Re: @EventListener and unrendered components.

2007-02-08 Thread Daniel Tabuenca
Ok, I'll try to get an example up on the jira that demostrates this. On 2/8/07, Jesse Kuhnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: AhThat is the bread & butter sort of logic I use often as well. I'd need a specific example of how it's not working to be more helpful. (preferrably in JIRA, most time spe

Re: @EventListener and unrendered components.

2007-02-08 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
AhThat is the bread & butter sort of logic I use often as well. I'd need a specific example of how it's not working to be more helpful. (preferrably in JIRA, most time spent on the list is fun "talking time" whereas actually sitting down and fixing things is reserved for fun "jira time" . ;) )

Re: @EventListener and unrendered components.

2007-02-08 Thread Daniel Tabuenca
Well Simply put... something like... (in pseudo tapestry tags... hehe) <@If condition=true > <@Else> content.. On 2/8/07, Jesse Kuhnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ah...I guess that depends on how something is "conditionally" rendered. If the renderComponent() method gets

Re: @EventListener and unrendered components.

2007-02-08 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
Ah...I guess that depends on how something is "conditionally" rendered. If the renderComponent() method gets called on it and Tapestry thinks you want it to get updated it'll happen. Need more info on how it's being conditionally rendered. On 2/7/07, Daniel Tabuenca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I

@EventListener and unrendered components.

2007-02-07 Thread Daniel Tabuenca
I'm trying out the new Tapestry 4.1.1 @EventListener annotation and it works great, except that if the event is on a component that is conditionally rendered, it breaks with the following error: FATAL exception raised: bad srcObj for srcFunc: onclick This is understandable since dojo cannot conn