Robinson
> Use you own nodes that have a pointer back to the parent
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 8:02 AM, Jim the Standing Bear
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
What is the best way to remove the current node from a Tree2? Without
having a pointer back to the parent, I cannot do something like
-- Jim
I have two questions regarding myFaces.
1). In the JSF file, a Tree2 is assigned a unique ID (exploreTree),
but the Tree2 is contained under some unnamed panelGroups and
gridPanels. One piece of code tried to access this Tree2 by doing the
HtmlTree tree =
Hi Simon,
Thank you for the information... but how exactly do I go about access
those information once I have the external context?
On 10/24/06, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hii Jim,
Jim the Standing Bear wrote:
> I am working on a JSF project, and one commandLink would
In EL:
On 10/23/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am working on a JSF project, and one commandLink would refer to a
> different proje
Hi everyone,
I am working on a JSF project, and one commandLink would refer to a
different project (a servlet) on the same tomcat server. My question
is, how can I obtain the name of the server from a backing bean, so
that I can dynamically populate the commandLink no matter where the
war is dep
ing bean?
On 10/17/06, Jeff Bischoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jim the Standing Bear wrote:
> In the sample code provided on the wiki, the code explicitly does
> t.setNodeSelected as the actionListener of the commandLink; but i
> cannot do that because as I said earlier, the a
like t.nodeExpanded...
- Jim
On 10/17/06, Jeff Bischoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jim the Standing Bear wrote:
> In the sample code provided on the wiki, the code explicitly does
> t.setNodeSelected as the actionListener of the commandLink; but i
> cannot do that because as I said earlier, t
Here is what I am trying to achieve: display a tree2, when I click on
a node (a commandLink), its style changes by evaluating
#{t.nodeSelected?'selectedStyle':'notSelectedStyle'}, and it will also
invoke an actionListener at the backing bean to do more stuff
But the problem is that every
I need some help regarding tree2. How can I change the style of a
tree2 node that is currently selected? It was easy in the original
tree, so I would imagine there is something equivalent in tree2.
Please help. thanks.
-- Jim
Standing Bear Has Spoken
Kenneth L Kurz & Associates, Inc.
Wendy Smoak wrote:
> On 10/5/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am using a server-side Tree2 in a project. Whenever a user expands
>> or collapses a node, the tree always moves back to the very top.
>> Si
I am using a server-side Tree2 in a project. Whenever a user expands
or collapses a node, the tree always moves back to the very top.
Since the tree can be very big for some users, it has become an
annoyance for them because they would have to look for the node every
single time.
Is there a way t
On 9/5/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am upgrading a JSF application from tree to tree2. The tomahawk
> examples downloaded from apache.org only has the jsp code, but there
> is no java code for the backbeans. Where can I get the source
I am upgrading a JSF application from tree to tree2. The tomahawk
examples downloaded from apache.org only has the jsp code, but there
is no java code for the backbeans. Where can I get the source code
treeBacker.java etc? Thanks!
pt to add a null to the view serialization collection. I can offer advice on tracing MyFaces but not much else as I still find it somewhat mysterious ;).
Hope that helps,James-Original Message-----From: Jim the Standing Bear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Fri 6/23/2006 3:56 PMTo: MyFaces
We believe we are experiencing session timeout problems. The project we are working on consists of a Tree displaying inside of a gridsphere portlet. It works fine for about 15 minutes, and then we will be seeing a stack dump.
1. So it there a way to make the timeout period configurabl
SCROLL context param, w/
> >> a few lines of documentation, is in web.xml of the simple examples> >> application.> >>> >> So ... what is it about your dev environments that is different? It is> >> probably something simple.
> >>> >> Denni
It is a problem with the _javascript_ function getScrolling(). Somehow it doesn't get generated. This goes true not for commandlinks, but also other stuff. One way to workaround is to run with an earlier version of the myFaces, and look at the rendered html/_javascript_ source code from the web br
Thank you, Matthias.
On 6/12/06, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here it goes
http://people.apache.org/builds/myfaces/nightly/tomahawk-sandbox-examples-1.1.4-SNAPSHOT.wara WAR with java sources inside of WEB-INF/srcOn 6/12/06, Jim the Standing Bear <
Are the sample codes for using tomahawk still available for download? They used to be listed in the download page, but I cannot see them anymore. Thanks.
-- Jim-- --Standing Bear Has Spoken--
should work.
Thx,Matthias[1] http://myfaces.zones.apache.org/dist/maven-repository/org/apache/myfaces/tomahawk/tomahawk/1.1.3/
On 6/8/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> Hi Matthias,>> I will check those two documents either tomorrow or this weekend. The
On 6/8/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:>> Hi Matthias,>> Below is the web.xml.>> >>> > "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN"> "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">>> > Workspace
not the only way to> get around the problem because it is rather messy. Has anyone else seen
> this problem?>>>>> On 6/8/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> >> > Is this a bug with myfaces
1.1.3? I have this very simple JSP file with
Right now, my way of working around is to put my own getScrolling() _javascript_ function inside of each jsp. But I hope this is not the only way to get around the problem because it is rather messy. Has anyone else seen this problem?
On 6/8/06, Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTEC
Is this a bug with myfaces 1.1.3? I have this very simple JSP file with 1 text field and 1 submit button. Whenever I click on submit, it pops out an "object expected" error message. By using a script debugger, it seems to be missing a function called "getScrolling()"
Why is that? How do I fi
I have encountered the same problem with HtmlTree.addToModelListeners.
Basically I am trying to display the contents of an XML Document using the original HtmlTree. but for some reason, the tree won't refresh when a new XML Document is available. So I thought I could get it to work by removing
rshall once, allow the user to manipulate the JSF component, and use a marshall step ( JSF component -> XML ) to complete the "unit of work".
Dennis Byrne>-----Original Message->From: Jim the Standing Bear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]>Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:51
I have yet another question on the old tree. How do I get it to refresh? Our code is supposed to display the contents of an XML document in a tree. We have written our own java classes to implement both the TreeModel and TreeNode interfaces. When a button is clicked, the contents of the XML Docu
Thanks again, Sean for replying. So basically what you were saying is that I either needed a method to return "my.jsf.MyTreeModel", or simply to hard code that in the jsp file... yes?
On 6/7/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 137: > type="#{MyTreeModel}"/>> 138:
iginal tree these days.Most seem to be using the new tree2. You will probably get more
answers to your questions if you switch.From your stacktrace it looks like your problem is a class castexception as opposed to a missing library (Class not found) problem.SeanOn 6/7/06, Jim the Standing Bear <
I am new to myfaces and JSF. I am trying to create a webapp using the html tree, but it would give me the following exception. Before, it worked because the code was written using the namespace org.apache.myfaces.examples.tree
. but now I have refactored them to a different namespace (my.jsf
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