To be fair it's a very rudimentary implementation... But on trunk at the
moment is a plugin where you can execute all of the management operations
except those relating to discovering other management nodes (since there
aren't any at the moment)... you can also also read, update, delete and
Hi Rob,
I'll take a look at draft 5 when I get a moment - I was looking at draft
3 (which is the one that you linked when you posted on the 14th January).
What you are saying sounds a bit more promising. I hadn't realised that
you were ahead of the curve with respect to implementing this stuff
Hi Fraser,
not sure what version you are looking at, but working draft 5 (
already specifies that attributes on QUERY is optional, and there is a
GET-ATTRIBUTES operation as well.
The create thing is a bit odd, I
On 14/01/14 14:24, Rob Godfrey wrote:
for those interested in emerging OASIS AMQP specifications, a new draft of
the AMQP Management spec was uploaded yesterday:
Rob et. al. it's been a while
Hi Mark,
Is your work email address registered on the list? if not the message may
be awaiting moderation.
Part of the issue is that you are definitely tripping up on a mixture of
JNDI configuration, some of which is of the newer 'Address' syntax variety
and some which is of the older 'Binding UR
this is not possible. In any case, messages from producers get to an exchange.
The exchange checks what bindings match to the message and then it enqueues the
message to all queues of the bindings that matched. Every consumer gets a
message from queues only.
You might to set up alternate ex
Hi, everyone. Trunk opened for 0.28 development three months ago, and
now it's time for the 0.28 alpha. The schedule originally called for
alpha this week, but I'm postponing it to next week so we have time to
talk about it. I will try to make up the time between beta and RC1.
I expect to produ
Hello everyone..
Yesterday i learnt how to bind in between queue and exchange. Now i want to
send messages from one exchange to another exchange in the same broker.
When i try to bind two exchanges it is not allowing. Can any one help me out
Thank you !!
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