I wrote a library to support this type of thing a while ago. I've just
added an example equivalent to Gordon's (there may be some slight
similarities ;) ) to show the retrieval of bindings:
The library hides the compli
On 26/05/17 18:44, mottese wrote:
Gordon Sim wrote
If you run with
QPID_LOG_ENABLE=trace+ it should give some more insight into what was
going wrong over 1.0.
I turned on trace+, but all I seem to be seeing is a whole bunch of the same
[Broker] trace Dispatching to xxx#_yyy
ace Can't deliver to xxx#_yyy
I looked earlier in the log and it looks like it was able to successfully
create the response queue.
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On 26/05/17 18:09, mottese wrote:
I'm running that test program, but I noticed that I never receive a response.
I modified the connection to be:
Connection c(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "localhost"); //, "{protocol:amqp1.0}");
And that worked. Any idea why this would change things?
Does your broke
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On 26/05/17 16:07, mottese wrote:
Suppose I have a consumer listening to amq.topic/mySubject. Can I use QMF to
tell if I have a consumer listening to that address? Right now I am trying
to use a message formatted like this:
Message request;
content["_what"] = "OBJECT";
content["_object_id"] = schemaId;
Is there some way to modify this QMF request to get the information I'm
looking for? Thanks
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