Don't think so. I'm not an expert on Flex emulation in Royale but it's
trying to work as Flex did, so I think if original flex hello world was
around 500kb is normal that emulation is around that size.
Although Royale has a better architecture based on PAYG and strand/beads,
only using UI Set
These inviduals and companies providing Apache Royale Commercial Support.
Alina Kazi
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020, 12:47 am Alina Kazi, wrote:
> Hi Amit,
> For example, we have mx.display.Bitmap alternate of flash.display.Bitmap.
> Find the
Hi Amit,
For example, we have mx.display.Bitmap alternate of flash.display.Bitmap.
Find the alternatives in
Or the other projects of Apache Royale SDK.
Alina Kazi
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020, 12:38 am Ami
Thanks for your help. I have the following left. Are there emulations that
people have created for the below or would I need to develop something from
scratch. Are you aware of any companies that can help me with a migration as
I don't think I will be able to do this on my own!!
Import Statement
Hi all,
I have built the the mxroyale\HelloWorld example using a command line with
the following options:
-debug=false -targets=JSRoyale +configname=flex
The HelloWorld.js file in the js-release folder is 504KB in size which
feels quite big for such a simple application.
Are there any compiler opt