Re: [OpenLayers-Users] kml refresh issue

2009-07-13 Thread Kris Geusebroek
Hi, I had the same issue with a vector layer and the WFS protocol. I created a ticket for that and attached a path and a uuid generator class to this ticket. Might be of value to you too. Cheers Kris From:

[OpenLayers-Users] Setting max/min zoom levels for the whole map

2009-07-13 Thread Adrian Popa
Hello everybody, Is it possible to set max/min zoom for all layers at the map level? Or do I have to set the max/min zoom for each base layer? The map documentation suggests it isn't possible, but I thought of asking anyway... Thanks, Adrian ___

[OpenLayers-Users] georss not projecting

2009-07-13 Thread DeDuikertjes
Hi all, I'd like to add a layer to my map, with several point on which I can click. Then a popup opens with some info and with an url on it (different url for each point). So I've tried the GeoRSS layer for that. It's not working and I think it's because off the spatial reference system used.

[OpenLayers-Users] Can't transform lat/long to a projection

2009-07-13 Thread winfield.dave
Hi all, Essentially, I'm having a problem converting some lat/long values I get back from a webservice onto my map. The map is using EPSG:3395, so I thought code like this would work. !-- at the top -- var latLonProj = new OpenLayers.Projection(EPSG:4236); var osmProj = new

[OpenLayers-Users] Vector layer popup doesn't close after layer refresh

2009-07-13 Thread Adrian Popa
Hi everyone, I'd like your help with a javascript problem. I want to draw markers from a script that generates KML output and I have follows the sundials example: However, if I want to refresh the KML layer and I have an open

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Setting max/min zoom levels for the whole map

2009-07-13 Thread Eric Lemoine
On Monday, July 13, 2009, Adrian Popa wrote: Hello everybody, Is it possible to set max/min zoom for all layers at the map level? Or do I have to set the max/min zoom for each base layer? The map documentation suggests it isn't possible, but I thought of asking

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints vectors to openlayers

2009-07-13 Thread fuhrysteve
This somewhat unconventional use of OpenLayers as a warehouse management web-app is really exciting people over here! Thanks everyone for the help so far! I am running into one little problem though.. I can save vectors to MySQL as a geometry datatype, no problem. The problem is, how do I load

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints vectors to openlayers

2009-07-13 Thread fuhrysteve
Alright, so I discovered fromWKT (i'm using 2.8, so we should be good..) and I got this far: var fpwkt = OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT; var fpfeatures = []; fpfeatures.push(fpwkt('POLYGON((1528 -768,1524 -850,1596 -852,1528 -768))')); fpfeatures.push(fpwkt('POLYGON((2264 -722,2102 -868,2552

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] blueprints vectors to openlayers

2009-07-13 Thread fuhrysteve
I figured it out! fpshelves = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector( FP Shelves ); fpshelves.addFeatures([ new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(OpenLayers.Geometry.fromWKT('POLYGON((1528 -768,1524 -850,1596 -852,1528 -768))')), new

[OpenLayers-Users] WFS selection layer deformed

2009-07-13 Thread Peter Becker
Hello all, I'm trying to let the user select polygons on a map and started creating some JavaScript based on As opposed to the example everything I use is in WGS84, so I don't need all the extra projection options. The polygons I have are

[OpenLayers-Users] Plotting a KML layer in a map that uses a different projection

2009-07-13 Thread Richard Marsden
Hello, I am developing a map that uses a non-cylindrical projection (Mollweide in this case but I'll probably use other pseudo-cylindrical projections later). I have OpenLayers displaying this properly with tiles delivered by WMS (from MapServer). I would now like to add extra layers from

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Plotting a KML layer in a map that uses a different projection

2009-07-13 Thread Richard Marsden
Thanks for the reply Nick. I thought GML and KML both worked through the same OpenLayers mechanism (the GML layer) so I assumed they would have the same problem? The intention is for the end users to enter their own data files. KML (and perhaps GeoRSS) are the best choice for this, even though

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Can't transform lat/long to a projection

2009-07-13 Thread winfield.dave
Hi. Do you have proj4js loaded? And is the EPSG:3395 projection defined in proj4js? I had read that openlayers would automagically detect proj4js, I took that as to OL needing proj4js in the same directory. Turns out I never imported the js into my html page. Doh. I did need to create the

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Setting max/min zoom levels for the whole map

2009-07-13 Thread Adrian Popa
Thanks Eric, I'll try that... Eric Lemoine wrote: On Monday, July 13, 2009, Adrian Popa wrote: Hello everybody, Is it possible to set max/min zoom for all layers at the map level? Or do I have to set the max/min zoom for each base layer? The map documentation

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] WFS selection layer deformed

2009-07-13 Thread Adrian Popa
Hi Peter, It seems you're trying to use google maps as base layer with your data overlaid on top. The problem is google maps uses spherical mercator projection, while your layer (and map) uses EPSG:4326. To get the layers to overlap, you need to use the same projection everywhere - try