Martin Lambert wrote:
> For point 3, I'm not sure whether you're referring to the Sun JSP coding
> conventions document or the Tomcat documentation for the Jasper Ant Task
> (
> I have no problem with the
n the same format
as the standard Ant documentation for tasks, detailing each task option would
be perfect.
-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 January 2007 17:17
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JSP include issue when pre-compiling
1) If you keep reading, it also says: "JSP fragments that are not
complete pages should always use the .jspf suffix and should always be
placed in /WEB-INF/jspf"
2) Try requesting test2.jsp (the jsp which was the fragment earlier in
this thread) from the browser - it won't compile
3) The doc
Sent: 25 January 2007 12:05
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JSP include issue when pre-compiling using Ant/Tomcat
Jsp files which are compile time includes should not end in .jsp - but
something else. (Preferably .jspf)
renaming test2.jsp to test2.jspf will fix your precompilation issue.
Jsp files which are compile time includes should not end in .jsp - but
something else. (Preferably .jspf)
renaming test2.jsp to test2.jspf will fix your precompilation issue.
Using jspf has the added advantage of also letting you know immediately
the files being used as compile time includes.
I'm having problems doing JSP pre-compilation using Tomcat's JSP
pre-compilation libraries and Ant. The problem is demonstrated by the following:
<% String myVar = "Hello"; %>
<%@ include file="test2.jsp" %>
Some more text
<%= myVar + "World" %>