Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature

2010-07-24 Thread emmexx
Il 23/07/2010 18:18, Alex Brandsen scrisse: Thanks for replying! getFeatureById() and OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.selectedFeatures both return feature(s), I don't see how I can use these functions to select features? Sorry, I forgot to mention the undocumented select(), as Arnd already wrote.

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Manually 'select' feature

2010-07-22 Thread emmexx
Il 22/07/2010 15:24, Alex Brandsen scrisse: Hi all, I was wondering if there is a way to manually select a feature, i.e. when a feature is clicked, I want to select a feature next to it as well. I can't seem to find any documentation on this, unfortunately. You can use:

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Adding forms to Layers

2010-07-14 Thread emmexx
Il 14/07/2010 08:00, Kalyan Kamepalli scrisse: I find it very hard to read the OpenLayers.js as it is compressed to reduce the size. Is there a way to get it back to a readable format ? The source is in the package in lib/OpenLayers. To debug your code you can link to lib/OpenLayers.js and

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Popup over GPX track

2010-05-17 Thread emmexx
Il 17/05/2010 10:44, Francesco scrisse: I would like to display inside the popup time and name attributes Here a working example: I downloaded a gpx file from here: The file has the name and

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Fwd: Re: Popup over GPX track

2010-05-12 Thread emmexx
Il 12/05/2010 10:18, Francesco scrisse: Hi, in feature.attributes I have an empty object. You should tell OL to extract the attributes. There's a parameter to set, see my example code. One more problem is how could i find the LonLat of the selected feature? In my code it is:

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Popup over GPX track

2010-05-11 Thread emmexx
Il 11/05/2010 18:43, Francesco scrisse: Hi, I'm trying to display a popup on mouse over GPX track. This is the code used to load the track: onSelect: function(feature) { -- Here I want to display a popup with info from the GPX file },

[OpenLayers-Users] layers features displayed with css visibility set to hidden

2010-04-29 Thread emmexx
I'm trying to reinvent the wheel by doing a simple tabs widget. In one of the tabs I want to put a map. I tried to use a couple of classes to show hide the divs that act as tabs but I found out a weird behaviour. When the tab with the map should be hidden I assign a class=invisible that sets

[OpenLayers-Users] epsg:3003 geometries and gmaps

2010-03-16 Thread emmexx
I want to show a bunch of geometries over a gmap or osm or whatever commercial baselayer. I started from shape data created using arcgis: a geotiff map of Milan and some lines drawn over that map. I don't use arcgis so I imported the data in grass. Then I exported the vector layer with the lines

[OpenLayers-Users] Mouse wheel zoom not deactivating

2010-02-03 Thread emmexx
I have some control on 2 panels. One of them is a Navigation control. I tried to disable the mouse wheel zoom feature to no avail. map.addControl(panel); panel.activateControl(BITools.get('navigazione')); //default controls = map.getControlsByClass('OpenLayers.Control.Navigation'); for

[OpenLayers-Users] Override layer default style for feature

2010-01-09 Thread emmexx
I defined the style for a layer the following way: var styleDefault=new OpenLayers.Style(null, { rules: [ new OpenLayers.Rule({ symbolizer: { Point: { pointRadius: 5, graphicName: square, fillColor: yellow, fillOpacity: 0.25, strokeWidth: 1,

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Error loading (gpx) file

2010-01-06 Thread emmexx
Il 05/01/2010 20:04, emmexx scrisse: I get a strange behaviour when I try to load a gpx file. I found out the problem: the link to the file is wrong when editing the record. :-( OL is innocent! bye maxx ___ Users mailing list Users

[OpenLayers-Users] Error loading (gpx) file

2010-01-05 Thread emmexx
I get a strange behaviour when I try to load a gpx file. I use openlayers inside cakephp (a php framework). In a page (a form) the user can draw lines, enter parameters and save them to a database. As an additional feature the user is allowed to import inside the map a gpx file. And now the

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with google map and mapserver

2010-01-01 Thread emmexx
Il 01/01/2010 06:50, Gaurav Thakur scrisse: hi all i want to overlay google over my shape file image using mapserver and openlayers but the bounds of google maps are something like this(-100.898437,22.148438,-78.398437,39.726563) and the extent of my shapefile is 1895622 2708575 1980960

[OpenLayers-Users] Context is undefined and missing part of feature

2009-12-10 Thread emmexx
I'm having some trouble using a Vector layer and the addUniqueValueRules() function. I create an array of vector layers and define a lookup rule to style some feature (lines). var myStyles = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({ default: new OpenLayers.Style(null, { rules: [

[OpenLayers-Users] Draw and drag map

2009-11-25 Thread emmexx
I couldn't find on documentation, wiki, ml, examples of drawing a feature (a line, a polygon) and panning (dragging?) the map simultaneously. From a user point of view it's easier to click and drag the map while drawing rather than clicking on the navigation button. Do you have any example or

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] How to use split events

2009-10-08 Thread emmexx
Il 08/10/2009 15:20, Andreas Hocevar scrisse: Hi, ok, this is something different. How about the following split handler: split: function(event) { if (event.features.length2) { event.features = [event.original.clone()]; } } No way! :-( It works with a 2 steps

[OpenLayers-Users] How to use split events

2009-10-07 Thread emmexx
I'm trying to use the split control to cut a line (LineString) with the conditione that the line can only be cut in 2 parts. I tried to use the split event with the following code: split: function(event) { var a = event.original; var b = event.features; if (b.length2)

[OpenLayers-Users] snap to road

2009-03-18 Thread emmexx
I started to study OL a couple of weeks ago so I don't master it pretty well. I wrote some simple code based on the examples. I'm going to write a web application that will have to manage complex data about cycleways and users will draw routes on a map. I don't know if the user will be restricted

Re: [OpenLayers-Users] snap to road

2009-03-18 Thread emmexx
Jordan Anderson scrisse: Hey Maxx, does something similar to this and you can see it in two places: On the main page (, if you drop a marker or drag the market around, we send the lon/lat to the server and look up the nearest street name in our