> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Eggers [mailto:its_toas...@yahoo.com]
> $SU - this is the su command to run
> If you're running SELinux, you'll need to set this to /sbin/runuser.
This was it! SELinux is unfortunately set to "disabled" (as it conflicts
with HBSS, which is required), but
Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> Note that calling startup.sh and shutdown.sh is just a wrapper for
> calling catalina.sh with arguments "start" and "stop" respectively.
> I'd recommend co call catalina.sh directly instead of those wrapper
> scripts.
> Either java fails to start (and catalina.out is
I'm starting up Tomcat 7.0 on RHEL6 with the following init script:
# chkconfig: 235 80 20
# description: Takes care of starting and stopping Tomcat.
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jdk6-64/"
case "$1" in
/bin/su tomcat -c "