We ran in to this issue as well when trying to install Ovirt Hyperconverged.
The root issue is that kmod-kvdo in Centos 8 (and probably upstream) is
built for a specific kernel and if you don't run that kernel it is not
found. This is a major issue even if you match the kernel version then
Can you share both ovirt and gluster logs ?
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
В четвъртък, 14 януари 2021 г., 20:18:03 Гринуич+2, Charles Lam
Thank you Strahil. I have installed/updated:
dnf install --enablerepo="baseos" --enablerepo="appstream"
--enablerepo="extras" --enabler
Dear Friends,
Resolved! Gluster just deployed for me successfully. Turns out it was two
typos in my /etc/hosts file. Why or how ping resolved properly and worked I am
not sure.
Special thanks to Ritesh and most especially Strahil Nikolov for their
assistance in resolving other issues along
Thank you Strahil. I have installed/updated:
dnf install --enablerepo="baseos" --enablerepo="appstream"
--enablerepo="extras" --enablerepo="ha" --enablerepo="plus"
centos-release-gluster8.noarch centos-release-storage-common.noarch
dnf upgrade --enablerepo="baseos" --enablerepo="appstream"
As those are brand new,
try to install the gluster v8 repo and update the nodes to 8.3 and
then rerun the deployment:
yum install centos-release-gluster8.noarch
yum update
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov
В 23:37 + на 13.01.2021 (ср), Charles Lam написа:
> Dear Friends:
> I am still stuck
Dear Friends:
I am still stuck at
task path:
"One or more bricks could be down. Please execute the command again after
bringing all bricks online and finishing any pending heals", "Volume heal
I refined /e
I will check ‘/var/log/gluster’. I had commented out the filter in
‘/etc/lvm/lvm.conf’ - if I don’t the creation of volume groups fails
because lvm drives are excluded by filter. Should I not be commenting it
out but modifying it in some way?
On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 12:11 AM St
> I tried Gluster deployment after cleaning within the Cockpit web
> console, using the suggested ansible-playbook and fresh image with
> oVirt Node v4.4 ISO. Ping from each host to the other two works for
> both mgmt and storage networks. I am using DHCP for management
> network, hosts file for
Hi Ritesh,
Yes, I have tried Gluster deployment several times. I was able to resolve
the kvdo not installed issue, but no matter what I have tried to date
recently I cannot get Gluster to deploy. I had a hyperconverged oVirt
cluster/Gluster with VDO successfully running on this hardware and swit
On Tue, Jan 12, 2021, 2:04 AM Charles Lam wrote:
> Dear Strahil and Ritesh,
> Thank you both. I am back where I started with:
> "One or more bricks could be down. Please execute the command again after
> bringing all bricks online and finishing any pending heals\nVolume heal
> failed.", "std
Dear Strahil and Ritesh,
Thank you both. I am back where I started with:
"One or more bricks could be down. Please execute the command again after
bringing all bricks online and finishing any pending heals\nVolume heal
failed.", "stdout_lines": ["One or more bricks could be down. Please execut
Can you try once cleaning the gluster deployment you can do this by running
this command on one of the hosts.
-i /etc/ansible/hc_wizard_inventory.yml
And then rerun the Ansible fl
What is the output of 'rpm -qa | grep vdo' ?
Most probably the ansible flow is not deploying kvdo , but it's necessary at a
later stage.Try to overcome via "yum search kvdo" and then 'yum install
kmod-kvdo" (replace kmod-kvdo with the package for EL8).
Also, I think that you can open a github is
Dear Strahil,
I have rebuilt everything fresh, switches, hosts, cabling - PHY-SEC shows 512
for all nvme drives being used as bricks. Name resolution via /etc/hosts for
direct connect storage network works for all hosts to all hosts. I am still
blocked by the same
"vdo: ERROR - Kernel modul
I'm also using direct cabling ,so I doubt that is the problem.
Starting fresh is wise, but keep in mind:
- wipe your bricks before installing gluster
- check with 'lsblk -t' the PHY-SEC. If it's not 512, use vdo with "
--emulate512" flag
- Ensure that name resolution is working and each node can r
Still not able to deploy Gluster on oVirt Node Hyperconverged - same error;
upgraded to v4.4.4 and "kvdo not installed"
Tried suggestion and per
I also tried "gluster volume h
I see that the selfheal daemon is not running.
Just try the following from host1:
systemctl stop glusterd; sleep 5; systemctl start glusterd
for i in $(gluster volume list); do gluster volume set $i
cluster.granular-entry-heal enable ; done
And then rerun the Ansible flow.
Best Regards,
Thanks so very much Strahil for your continued assistance!
[root@fmov1n1 conf.d]# gluster pool list
16e921fb-99d3-4a2e-81e6-ba095dbc14cahost2.fqdn.tld Connected
d4488961-c854-449a-a211-1593810df52fhost3.fqdn.tld Conn
You will need to check the gluster volumes status.
Can you provide output of the following (from 1 node ):
gluster pool list
gluster volume list
for i in $(gluster volume list); do gluster volume status $i ; gluster volume
info $i; echo
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