Use converter for bean property inside normal html tag

2007-09-03 Thread Trumml
I'd like to use the DateTimeConverter inside the following tr tag (for the bean property diagnoseDatum): tr onmouseover=Tip('Erfasst am: ${diagnose.diagnoseDatum}') How can I achieve this? I've registered my own converter but it is only applied if I use a jsf tag (e.g. h:outputText...) converter

Execute method each request

2007-07-26 Thread Trumml
I want to execute a method each time a request is performed to my jsf site. The implementation for this request should remain in a jar file which is packed into the WAR file under WEB-INF/lib directory. I guess there is no solution to do this with a valve, because the class (jar) for the valve

Execute method each request

2007-07-26 Thread Trumml
I want to execute a method each time a request is performed to my jsf site. The implementation for this request should remain in a jar file which is packed into the WAR file under WEB-INF/lib directory. I guess there is no solution to do this with a valve, because the class (jar) for the valve

Initialize something once when deploying war file

2007-07-04 Thread Trumml
I'm using JBoss 327 with Tomcat 5. My applications running inside JBoss (Tomcat) need some kind of runtime initializing. For example when a MBean is deployed, inside the start() method my runtime will be initialized. How can I achieve this with a WAR file? I want to call a method once when my WAR

Initialize something once when deploying war file

2007-07-04 Thread Trumml
I'm using JBoss 327 with Tomcat 5. My applications running inside JBoss (Tomcat) need some kind of runtime initializing. For example when a MBean is deployed, inside the start() method my runtime will be initialized. How can I achieve this with a WAR file? I want to call a method once when my WAR