
2021-03-05 Thread philippe.gibert
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RE: Nifi kafka ser/deser problem

2017-09-06 Thread philippe.gibert
Hi Mark, It works like a charm! Thank you very very much …. ☺ I understand better now the ser/deser and registries …..( confluent ,HWX or built in) I was thinking wrongly that it was not necessary to write my own ser/deser code ( java Stream Application- Confluent Side) Phil Tanks again

RE: Nifi kafka ser/deser problem

2017-09-06 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Andrew Yes ..I trace the call to confluent registry and I see the get on the subject ( Confluent registry side) And I also see the binary content on a consumer shell console (kafka-console-consumer ) --- room room1147.100,3.246▒NF My question was much

RE: Nifi kafka ser/deser problem

2017-09-05 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Bryan, Schema Write Strategy : Confluent Schema Registry Reference Schema Access strategy : Use 'Schema Name' Property Schema registry : ConfluentSchemaRegistry Schema Name : topic7 Schema Text : ${avro.schema} Compression Format : NONE Thanks Phil -Original Message- From:

RE: Nifi kafka ser/deser problem

2017-09-05 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Joe This json content {"type":"room","id":"room11","attributes":{"position":"47.100,3.246","surface":223,"norme":"NF"}} is the input of the PublishKafkaRecord_0_10 processor. This processor have among others the following properties set : Record Reader : JsonTreeReader --> pointing

Nifi kafka ser/deser problem

2017-09-05 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello, My SW environment --> Nifi 1.4 compiled from sources , on Ubuntu 14.04 and a running Confluent 3.3 Platform (running Confluent Registry and kafkaStreams ) I have a process group with a PublishKafkaRecord_0_10 that serialize a record ( with 3 fields) And another process group with

RE: appending \n to a flow

2017-04-20 Thread philippe.gibert
☺ Thanks a lot James it works nicely now …… From: James McMahon [mailto:jsmcmah...@gmail.com] Sent: jeudi 20 avril 2017 15:36 To: users@nifi.apache.org Subject: Re: appending \n to a flow Can you try something like this Phil: ${uuid:append('\n')} Jim On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 9:25 AM,

appending \n to a flow

2017-04-20 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello , I want to add a "\n "at the end of my flow ( it's a record in fact) before sending the record to a Put HDFS processor in append mode I tried to put the ReplaceText Processor in the flow with the following config Search Value (?s)(^.*$) Replacement Value \\n

RE: REST provenance/lineage API

2016-11-17 Thread philippe.gibert
Thanks , very simple at the end ☺ ! Last question , If I can .. Initially I have a process group named PG1 with some processors. I want to Execute the DFlow located in PG1 and then with and external program call via REST lineage/provenance API to get the complete report about the flow.

RE: REST provenance/lineage API

2016-11-17 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello matt Almost perfect ! I call nifi REST api with the following JSON body in the post ( just indicating the flow uuid) -- { "lineage":{ "request":{"lineageRequestType":"FLOWFILE","uuid":"2a5d427f-085e-4993-bdc6-abf5709df7fc" } } } -- And results are records like this

REST provenance/lineage API

2016-11-16 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Matt, I have the same problem with the provenance/lineage REST call curl 'http://localhost:8080/nifi-api/provenance/lineage/.. very difficult for me (sorry ☹ ) to find the right json body to send in the POST call . if you can give an example again Philippe Best regards

RE: REST provenance api search options

2016-11-15 Thread philippe.gibert
Thanks a lot Matt It works nicely ! From: Matt Gilman [mailto:matt.c.gil...@gmail.com] Sent: mardi 15 novembre 2016 15:08 To: users@nifi.apache.org Subject: Re: REST provenance api search options Philippe, Here's an example command for initiating a provenance search: curl

REST APIs provenance-events API

2016-11-15 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello, My SW context : nifi 1.0.0/ubuntu I would like to know if both following REST API calls : GET /provenance-events/{id}/content/input GET /provenance-events/{id}/content/output Are related to getting in the response the flowfile content before and after an event happened on a processor .

REST provenance api search options

2016-11-14 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello, My SW context : nifi 1.0.0/ubuntu I am trying to use the provenance search options . I have the Id of my processor ie (ProcessorID ) but it’s not very clear for me how to fill the searchableFields. Is something as the following to be right ? and in this case where do i put the

RE: logging all transformed flowfiles

2016-09-29 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Andrew, thx. I saw the S2S Provenance reporting task but I do not understand how to use it …. ☺ May I implement my own reporting task , or I should use the one already there in nifi ?

RE: logging all transformed flowfiles

2016-09-28 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Manish Thx for the very helpful answer , but I was thinking that this functional perimeter ( ie logging, storing transformations of data, data lineage ) was built in Nifi and available through REST API ... Or internal calls ... The point is that I am not ready to hook devoted logging

DF design question

2016-04-18 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello I have this simple Use Case to implement ( but it's not so clear for me which processors to put in the chain :)) : I have JSON file with records identified by one type property {.. "type": " smartphone"}, { . "type" : "PC" } , { "type": "tablet"}

RE: nifi processor to parse+update the current json on the fly

2016-04-07 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello thx Thad , joe , all For different answers. I understand how to know…. Philippe Best regards De : Thad Guidry [mailto:thadgui...@gmail.com] Envoyé : jeudi 7 avril 2016 17:32 À : users@nifi.apache.org Objet : Re: nifi processor to parse+update the current json on the fly Philippe, I would

nifi processor to parse+update the current json on the fly

2016-04-07 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello I have a DF with a processor owning a json document that need to be transformed before sent to an ElasticSearch processor I have something like this $.element.attributes[0].value --> not to be changed $.element.attributes[0].type--> not to be changed ... $.element.attributes[10].value

GetMail processor

2016-02-19 Thread philippe.gibert
Hi, I would like to know if a GetEmail processor is available somewhere or planned ☺ . I have seen PutEmail but not the dual processor in the help The goal is to automatically and regularly processes incoming mail , transforms the content and index the transformed content with solr phil Best

processor stats and count

2016-01-27 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello, 1) I would like to know if it is possible to get the stats from 1 processor running and send them ( bytes read , written, transferred in last 5min,... etc ...) To an external consumer outside of Nifi for example a kafka broker 2) I had a glance to counters returned

control nifi from REST API

2016-01-22 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello I would like to control Nifi by program an implement this: 1. find the right template in the templates repository --> result T1 2. instantiate the Template (T1) 3. set properties on different processors contained in the topology T1 4. start T1 5. stop T1

RE: control nifi processors with REST (ie without GUI)

2016-01-19 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello thanks everybody for your answers The request is a put request from a Jax rs client java ……….. response = webResource.type("application/json").put(ClientResponse.class, returnedJSONProcessor1Updated); with returnedJSONProcessor1Updated ( see the gist pls)

control nifi processors with REST (ie without GUI)

2016-01-19 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello, My nifi version : nifi 0.4.1 I try to control a nifi topology with REST API (java jaxRS client ). I have a Nifi group of 2 processors and I can retrieve the json config for each of them . perfect ! But when I modify the json config ( Input Directory for my getfile processor

RE: Is nifi a good fit for this use case?

2015-11-18 Thread philippe.gibert
Hello Joe Thanks for these clear explanations Another great feature available from NIfi comparing with storm is : ( if I understand well :-) ) - The possibility to stop processors , then add some processors in the middle of the topology and then restart the workflow .. It can be