Re: Is jsp designed for use by large websites

2006-11-25 Thread Igor Borovkov
Hello! If you want to develop a small or medium webapplication and you or your programmers is familiar with PHP I think it is no doubt use PHP. Two years ago when I was in online ecommerce industry I used only PHP. These days I was not familiar with Java. Now I am a Java Developer. Nowadays I

Communication with a standalone java program from servlets (embedded tomcat). RMI?

2006-11-03 Thread Igor Borovkov
Hello! I have a standalone java program permanently running on a server. I need to communicate with that java program from servlets. Could you suggest me a simplest solution how to do that. I think I should use RMI. But there is one requirement – apache tomcat should be embedded to that program.

Re[2]: Communication with a standalone java program from servlets (embedded tomcat). RMI?

2006-11-03 Thread Igor Borovkov
I don't know of anything that requires you to embed Tomcat in your app. They should be able to communicate just find as separate entities. You could also Thanks for your reply. We thought about embedding tomcat (to startup it from the java program) to simplify whole application and improve

Re[2]: Communication with a standalone java program from servlets (embedded tomcat). RMI?

2006-11-03 Thread Igor Borovkov
Igor- when you say 'tomcat' should be embedded ..does this imply that one+ of these tomcat constructs should be embedded? Servlet? Manager? MBean? Internals? Sorry. I am not perfectly familiar with embedding tomcat server at present time I just ment starting tomcat server from the java