If that doesn't work, adding the JDO jars to your classpath should be
both innocuous and successful.
On 6/8/07, os_developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, to all of your questions. I'll try using the
jdoEnhance option again after making sure to do a
clean build. It looks like this
Yes, to all of your questions. I'll try using the
jdoEnhance option again after making sure to do a
clean build. It looks like this is probably a simple
thing to fix based on your comments.
Thanks for the suggestions.
--- Patrick Linskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have Kodo i
Do you have Kodo in your build path? Are you using WebLogic? WebLogic
Server 10 includes Kodo as part of it, and Kodo in turn includes
OpenJPA. So, if you're using WebLogic, then you're implicitly also
using Kodo. The version of Kodo shipping with WebLogic includes full
JDO2 support. I would imagi
Hi Patrick,
It isn't my intention to use Kodo. I'm only
intentionally using openjpa but I am using weblogic.
Do I have to use Kodo if I'm using weblogic or should
I take a look at my build setup at little closer?
--- Patrick Linskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> It so
It sounds like you're using Kodo, not just OpenJPA. Is that correct?
If so, what version of Kodo are you using?
On 6/8/07, os_developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I hope this is the appropriate place to ask this
I am using the ant task to enhance my
classes at bu
I hope this is the appropriate place to ask this
I am using the ant task to enhance my
classes at build-time but when I invoke them, I get an
error stating NoClassDefFound for
javax/jdo/spi/PersistenceCapable. I am using the
hellojpa sample code and have just modified it to use