RE: subscribing to the users list documentation

2006-10-10 Thread Email Lists
-> -> What is wrong with the following instructions taken from : -> -> -> -> "Subscription: send mail to users-subscribe -at- -> Unsubscribe: send mail to users-unsubscribe -at-" -> -> -> -- -> Ant

subscribing to the users list documentation

2006-10-10 Thread Email Lists
:// and the wiki it never seems to show how to get on the users list. Kinda takes you from one place to the other without ever telling you... shows how to get on all other kinds of email lists though Anyways, thanks... obviously I am on it, yet I got the info off another

RE: Mail server performance problems. Possible SA slow down?

2006-10-09 Thread Email Lists
-> -> I have requested more memory and an additional processor for the server, -> hope they give me something... -> -> I will be working with the Greylisting and validrcptto, and let you know -> how it goes. -> -> Thanks again, -> -> BR, -> Matias. Welcome. :-) Remember validrcptto is a qmail

spamassassin -D --lint

2006-10-09 Thread Email Lists
When running spamassassin -D --lint > spamconfdebug.txt 2>&1 what obvious things will jump out at someone if there is a problem? There is quite a bit of output stuff to go through regardless and im wondering if there are any standard texts we should grep for in the outputfile Thanks - rh --

RE: Mail server performance problems. Possible SA slow down?

2006-10-09 Thread Email Lists
-> -> I was very happy using SpamAssassin at my email server (Xeon 2.8GHz, -> 1.5 GB memory, Dual Ultra SCSI HD 73.4GB in RAID 1, Linux 2.4.33) -> -> The last few weeks I have noted (angry users calling me by phone) -> that the server is really slow. The loadav goes from 1.5 to 12.5; -> normal

RE: spf: no suitable relay for spf use found

2006-10-09 Thread Email Lists
-> -> Angle brackets? -> -> spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 > ilikedebug.logs -> -> Personally, I'd just read it and forget it... -> -> spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | less -> -> -> Daryl As a long time Linux admin, I felt the same way, yet when I piped it to more, it didn't work, hence my post to

RE: auto learn configs and defaults?

2006-09-28 Thread Email Lists
-> -> You can clear the AWL for a sender like this: -> -> spamassassin --remove-addr-from-whitelist [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> -> ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is the sender) -> -> Make sure you do this as the user who is having the problem. -> -> > Thanks and kind regards -> -> If this doesn't help, post

RE: auto learn configs and defaults?

2006-09-28 Thread Email Lists
-> -> Its probably an AWL score, but without showing us a list of the tests hit -> on -> one of these emails all we can do is throw straws in the air and guess. -> -> Loren -> Ok, a box of straws will be on the way immediately... Any special colors? ;-> I appreciate your time and th

RE: auto learn configs and defaults?

2006-09-28 Thread Email Lists
-> I placed with some rules some time back because I didn't like to see list -> emails from this one person with very poor judgement and taste in his -> signature lines decisions... -> -> Looked like this and I added them to my -> -> # ->header LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_ALL ALL =~ /th auto learn configs and defaults?

2006-09-28 Thread Email Lists
I placed with some rules some time back because I didn't like to see list emails from this one person with very poor judgement and taste in his signature lines decisions... Looked like this and I added them to my # header LOCAL_DEMONSTRATION_ALL ALL =~ /thatjerksdomsin\.com/i

RE: Spamassassin headers

2006-09-26 Thread Email Lists
-> -> I have searched almost every where to solve this problem: -> -> I cant change the spam headers from ***SPAM[score]*** to SPAM: -> I am using Spamassassin 3.1.3 on perl 5.8.8 -> amavisd-new version: 2.3.3 -> SUSE SLES 10 -> -> My looks like this: -> -> # Add your own customisation

RE: Spamassassin headers

2006-09-26 Thread Email Lists
Kim Please forgive, I had my email client set wrong and it didn't wrap your .cf file in the email so... it was uncommented. My fault. Interesting though... maybe you just didn't stop and restart the service? :-) -rh -- Robert - Abba Communications Computer & Internet Services (509) 624-7

RE: Spamassassin headers

2006-09-26 Thread Email Lists
-> -Original Message- -> -> I have searched almost every where to solve this problem: -> -> I cant change the spam headers from ***SPAM[score]*** to SPAM: -> I am using Spamassassin 3.1.3 on perl 5.8.8 -> amavisd-new version: 2.3.3 -> SUSE SLES 10 -> -> My looks like this: ->